What does Urban Dictionary say about you?

A Mykayla is a girl who is good at singing, and beautiful. The name often show's possession. MY Kayla, you see? (Talk about modernism...) Mykayla's are also very logical, they keep a planner for organization, and work hard at everything. To call someone a Mykayla is surely a compliment.

I must have missed the memo. :oldrazz:

1. A kid who is always up to party and have a good time.

2. is a slang for huge **** like incredibly huge.

3. The man of my dreams, a man who is always happy never stops smiling, makes me feel as if I could fly, a man to spend the rest of my life with.

Games over. I win.
1. Christopher

Maybe when you first meet a Christopher they'll seem like a jerk, and hurt you emotionally multiple times, or possible make the lamest jokes but one day he'll make up for it all, the best he can. Christophers will eventually realize the love that they've stored in a safe place for you. Christophers usually ave the most gorgeous smile out there, and the most seductive voice. They're someone you wouldn't mind spending the rest of your entire life with. They have a tendancy to spend more time thinking of what to do for someone else than themselves. Christophers love adventure, new things, something to get their blood rushing and heart pounding.

I love my Christopher, forever and always.
That soldier, he keeps me sane.

2. christopher
Means Christ-bearer, only cool people are called Christopher
My entries were quite vulgar, but basically I am a demigod and I am packing heat. So basically, Hercules...-_-
I made one for knowsbleed a long time ago.

Someone you CANNOT get off your mind because he is always so funny and cute. A Derek is a hotty with a killer body.

Suzie: ahh man! look at him,.. hes such a Derek!!
Izzle: O my gosh! I can never stop thinking about him, hes such a Derek!
Marisa: I LOVE HIM!

Someone of high social class. Usually categorized by an over-sized growth in their pants. Also known for their ability to seduce and charm the ladies with their devilishly good looking hair and smile.

if only ...:csad:
A formidable foe to normal people. intelligent, strong forceful. a weird hybrid of a bully and a nerd. As well as the first dictator of the America and king of the new peaceful world. Also known as Timebomb and various other variations including at least TB.
I am David. All other David's fall in march as we conquer the world. For a new Earth of peace void of general stupidity.

So, um.....okay then.
Duran (Man)

Duran actually means one who is prefect without flaw. With someone named Duran it is obvious they're flawless, impeccable and undeniably indefectible. People with this name tend to have beautiful facial features and they have hair like silk! If you're a Duran that means you don't need school because your looks will undoubtedly take you through life with flying colors. Others are jealous and envious of him. It's quite the conundrum actually. People indubitably will never apprehend or fathom how there can be such a perfect creature.
First definition for Derik..."extremely sexy and has very large you know what."

...alright then!

Someone who is tired of searching their name on the internet and recieving only religion-related results, overall an awesome person, extremely intelligent and attractive

...sounds about right lol
"Mr. Wooden Alligator's real name":

1. "can be used interchangeably with the word 'sexy.'"

2. "Old Teutonic meaning: Shield wolf, leader of the wolf pack."


an epic achievement or great feat of skill or ingenuity generally associated with overcoming adverse odds
1. Justine
Individual and artistic, a Justine usually doens't give a crap about what anybody thinks of her.
Innovative and sincere, a Justine is a jack of all trades and appears to succeed in all that she puts her mind to or at least appear to. ;)
Thus, insecure people will either hate on a Justine just for breathing or feel safe under a Justine's wing. ( due to a Justine's natural paternal nature)


This is very true!

1. A kid who is always up to party and have a good time.

2. is a slang for huge **** like incredibly huge.

3. The man of my dreams, a man who is always happy never stops smiling, makes me feel as if I could fly, a man to spend the rest of my life with.

Games over. I win.

:highfive: We sure did and it's not like people named Chris would submit those answers to make ourselves look better.

Apparently my username is a slang term for hard nipples. :o
1. alexandra

One of the best friends you could ever meet. Sometimes quiet and patient but when she's around a group shes wild and fun. She is always there to listen to you and give you a hug if you need one. She is willing to try anything and is very athletic. She can talk for hours or just have no idea what's going on. She is an overall great person to be around.
Megan-who's that girl over there?
Zach-I dont know but she's really hot!
Zach-I think her name is Alexandra.
Megan-Yeah she looks like an Alexandra
a cute guy who is nice to his girlfriend and makes her laugh alot a billy is someone you either want to marry or have a long nice relationship. A billy is someone who might get his fealing hurts easily if you flirt with a nother girl he can be jelouse at times but in the end he still loves you but hes stupid you feal confident (brain wise) around him

a commonly used name for a boy. usually people would define a billy as very plain, but if you were to get to know one, you would see how amazing and fun he really is. usually very adventurous, honest, outgoing, carefree, handsome,and has a good sense of humor. tends to have very good taste in music, is a great kisser, very romantic, and an amazing lover. loves trying new things, very determined, professional, can be serious, and shoots for the stars. very loyal friend, and an even more loyal boyfriend.

1) A slang term for bong, mainly used in Australia.
2) A small pot a bushman uses to brew tea and cook soup in.

Things were going so well until I became a bong.
1. Nick
the most amazing person alive with a huge penis

2. nick
the hottest, sexiest man you will ever meet. usually has a very large penis, makes a really good boyfriend and is alwyas condfident about himself. can kick almost anyones ass and is quite a gentleman. always get with a nick, you will alwyas be pleased.
"man that guy guy was so good last night, he had such a big dick."
"must have been a NIck"

3. Nick
A male who's really shy, but once you get to know him he comes out of his shell and is really funny. He doesn't talk much until you get to know him.
He's cute, funny, nice, and sweet, but those are only a few of his great characteristics.
He makes a wonderful boyfriend and any girl is lucky of have him.
"Wow look at him... he's really good looking, but he doesn't talk much."
"Well what do you expect, he's a Nick!"

4. nick
Bag of weed costing $5. Short for "Nickel".
We had a dime last night, but we smoked it down to a nick.

An intelligent, sexy, well rounded guy. Can be shy at times, but is liked by mostly everyone. He is lay back, but is a natural born determined leader of the masses, if only he can get over his fear of success. He is ambitious, but is also very prone to laziness. A Brian is often labeled as arrogant, but when you get to really know him, you'll find out he's just timid. Brians are nurturers, protectors, and appreciators of humanity. As partners, Brians see femininity as part of themselves, as a result, Brians find it incredibly easy to please the lady in their life. Brians are adored by women, and are often prone to promiscuity, unless a person of equal wit and intelligence keeps them interested. As lovers, Brians take the award as sex-machines, period! Brians are intimately affectionate, passionate intense lovers. Sex with a brian is like awakening an unknown side of yourself, so make sure you fasten your seat belt! And I MUST say again, Brians are INTENSE lovers, and will quickly learn which buttons to press, when & where; and rapidly understand your bodies language of pleasure.
A Brian can also be very mistrusting of others, and as shy observers, can come off as antisocial. Brians can be prone to depression, social disconnection and have a tendency to enjoy alcohol to the point of self-destruction. Negatively, Brians can be truly despised by close friends. Because Brians are very intelligent, they are good at getting revenge, and can be cold-hearted sarcastic *******s!

1. A devilish romancer with knowledge of his charming good looks, a dancefreak who always has a new dance partner.
Never commits. Always texting or myspacing a new lady every minute. Always gives one or 2 word replys.

2.Handsome,sexy very very big down low and a sweet talker with a kind heart so you know he does good with the ladies. not too good with school but does enough to get by maybe a little more if hes bored but overall hes a cool guy who likes to hang out with lots of friends n talk to a different girl every day of the week. He is also an extremely great lover who no girl ever forgets or regrets

An extremely attractive individual who sets the standard for others by being completely and undeniably amazing in every way possible. Worshiped for having the finest ass in America, and getting the most wanted action from girls.

And a lot of the higher rated definitions are equally good oddly enough. I expected the worst

1. The cutest boy in the entire world worth giving the entire world to and for. there is nothing is no one better.

"I love Derick with all my heart." "Derick is the love of my life."

2. Possibly the greatest thing created by God him self, aka God's child.

Boy:Hey did you here about Derick
Boy:I heard he ended world hunger

3. A person to look for.

We look for Derick.

....I like number 2 best. :o

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