What would you like to see in the rumoured new costume?


Jul 16, 2003
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According to LITG, Alex Ross will be designing a new costume for Batman, post-Final Crisis (despite the plan to kill/replace Batman getting canned). So, I'm interested to know what people would like to see in such a costume.

It's flirting with disaster, certainly--it's going to be hard to match the classic costume, and Alex Ross' redesigns are as often lame as they are brilliant. But let's ignore that for now.

I'm sure "Bring the oval back" will be a popular comment. Personally, I strongly dislike the oval--not because it's yellow, but because it's an oval. It's just not my kind of icon. I would be interested to see a yellow circle instead of an oval, so the insignia would look like the bat-signal. My ultimate personal preference is for the plain black bat (specifically, the way Ross draws it), but a yellow/gold circle would be cool, too.

I must say, no armour plates. Oh man, am I tired of armour plates. I'm interested in seeing the suit designed to look like functioning equipment, yes, but not like armour. I'm a big fan of Batman's appearance in Red Son, Gotham by Gaslight, and other similar stories. I like costume that look functional or militarily inspired. A good example is Patriot's costume in Young Avengers.

Here's a look from Batman: The Doom That Came to Gotham that I think is pretty cool:

no oval, and please god not the one that was in the countdown teasers...knowing Ross, it'll have a barrel for a chest, and he'll be really shiney.
The one in the Countdown teasers was armour he wore during the Resurrection of Ra's Al Ghul.
no oval and yellow except for the belt
everything else either black or gray
maybe blue

lol that's all I want
and make it real thou
no iron man *****
the future batman in the justice league episode "the justice lords" had an awesome costume
i couldnt possibly see Batman wearing anything but the present costume. Hopefully its not a version of the Beyond suit otherwise it look to much like Batwoman.
the future batman in the justice league episode "the justice lords" had an awesome costume


This one. Its cool but I'd rather have the colors reversed. Black on top, gray underneath. Also I know I said i didnt like the Beyond costume but the Beyond emblem is pretty cool looking.
I don't think it needs major changes. Follow Wolverine's example.

I'd say get rid of the outside undies, and make the belt black. Keep everything else as is.
it should be a darker shade of grey...like, near black, but still gray...and yeah, no more outside underwear, it's an outdated concept as Batman isnt really based of circus acrobats anymore...and yeah, a black or dark, dark gold belt would be good to, as not to clash.
it should be a darker shade of grey...like, near black, but still gray...and yeah, no outside underwear, it's an outdated concept as Batman isnt really based of circus acrobats anymore...and yeah, a black or dark, dark gold belt would be good to, as not to clash.
Sounds good to me. :up:
I would like it if they would leave his costume alone. It's fine as is. He's had changes before and they don't last. Because justlike Superman, you don't change him. He's an icon.

All they should do is bring back the oval. The plain bat is too dull. The oval and oval design of bat was more personal. It was all his own. Just like when the movie came out, you saw that poster and bam you went nuts!
If anything have it be like it was when they changed it after Knightfall. All black, that's about it.
i think the costume should be left alone. but, i take comfort in knowing that if ross is designing it then it'll be strongly rooted in a traditional batman design.
What would you like to see in the rumoured new costume?

Nipples, nipples, nipples!!!!

Knowing how Alex Ross loves to redesign, I'd say it'll be mostly black.



The man loves to plagiarize himself.
All Black
No Underwear
A little armor-like.
Like the movies
you know what I hated most about the batman beyond costume, the lack of a cape, it just give Batman an aura of bad assery.
that and the ugly red emblem.
the blue is terrible, and makes no sense...the only reason his costume was ever blue to begin with was because they had less sophisticated shading back in the day, so to they used blue as illuminated black...screw it being blue

and the oval is stupid looking, and despite Miller trying to give it a reason in DKR, it still looks out of place and would make no sense ("I'm trying to hide in the shadows, but the light reflecting off my giant yellow oveal keeps giving me away!")
I'd like something a bit more out there. I've had realism up to the eyeballs. I want the cape to be huge -- almost like its own entity. Black and grey works for me :up:; no oval; average-sized ears; no nipples; no undies; some nice big boots that don't look like socks but instead look like they would hurt if the gruesome SOB was to stand on your neck -- he's Batman after all, not a ballet dancer.
My favorite Batman costume so far was the one in JSA: The Liberty Files. I wouldn't mind something that looked similar to it.



Here's another decent one:



As you can tell, I have a heavy preference for pulp inspired costumes :yay:
i really wish theyd just keep the same outfit and just make good stories....his outfits fine.....they should just shake up batman by killing off another main character like gordon or alfred or somethin not by changinig the costume
What about Neal Adam's Batman redesign:


This is what he said about the design:

If I redesigned Batman, I wouldn't exactly redesign him. I would revamp him. I would find the perfect story to do this in and I would attempt to correct errors made along the way as well as make the costume do the work better.
I would take disadvantages of the old costume and make them into advantages.
1. The fins on the gloves should not be fabric, but pointed and sharp. The blade should be hidden and pop out with a muscle twitch.
2. Batman's Belt. The old capsules ceased being effective 25 years ago. No, they never were effective, nor is a World War 2 garrison belt. But a utility belt, as in a carpenter's utility belt that holds weapons, grapplers, guns and crime-fighting paraphernalia as a uniquely designed true utility belt would be perfect.
3. Boots are thick soled ninja boots with wraparound flaps velcroed up his leg. In the shank, weapons.
4. Costume. Bulletproof and watertight, thermal coils and refrigerant coils throughout, acid resistant, padded at the shoulders and riddle with structural supports for (if needed) a kind of super strength.
5. Cowl is pulled over a face plate containing radio, infrared biometrics and night vision as well as video feed. A waterproof breathing mask slides and seals over the face for breathing underwater. (Oxygen in utility belt.)
6. Bat symbol subtle but bold. Dark against dark.
7. Cape stiffens for flight. Acts as fins underwater.
Same ol' Batman. Man of tomorrow.

--Neal Adams

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