The Amazing Spider-Man Who is the Norman Osborn actor???


Aug 4, 2011
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If you all remembered, there is a silouhette of Norman Osborn at OsCorp when Peter first arrives. He has glasses and medium, brown hair. If its based off an actor who do you think it could be???
The silhouette looked like Andrew Garfield to me. :o
I think that might just be CGI. I doubt it's an actual actor there.
I'm sure it has to resemble someone. Maybe it was just one of the Men in Black?
I'm sure it has to resemble someone. Maybe it was just one of the Men in Black?
I didn't ever get a good look at it, but it could either based off what he looks like in the comics, or possibly after William Dafoe.
I didn't ever get a good look at it, but it could either based off what he looks like in the comics, or possibly after William Dafoe.
No, definitely not after Willem Dafoe. This isn't the Raimi trilogy.
I didn't ever get a good look at it, but it could either based off what he looks like in the comics, or possibly after William Dafoe.
Nah, I made sure to look at it my second viewing. It doesn't look like comic Norman or Dafoe. He looks... surprisingly normal. Short brown hair, glasses, not much else.
Then who was that?

I dunno.

He's referring to the silhouette inside OsCorp lobby, not the man in the shadows (who totally was Norman).

According to Rhys, it wasn't, and in a recent interview with Matt Tolmach and Avi Avard, they said they didn't show Norman in this movie to give him a sense of mystery. That rules out that man being Norman.

I think that might just be CGI. I doubt it's an actual actor there.


According to Rhys, it wasn't, and in a recent interview with Matt Tolmach and Avi Avard, they said they didn't show Norman in this movie to give him a sense of mystery. That rules out that man being Norman.
I don't believe Rhys just on face value. And they didn't "show" Norman, even if that was him in the shadows. I don't think a hand counts as showing someone.
EDIT: Sorry. I have a tendency to not look at the OP. Real example of an idiot move here.
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Did anyone even read the OP? We're not talking about the 'Man int he Shadows' (who ISN'T Osborne, regardless of what Eddie Brock or anyone else wants to believe); we're talking about who the silhouette of Osborne that is seen in the lobby of the Oscorp Tower was based on.
Did anyone even read the OP? We're not talking about the 'Man int he Shadows' (who ISN'T Osborne, regardless of what Eddie Brock or anyone else wants to believe); we're talking about who the silhouette of Osborne that is seen in the lobby of the Oscorp Tower was based on.

I thought we were free to speculate here.

Yeah, yeah, yeah, Rhys Ifans said it's not Norman Osborn, but really, are we going to keep taking his word on that? You never truly know with these situations, especially when Marc Webb, the director himself, has kept a persistently tight lid on the scene.

But to go back on the topic -- I honestly can't remember how the silhouette at Oscorp looked apart from the glasses.
^ There's absolutely no reason to doubt what Ifans is telling us, though.
^ There's absolutely no reason to doubt what Ifans is telling us, though.
There's no reason to believe it, either. Actors (and directors) aren't above lies and misdirection when it comes to this sort of thing. They don't want the cat out of the bag too early.
^ Ifans himself is the one who brought up Norman's name, so why would he lie?
I'm inclined to think that it's not based off of any actor in particular, but rather that the filmmakers just put in a sort of general version of Norman Osborn to serve as a placeholder until it's time to introduce his character. Also, by not showing many details about his appearance, it keeps with the character's current mystery factor. The silhouette wasn't very specific, so that they can reasonably cast any actor for the role when the time comes. I think the Norman Osborn character, or rather his off-screen presence, was handled very well in this film.
I actually think it might be someone, we just don't know yet. I mean come on, shortish hair and glasses? That's a little specific. I doubt they would have even shown a glimpse of him if they didn't already have someone in mind/cast.
I really do hope Michael Masse is Norman Osborn. It would be such a waste if they didn't pick him for the role.
I really do hope Michael Masse is Norman Osborn. It would be such a waste if they didn't pick him for the role.
If they wanted to use Michael Massee, they would've showed his face. He's just a placeholder.
And why was this thread made? We could've discussed this in the Norman Osborn thread. :facepalm:

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