Sequels Where should the Maximoffs appear first?


Krakoan native
Oct 31, 2006
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Assuming they stay in the script, where should the Maximoffs appear first?

I personally would rather introduce them in 'The Avengers 2'. I found Hawkeye's cameo in Thor to be jarring and I hope the twins don't have the same experience.

Your thoughts?
Avengers 2 is obvious, for me.

I'm surprised you didn't offer "An X-Men movie" as an option, though. There's still some debate out there in Fanland about whether or not Fox "deserves" them more.
Avengers 2. I don't think they should appear in a cameo a la Hawkeye in other MCU movies, and there won't be any reason for them to show up in any other movie anyway. I would've suggested Cap 2, but their cast is already bloated enough as it is; adding in SW & QS would've turned it into X3.
Avengers 2 is obvious, for me.

I'm surprised you didn't offer "An X-Men movie" as an option, though. There's still some debate out there in Fanland about whether or not Fox "deserves" them more.

They're Marvel properties and members of Avengers, so I don't think Fox "deserves" them more. If they really want to use them, they can put them in DOFP but I doubt Singer would do it.
I'm surprised you didn't offer "An X-Men movie" as an option, though.

I...wish I had thought of that.

Personally I prefer them in the Marvel U. Not only will they be treated better but we'll see more of their personalities whereas if they were in the X-men films they would just sit around in the background really.
I...wish I had thought of that.

Personally I prefer them in the Marvel U. Not only will they be treated better but we'll see more of their personalities whereas if they were in the X-men films they would just sit around in the background really.

I agree they're better served as Avengers, and would likely wind up as nameless, speechless background characters a la X3; but I'm just saying that there have been some posts showing a preference for the Magneto's offspring version of the characters for Fox's film universe.
Agents of S.H.I.E.L.D.

I actually like this answer most. They could be post credits for Thor 2 or Cap 2, but meeting the powerless pre-evil (pre-good again) versions of these characters here could be very interesting.
I agree they're better served as Avengers, and would likely wind up as nameless, speechless background characters a la X3; but I'm just saying that there have been some posts showing a preference for the Magneto's offspring version of the characters for Fox's film universe.

Oh well, there's always the 'other' option.
Avengers 2 as bad guys. I really think they should start as bad guys and turn good towards the end or in a sequel.
I still personally don't think the MCU needs them. But if they insist, some Avengers sequel. Not a solo film.
I'm not a big fan of the characters at all; I wish Marvel would just leave them to Fox.

They only have the rights to half of the character anyway (I mean, I know the twins were part of the Avengers, but I think of them forever as Magneto's kids and mutants).

Marvel should cut them out of the script and instead add Captain Marvel, Ant-Man, Wasp, Falcon, and/or War Machine.
I'm more curious how the Marvel movies will introduce them all together (along with which movie).
Will they be former terrorists who worked for their father Magneto? Will they be mutants? Or will their father not be mentioned at all? Or will they not be mutants?
Maybe they will bring them in the way the Ultimates did, SHIELD agents who were back ups to the Avengers, but hidden because they are the children of a known mutant terrorist.

(also, if they are in this I hope that means Beast can be too. I always liked him as an Avenger.)

Of coarse I'd rather see Ant Man and Wasp in the Avengers first, but I also love these two as Avengers.
(And if they went with my idea of rotating the roster and slowly introducing the Young Avengers, we could end up with Wiccan and Speed at some point.)
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The SHIELD show would be the best place to introduce them. Have them appear in an episode that premieres around the release of Avengers 2.
The SHIELD show would be the best place to introduce them. Have them appear in an episode that premieres around the release of Avengers 2.
The problem with that is that most of the world probably wouldn't have a chance to see it in time.
I say CATWS. Either in a post credit scene or my personal choice as a cameo in CATWS. I think having a combination of Fury/Cap/Widow/Maria discussing Phase 2 being ready and either seeing their dossiers on a computer screen or seeing them perfecting their powers.
Story-wise, I agree that I think of them more as X-Men characters. However, I have far, far more faith in Marvel than Fox so I'd rather see them in The Avengers.
Really don't want em in the MCU. The big draw, at least for me, with these characters is that they're the off spring of Magneto and without that dynamic they just aren't the same. Unless some deal is made with FOX, which is highly unlikely, then I'd prefer they be left out.
Agents of shield in a later season. If we get a masters of evil/prison break type thing...they can be captured by shield in the season, then part of the breakout in avengers 2...

edit: 4,000th post :D
Since Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver were not Magneto's kids for the first two decades or more of Marvel Comics - maybe that will be the approach they are taking with The Avengers 2 - I think the High Evolutionary was tied to their first/real origin - it would be great to see him on screen in all his Kirby glory!
What would you guys think of QS and SW's mutations coming from Terrigen Mists? This could be an excellent way of creating "mutants" in the MCU (without X-Men available of course) and it could tie in to a Phase III Inhumans movie. Perhaps they could be the children of a powerful Inhumans villain?

This certainly fits Whedon's explanation of them as "not the type who would like the Avengers"; and fits prior rumors that Marvel want to use the Inhumans as the MCU "mutants". This makes perfect sense to me.

This move would be a brilliant FU to both Fox and WB. Fox by making the X-Men and mutanthood covered in the MCU, and WB by having a "speedster" hero on the big screen before Flash (which is insane when you think about this isn't even a competition at this point, lol).
I think a lot of the characters they plan to use in the movies could be introduced in an episode of SHIELD. They would cast with the movie in mind so that they'd have a movie-calibre actor/actress and not just a TV-only one who makes the jump from the small screen to big screen.
What would you guys think of QS and SW's mutations coming from Terrigen Mists? This could be an excellent way of creating "mutants" in the MCU (without X-Men available of course) and it could tie in to a Phase III Inhumans movie. Perhaps they could be the children of a powerful Inhumans villain?

This certainly fits Whedon's explanation of them as "not the type who would like the Avengers"; and fits prior rumors that Marvel want to use the Inhumans as the MCU "mutants". This makes perfect sense to me.

This move would be a brilliant FU to both Fox and WB. Fox by making the X-Men and mutanthood covered in the MCU, and WB by having a "speedster" hero on the big screen before Flash (which is insane when you think about this isn't even a competition at this point, lol).

***IRON MAN 3 SPOILERS*** [BLACKOUT]I'd prefer it if they were simply born with the empty slot in the brain that Killian discusses filled in. They'd be people born with an unusual ability due to simply being a little different. Essentially, they'd still be mutants, but by giving them a slightly different explanation than the X-gene it's lawyer friendly.[/BLACKOUT]

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