hippie_hunter said:
The biggest problem with the Ultimate Marvel line now these days is that they are just trying to create a character and make them as different as they possibly can be instead of just interpretations of the characters instead
8. Ultimate Vision - a girl
" Most males are fans of or in comics because they're social misanthropes who can't get laid or can't keep girlfriends and they're pissed about it on some level. There's the famous--and true--anecdote of the Hellcat story that consists mostly of her being beaten to a pulp by a man, a story that BY THE *WILDEST* COINCIDENCE was written by a man in the middle of harsh divorce proceedings..."
Mark Waid
1)I just couldn't help but feel that you some how embodied that very statement, by finding it disagreeable, to make The Vision in the image of a female. What does it matter? It's an inanimate android. It's form is utterly useless, compared to it's function. So male of female imagery, should be secondary for the charcter. Also, the point of the Ultimate Universe, was to be different from the 616 Universe. If you want reimagining tales of the same characters, go read any number of What If books that were published, and are now being published again (most recently with "What If? Featuring Avengers Disassembled").
2)The Ultimate universe could easily supplant the 616. Don't let nostalgia fool you. When people older than myself grew up...Alan Scott was Green Lantern. Jay Garrick was The Flash. However, when they rebooted the DCU, those identies were lost. They were later explained by having two seperate universes, and have since then, been merged, time and time again, so that some characters never existed, and others merely got incorporated into the standard DCU. Marvel probably isn't far behind. Just look at all of the activision games. The X-Men Legends games feature the primary costumes, as the ones from Ultimate X-Men. Look at all of the childrends clothing that use Mark Bagley Spider-Man images, from Ultimate Spider-Man. It could easily happen. Some huge event that makes Spider-Man a teenager again, but Gwen Stacy is still dead. Some event that makes the Avengers meaningful and consolidated. I wouldn't be surprised in the least, if they merged the universes, as Joe Q's ultimate resolve (no pun intended) to solve the problems with the Marvel universe.