What is your favorite "final battle" in the MCU?


Oct 27, 2010
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Every movie in the Marvel Cinematic Universe so far has had a large-scale, climactic battle or action sequence toward the end. Which is your personal favorite?
Cap vs Red Skull, it's the only one of the phase 1 end battles that's wholly satisfying and doesn't feel short.

Avengers was great but too much going on for me to really focus.
You're kidding right? The Battle at New York blows all others out of the water.
I am not particularly fond of any of them really. In terms of well executed spectacle, I suppose Avengers earns the top spot. But the whole thing is too weightless and tensionless for me to care (I prefer greatly the hellicarrier showdown).
You're kidding right? The Battle at New York blows all others out of the water.

While I made this poll knowing that The Avengers ending fight was almost certainly going to be the majority vote, I do know for a fact that there are some other sequences that people prefer. Some have criticized the Avengers sequence for being too busy or risk-free, so I thought it would be fair to give the option for all seven.

Regardless of your vote, feel free to give reasons for why it's your choice.
I think the final battle in New York, in The Avengers takes the biscuit here.
I am not particularly fond of any of them really. In terms of well executed spectacle, I suppose Avengers earns the top spot. But the whole thing is too weightless and tensionless for me to care (I prefer greatly the hellicarrier showdown).

It had more tension than the most overrated scene in the MCU so far, Iron Man 3's Air Force One rescue. The entire time, Stark wasn't in any danger. I hated that scene so much.

As for the final battle, I'd vote the New York battle in Avengers. It had a little of everything.

The best image though was Iron Man 2, Iron Man and War Machine, back-to-back. That was an amazing picture. The battle wasn't great, but that image was awesome.
The battle of NY is cinematic masterpiece on it's own, however I voted for Cap since it seems unfair to compare what is essentially the culmination of Phase 1 with those final battles of the solo movies and out of those, Caps battle was the best. At least for me.
The Battle of New York is the standard to me. The only comic book action sequences I've seen that have rivaled it so far were in Man of Steel, but I'm not sure they were able to top it yet.
You're kidding right? The Battle at New York blows all others out of the water.

Each to their own I just prefer Cap vs the Red Skull.

Tbh I got a little bored with the fighting in the Avengers, it just didn't have much weight to it for me. That's probably because they were fighting a load of characterless aliens.
I like IM2 for the IM and War Machine double act, felt a bit like a Lethal Weapon buddy cop movie with great banter between the two.

Avengers was fun, but the CGI fest and talking to each other via space plothole, against nameless Chihuahua's sort of dragged down the first two acts of the film.

Cap V RS just about wins because even though Cap wins he sort of loses and the Peggy thing too just added a bit of emotional weight the other two were missing.
Avengers was fun, but the CGI fest and talking to each other via space plothole, against nameless Chihuahua's sort of dragged down the first two acts of the film.
What are you referring to here?
I'm wondering if this thread would have been better off and more balanced if I didn't add the Avengers to the poll.
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I'm wondering if this thread would have been better off and more balanced if I didn't add the Avengers to the poll.

Yes none of the others can compete with the Avengers. If not for that I would vote for Cap vs Skull.
It had more tension than the most overrated scene in the MCU so far,
i disagree, on both counts.

Iron Man 3's Air Force One rescue. The entire time, Stark wasn't in any danger. I hated that scene so much.
The tension wasn't for Stark. You didn't get this?
They were talking to each other without any ear pieces and they were some distance from each other...
LOL, that's not a plot hole. It's apparently just their own damn fault for assuming we'd be able to assume that the earpieces a spy agency like SHIELD uses in that super high tech, futuristic world are, ya know, covert (aka, invisible) earpieces. Which exist in real life and are literally designed to be hidden from view. Kinda the point. And I would imagine in the sci-fi world of the MCU, such a simple real-life spy tool would be easily perfected, so we wouldn't see them...unless we got a gigantic close-up of the inside of someone's ear. Which is why "spy-fi" movies/shows use that invisible earpiece device (pun intended) all the time. Because it's a given that the earpieces are that small/camouflaged, or even implanted somewhere (remember the "tooth radios" in Get Smart? lol).

The Avengers, like pretty much any CBM, is not without it's plot/logic holes, but invisible earpieces ain't one of 'em.
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LOL, that's not a plot hole. It's apparently just their own damn fault for assuming we'd be able to assume that the earpieces a spy agency like SHIELD uses in that super high tech, futuristic world are, ya know, covert (aka, invisible) earpieces. Which exist in real life and are literally designed to be hidden from view. Kinda the point. And I would imagine in the sci-fi world of the MCU, such a simple real-life spy tool would be easily perfected, so we wouldn't see them...unless we got a gigantic close-up of the inside of someone's ear. Which is why "spy-fi" movies/shows use that invisible earpiece device (pun intended) all the time. Because it's a given that the earpieces are that small/camouflaged, or even implanted somewhere (remember the "tooth radios" in Get Smart? lol).

The Avengers, like pretty much any CBM, is not without it's plot/logic holes, but invisible earpieces ain't one of 'em.

I've seen the earpiece thing cited a few times and it never makes sense to me that people could watch the film and not know that the earpieces were hidden. In the Helicarrier battle Cap's earpiece was actually visible at one point. It was in his right ear and was flesh colored (pink) which made it hard to spot. Natasha even put her hand to her ear several times when talking over the comm, which was hidden by her hair. Hawkeye obviously also had one, and Stark could communicate with his suit. But Thor and Hulk didn't have communication devices and were only seen talking with teammates when close enough to have conversations normally.

Obviously Whedon and his crew gave some members of the audience more credit than they deserved as far as picking up on the most obvious clues was concerned.
Hulk vs Abomination is my second favorite fight, but I voted for it on the poll
1. Captian America vs. Red Skull
2. Iron Man & War Machine vs. Whiplash & Iron Drones
3. Iron Man vs. Iron Monger
4. The Avengers vs. Loki & the Chitauri
5. Thor vs. Loki
6. Hulk vs. Abomination
7. Tony Stark & James Rhodes & Pepper Potts & Iron Man suits vs. Aldrich Killian & Extremis soldiers

While the top three final battles are nothing special, they are still fun to watch. Everything under number three is just boring, except for number seven which is both boring and disappointing.
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