White eyes or Pupils?


Nov 3, 2011
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Something I haven't seen addressed is whether or not completely white eyes or pupils will be used for the turtles.

Its been widely assumed that they would just have regular old pupils but I was wondering, how would everyone feels if they did decide to use the white eyes we typically see in artwork?



Pupils. White eyes only looks good as a comics/cartoon technique. For photorealistic rendering, it would look way too off.
Pupils. White eyes only looks good as a comics/cartoon technique. For photorealistic rendering, it would look way too off.

Pretty much this. Though they may be cgi, it's a live action film. White eyes will just look weird.
pupils are an important detail to every character.
Pupils all the way.

White wouldn't really look good and not sure how there is an option for both.
Pupils for sure.
White eyes might look alright for a character like batman(Because they can just be lenses)
But the turtles wouldn't look right with white eyes.
It would just make them look blind or something.
Real turtles don't have eyes that look like humans either but giving them real turtle eyes would probably make them look odd or creepy.
I don't think white eyes would translate that well to live-action, CGI or not.

If they do it though, I want the eyes to be more slit and small than big and round. Even in the comics and cartoons that approach works best for me.
Both. Pupils mostly but when they enter stealth mode then white eyes would look far more menacing.
Pupils definately. It would give them that creepy, realistic look. White eyes would only work if the movie was done in B&W ala Sin City style.
Both. Pupils mostly but when they enter stealth mode then white eyes would look far more menacing.

I think that a transformation like that would look wierd in live action.
I doubt they would have high tech bandanas with lenses sliding out, when they go into stealth mode. Pupils all the way.

This is when white eyes can give a real sense of menace.
I see no reason for them trying to work in lenses somehow. You'd think a big, mutated, ninja weapons using Turtle, would be menacing enough.
I see no reason for them trying to work in lenses somehow. You'd think a big, mutated, ninja weapons using Turtle, would be menacing enough.

I don't doubt the turtles will have pupils for the entire movie I'm just saying from a personal point of view I like when the white eyes are used now and then.
They can do both, the turtles eyes can be white because of the mutation before morphing.
Pupils. White eyes are cartoon thing. That is why Batman doesn't have white eyes in the movies.

Imagine these with totally white eyes
Now for Batman I actually think it could work. Since he wears a cowl that is stuffed with high tech.

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