What is CHANGE?

I'll tell you what change isn't Malice...and then you'll understand why I can never go back to Sea World. :csad:
What is change???????? :huh:


It's pretty much all I'll have left after Obama taxes me to death. :csad:

You are not clever in the least :o
What is change???????? :huh:


It's pretty much all I'll have left after Obama taxes me to death. :csad:

Judging by your previous posts on here, somehow I'm doubting you are old enough to file taxes anyhow.
Change within the context of this election means a change from the way things have been done the last eight years with George Bush in the White House. It's a different approach to the way health care is handled in the US. It's a different approach to how we are handling the war in Iraq, and foreign policy in general. A different approach to how our country spends it's money. A different approach to how our government solves our economic crisis. And whether you believe Obama or not, he also says he wants to change the partisan politics that are so prevalent in congress and the senate. Working with Republicans to get things done for the good of the nation. Whether or not you believe Obama will follow through in his desire for "change", to say it's an empty phrase, and that the way Obama wants to do things is not a change from the way things have been done the last eight years is naive. Whether or not he actually will dramatically change the landscape of American politics remains to be seen, but of all the candidates out there he seems the most likely in my opinion to do so.
Honestly...he is presenting it to the people as change...what he wants is something different than change...he wants a combination of Reform and Socialism

I just hate the word CHANGE now
"Change" is the only word B. Hussein Obama has in his arsenal.
"Change" is the only word B. Hussein Obama has in his arsenal.

Wahhhhhh Hussein is his middle name nooooo that wont stand, having Obama was bad enough...thanks Gamma Ray you have opened my eyes i shan't vote for that man with that name.
Gah! Not the middle name! :eek:

(runs away to avoid page-long discussion on why Gamma Ray is fear mongering)

Come on, even you can not be so Hillary-biased as to see omitting his first name and using his middle name instead is not an obvious ploy to get a reaction. Seriously though, this is getting to be really lame. Who the hell cares that his middle name is Hussein other than a few right wing nut jobs? It's obvious that Gamma Ray cares enough, otherwise he would call Barack Obama "Barack Obama" like 99.9% of the rest of the world.
I can do without the snapping.
Howard Deans 'beyahh" was mentioned.Dont forget Ted Stevens bridge to NO!where..And there was Billy Tozans "You think you love your mother more than I do?" ....Is Tozan even Itallian? wtf

I loved the Howard Dean "beyahh" thing, pissed me off that he got destroyed by the media for it, finally someone who shows emotion and the media makes him seem like he needs to be in a nuthouse. It's the main reason why we've had George Bush for the last eight years because the democratic candidates showed no emotion, they could've been robots for all we knew, that's the big reason Clinton and Bush were elected, they connected with people. The message is always the same it's the personality that gets people elected these days.
Come on, even you can not be so Hillary-biased as to see omitting his first name and using his middle name instead is not an obvious ploy to get a reaction. Seriously though, this is getting to be really lame. Who the hell cares that his middle name is Hussein other than a few right wing nut jobs? It's obvious that Gamma Ray cares enough, otherwise he would call Barack Obama "Barack Obama" like 99.9% of the rest of the world.

It's such a non-issue though. I just can't believe how cuckoo his supporters go whenever his middle name is used... but we've already had this debate :whatever:
Change is when something goes from one thing to another thing. Think of it as having a Pokemon that you have trained for years. Eventually due to the passing of time and the gaining of new experience/knowledge, it is necessary and natural for that Pokemon to "evolve" or change into something new. Barrack Obama is just that change for America and its his time. We CAN change. We CAN evolve. OK?
Change is when something goes from one thing to another thing. Think of it as having a Pokemon that you have trained for years. Eventually due to the passing of time and the gaining of new experience/knowledge, it is necessary and natural for that Pokemon to "evolve" or change into something new. Barrack Obama is just that change for America and its his time. We CAN change. We CAN evolve. OK?
So! According to that analogy, Barack Obama's ..... a Pokemon.

I have never heard of him being compared to a Pokemon before... Milli Vanilli sure, but a Pokemon.....

That's quite something

Which one - pikachu ?
Where do I sign up for a Poke Ball?
Change is when something goes from one thing to another thing.

Like when a train goes from Washington to Philly? :huh:

Think of it as having a Pokemon that you have trained for years.

If people who like Pokemon are supporting Barack Obama, I want nothing to do with him. Support American animation, dammit!
Like when a train goes from Washington to Philly? :huh:

If people who like Pokemon are supporting Barack Obama, I want nothing to do with him. Support American animation, dammit!


*Makes the sign against Evil*
Just thought this thread should be brought up again, now that Barack Obama is president.

I'll be looking forward to what he'll do in the next 4 years, if ever this 'change' will be realized.
Just as long as no one starts with the Pokemon comparisons again.
This thread is home to some of my favorite banned posters... :heart:

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