they don't need to explain itI'm going to go with Harry being alive and divorced 3 times. I'm still waiting to see how they explain how Harry came back in this reality
Worst character so far is Vin. Just doesn't do it for me.
Everything else has been golden.
I actually thought Vin was probably the most well rounded of the BND cast.
he has reasons for the way he acts. even though he is a little over the top sometimes.
Worst character so far for me is DEXTER BENNETT. hands down.
they don't need to explain it
"it's magic"
Harry Osborn did die.....he just came back it says it in NWTD 6 its like the first or second page when he's arguing with Norman. I guess they want to stick with Everything happened the same except they MJ and Pete were never married. They're gonna tell us how he came back in a futire issue
None of the above.
The unexplained gaps in time that make it feel like a completley different character.
the worst thing since bnd is putting up with the big whine-fest that this board has turned into.
J/k... Well, half.
Only in comic books.....Harry Osborn did die.....he just came back