What Is Wrong With Me?!

My problem with this entire line of thinking is that there is something wrong with everyone. The concepts of being normal or weird that people so desperately cling to are fabrications of the truth. Every person is different. If someone was normal, they'd stop being an individual. Society loves to have ideas that stand together, but are contradictory in nature. You don't watch anything that is labeled feminine. Many people do similar things, only in other areas of life. It is nothing new. I have no idea why anyone would want to be normal anyway. All our weird habits is what makes us truly interesting. Why would you want to be normal? To please the invisible hand of society?

Normal and weird don't exist, and there is something wrong with everyone. This is my life philosophy.
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I don't mind going shopping with my girlfriend when she wants to model what she's tryng on. It's good fun that can potentially lead to more good fun later.

Nothing wrong with being a tomboy, Godzilla. Don't listen to society when they tell you that you're not supposed to be.
Another thing I'd like to point out is that to truly get somewhere in life, it is not about how well you fit in. It is about how well you stand out. If Tom Brady was an average football player, would he be a celebrity today? Same with Michael Phelps, Brad Pitt, Steven Spielberg, etc.

Everyone is born with different skills and develop varying interests. These are what dictate and ultimately define our lives. Instead of questioning the way we are, we should accept the way we are and embrace it. Sooner people do that, the sooner you'll make things happen for yourself.
You will all wear dresses and like it!!! :cmad:
Why would I want to when I'll never look as good as you?
My legs are pretty amazing. :heart:
My problem with this entire line of thinking is that there is something wrong with everyone. The concepts of being normal or weird that people so desperately cling to are fabrications of the truth. Every person is different. If someone was normal, they'd stop being an individual. Society loves to have ideas that stand together, but are contradictory in nature. You don't watch anything that is labeled feminine. Many people do similar things, only in other areas of life. It is nothing new. I have no idea why anyone would want to be normal anyway. All our weird habits is what makes us truly interesting. Why would you want to be normal? To please the invisible hand of society?

Normal and weird don't exist, and there is something wrong with everyone. This is my life philosophy.

I guess my issue has always been that other people treated me as some sort of freak of nature because I was off doing my own thing instead of playing follow the leader. For me, psyche wise, whatever everybody else was/is doing, I'll do the exact opposite. And that has gotten me rejected by people who little understand who I am or bother to understand in the first place. I'm a very introspective, mysterious, secretive person. Basically what you read here is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of who I am. I have many, many more layers to my personality that those involved in cliques seem to ignore just to feel like they're accepted by their little microcosmic group. But if only at least one person could look past the surface and see not just the black and the white but all my other colors as well, I don't think I'd feel as much of an outcast stranger in this world as I do now. There is just so much going on in my mind that I don't vocalize because I figure it's nobody's business but my own (And I'm not into blogging about my personal life on a daily basis nor did I ever keep diaries as a girl because of how private I am.), that is unless you are my significant other. There is a lot I'd share with him that not even I'd want my family to be privy to, because, well they're my family. I feel awkward enough around them as it is because I've always been under the shadow of my oldest sister for so long. Plus they make a huge deal about things we take for granted, like if I were to bring a guy to Christmas Dinner. It's a huge deal for them because it's me we're talking about like my bringing a date isn't normal so they'd blow it out of proportion like it was the event of the century. My 3 years younger sister is famous for making a huge deal out of natural things that I do and I hate it. I wish she'd just shut up about me dating or drinking 1 glass of wine once in a blue moon like it was something abnormal. For God's sake I'm 36, not 6. You'd all be amazed by my whole picture. You're only seeing partly assembled puzzle pieces right now.

P.S. I also hate being treated like a charity case martyr. It makes me cringe when I see people with sad eyes hanging their heads low in my presence. I might be a girl, but I have a tough will of steel. If I didn't I'd have ended my life a long time ago because of traumas I've experienced since birth. I don't want to be treated as an object of pity. I want to be treated with respect and admiration for my intestinal fortitude to fight through this life with some sense of self dignity no matter how traumatic events in my past have been.
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It's a good thing that you don't follow the trend. At least you're not like them superficial, spoilt little brats that go shopping with daddys credit card.

You shouldn't be questioning you self like this, you sound like a great person to me.
Oh, I am definitely not a lesbian. I much rather prefer the company of men thank you very much. Girls just lack...the right kind of plumbing if you get my drift. Besides, if I wanted to look at boobies all day all I'd have to do is look in the mirror.

That's subtle.
It's a good thing that you don't follow the trend. At least you're not like them superficial, spoilt little brats that go shopping with daddy's credit card.

You shouldn't be questioning you self like this, you sound like a great person to me.

Heh! It's not like my daddy even has that much money to throw around anyway. Besides, like I said I just turned 36 and I'd find using "daddy's" money to buy frivolous junk so to speak a little beneath me. My parents always taught me to earn the money for the stupid stuff instead of begging for hand outs. I would use the monetary donations or credit cards to shop at the grocery store, because if there's one thing I love to do, it's cook.

And thanks a lot for the encouragement. I think most of my problem stems from not within me but from outside sources. It's nice to know there are some open minded people out there in the world.

That's subtle.

[sarcasm font]Did you not know? I am the Queen of Subtlety and Tact.[/sarcasm font]:oldrazz::woot::cwink:

Oh I've said my fair share of stupid things in public and put both feet in my mouth, I'll admit to that. I apologize to anyone I've pissed off because of my lack of verbal skills but when you live like me you don't have someone at home to correct such behavior. Why, when I was just 6 years old I broke the news a dog we had at the time had died by running in the house and announcing at the top of my lungs that he was laying in the backyard and I couldn't wake him up. To which my eldest sister (The one I've been in the shadow of.) started balling. I couldn't understand why.

Oh, and this just came to me as I was thinking of my older sister, but on Thanksgiving my mother said something which I know was in jest, but it still bothers me. She basically told myself and my younger sister that they were going to stop having children after my eldest sister was born. A confidence booster that was not when I was already not feeling the greatest to begin with. But I went on pretending I wasn't bothered by the comment, as well as others throughout the day and evening, and I just had to get out of there towards the end. Talk about making me feel absolutely microscopic.
Heh! It's not like my daddy even has that much money to throw around anyway. Besides, like I said I just turned 36 and I'd find using "daddy's" money to buy frivolous junk so to speak a little beneath me. My parents always taught me to earn the money for the stupid stuff instead of begging for hand outs. I would use the monetary donations or credit cards to shop at the grocery store, because if there's one thing I love to do, it's cook.

And thanks a lot for the encouragement. I think most of my problem stems from not within me but from outside sources. It's nice to know there are some open minded people out there in the world.

You love to cook do ya?! I love to cook as well! What sort of stuff do you like making?
You love to cook do ya?! I love to cook as well! What sort of stuff do you like making?

Oh, I love experimenting with any old recipe if I have the ingredients. From Main Courses to desserts I just love to cook. I think it's a genetic trait that was passed along to my by my Paternal Grandmother. Oh the things she used to cook when she was still alive. My maternal Grandmother on the other hand was a horrible cook but I still loved her anyway. God, I miss those two, especially my maternal grandmother.
Oh, I love experimenting with any old recipe if I have the ingredients. From Main Courses to desserts I just love to cook.


One of my favourite little dishes to cook is stuffed peppers, my girlfriend loves them! :D

One of my favourite little dishes to cook is stuffed peppers, my girlfriend loves them! :D

Oh I love making stuffed Peppers. And Pigs in a Blanket too. I just wish I had a boyfriend to cook these for, but I guess for the moment that's not my fate. Oh well.
I guess my issue has always been that other people treated me as some sort of freak of nature because I was off doing my own thing instead of playing follow the leader. For me, psyche wise, whatever everybody else was/is doing, I'll do the exact opposite. And that has gotten me rejected by people who little understand who I am or bother to understand in the first place. I'm a very introspective, mysterious, secretive person. Basically what you read here is just the tip of the iceberg in terms of who I am. I have many, many more layers to my personality that those involved in cliques seem to ignore just to feel like they're accepted by their little microcosmic group. But if only at least one person could look past the surface and see not just the black and the white but all my other colors as well, I don't think I'd feel as much of an outcast stranger in this world as I do now. There is just so much going on in my mind that I don't vocalize because I figure it's nobody's business but my own (And I'm not into blogging about my personal life on a daily basis nor did I ever keep diaries as a girl because of how private I am.), that is unless you are my significant other. There is a lot I'd share with him that not even I'd want my family to be privy to, because, well they're my family. I feel awkward enough around them as it is because I've always been under the shadow of my oldest sister for so long. Plus they make a huge deal about things we take for granted, like if I were to bring a guy to Christmas Dinner. It's a huge deal for them because it's me we're talking about like my bringing a date isn't normal so they'd blow it out of proportion like it was the event of the century. My 3 years younger sister is famous for making a huge deal out of natural things that I do and I hate it. I wish she'd just shut up about me dating or drinking 1 glass of wine once in a blue moon like it was something abnormal. For God's sake I'm 36, not 6. You'd all be amazed by my whole picture. You're only seeing partly assembled puzzle pieces right now.

P.S. I also hate being treated like a charity case martyr. It makes me cringe when I see people with sad eyes hanging their heads low in my presence. I might be a girl, but I have a tough will of steel. If I didn't I'd have ended my life a long time ago because of traumas I've experienced since birth. I don't want to be treated as an object of pity. I want to be treated with respect and admiration for my intestinal fortitude to fight through this life with some sense of self dignity no matter how traumatic events in my past have been.

As a fellow private individual, I understand what you're saying. Several members in my family thought I was gay for years since I was a bit of a late bloomer and my family reacts similarly to news on the front. The key is to not let stuff get to you. People will always try and solve puzzles they don't understand and apply their own logic in order to achieve understanding, which by its nature is flawed since you can't understand another person by injecting your own logic. Whenever you think something is wrong with you, remember that there is something wrong with everyone. It will help ease your mind.
People will always try and solve puzzles they don't understand and apply their own logic in order to achieve understanding, which by its nature is flawed since you can't understand another person by injecting your own logic.

And therein lies a lot of problems for me. It seems like everybody treats me like an inert lump of clay they want to mold into their own little fantasies without my say in anything under the noble yet misguided notion that they're helping me. But despite all their good intentions I'd just feel like I'm playing a role and not being myself. I do have natural assets as I alluded to. Yes, I am not lacking in the cleavage area (38 D last I checked.) and I have a "Ghetto Booty" whatever that means, but that doesn't imply I want to tart myself up and act like a Sex Goddess. It's such a fleeting little thing and no one would remember you for your God given talents when your looks fade and you're replaced like yesterday's news. Does anyone remember Marilyn Monroe for her acting, which was much better when she was allowed to actually act and not like the "dumb blond" all the time. I bet nobody knows that 60's sex symbol Jayne Mansfield was an accomplished concert violinist either because people focused on her physical assets, not her intellectual ones.

I guess what it comes down to is that for anyone who is either close to me, like my family, or wants to get close to me as a friend or romantically, whomever that might be, I just want to be treated like a normal human being, not something to gawk and point at. Or, like my younger sister does, make it seem like my doing average, everyday things, like dating or enjoy 1 drink, seem like the heaven's will fall from the sky and Hell has frozen over. And my family wonders why I stay so secretive with them. God, I hate it when they intrude in my life.
"Help I'm 36 but I have all the angst and troubles of a 16-year-old!"
"Help I'm 36 but I have all the angst and troubles of a 16-year-old!"

I'm a strange alien creature trapped in this ugly human body who ages at a much slower rate than you humans do. :oldrazz:

P.S. I'm glad you never had any influences in your life that keep holding you back, but not everyone can be like you. At least I have the guts to admit I have vulnerabilities publicly.
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I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with Mee for many, many years. Still no luck.

Also, This thread needs pics. Because you might be a lesbian. A less ****ty Kim Kardashian-like lesbian.
I have been trying to figure out what is wrong with Mee for many, many years. Still no luck.

Also, This thread needs pics. Because you might be a lesbian. A less ****ty Kim Kardashian-like lesbian.

Uh...no, I am not a lesbian for the millionth time. I can't even stand looking at myself naked in the mirror. What makes you think I'd like seeing other women naked?
Cauz u r the lezzy!!!???!??!
Uh...no, I am not a lesbian for the millionth time. I can't even stand looking at myself naked in the mirror. What makes you think I'd like seeing other women naked?
Because you're on the Hype!

All girls on the Hype are either males, hermaphrodites, lesbians, deranged, or DBella and AndThePickles.

I don't know which you are, but I was just giving it a guess... hence the "you might be a lesbian" part.
I'm a strange alien creature trapped in this ugly human body who ages at a much slower rate than you humans do. :oldrazz:

P.S. I'm glad you never had any influences in your life that keep holding you back, but not everyone can be like you. At least I have the guts to admit I have vulnerabilities publicly.


You've got no idea what 'influences' I've had in my life-- because I don't whine about them on a superhero message board. Crying about your 'vulnerabilities' doesn't take guts- picking up and living your damn life despite whatever 'influences' you think have the power to 'hold you back' does.

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