The Amazing Spider-Man 2 Theories


(A Metal Gear reference)
Sep 17, 2012
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Peter is a clone of his father. (same eye glasses prescription, "You look just like him", etc)

Rhino will be one of many other products of cross species genetics (Scorpion, Vulture, etc).

I don't this next thing will happen, but I think it would be cool:
-Norman Osborn will use the cross-species genetics in order to prolong his life (cure his cancer or whatever), but will eventually do it too many times with several different animal genetics in an attempt to become powerful and indestructible, etc. -- The result of what he transforms himself into can only be described as a "Goblin".

-Venom will be the next thing once this genetics storyline wraps up.
I do think Venom will become a part of the storyline once this trilogy wraps up.
I seriously hope Rhino and Vulture (if he's in there) aren't cross species. That would be so stupid and would instantly make this film "Batman & Robin" bad for me.
-Felicia Hardey is introduced (yea, I'm really starting to think Felicity is Felicia based on what she said about being in the movie)
-Adrian Toomes is introduced
-The Symbiote is set up
-We get a costume that looks almost exactly like the classic Romita costume with a bit of the sleekness from TASM
-The symbiote will tie into the Goblin juice and decay formula somehow
-Harry will appears to be the Goblin but it turns out to be Osborn
-Rhino is just a quick fight at the beginning and sets-up the mystery of what's going on with people gaining superpowers
-Electro will share the villain role with Harry
-Gwen will not die
-MJ will be introduced as a girl who moved next door to Peter who Aunt May tries to introduce him to but he keeps putting it off until the middle of the film where she finally shows up at his door step. She will be the Ultimate MJ portrayal and will have a lot in common with Peter.
-Peter, Gwen, MJ, Harry will graduate at the end of the film
-We'll learn that Peter's parents worked with Norman (duh) and were SHIELD agents
-We'll finally see Norman near the end of the film or during the post credits scene
Do you have a link to what Felicity said?
I seriously hope Rhino and Vulture (if he's in there) aren't cross species. That would be so stupid and would instantly make this film "Batman & Robin" bad for me.

Well... I think that's going a little too far. I think it would be uncreative for all of these villains to be cross-species, but what if the movies are very well written and well executed? Why would they instantly become "Batman & Robin" bad just for that reason?
-Felicia Hardey is introduced (yea, I'm really starting to think Felicity is Felicia based on what she said about being in the movie)
-Adrian Toomes is introduced
-The Symbiote is set up
-We get a costume that looks almost exactly like the classic Romita costume with a bit of the sleekness from TASM
-The symbiote will tie into the Goblin juice and decay formula somehow
-Harry will appears to be the Goblin but it turns out to be Osborn
-Rhino is just a quick fight at the beginning and sets-up the mystery of what's going on with people gaining superpowers
-Electro will share the villain role with Harry
-Gwen will not die
-MJ will be introduced as a girl who moved next door to Peter who Aunt May tries to introduce him to but he keeps putting it off until the middle of the film where she finally shows up at his door step. She will be the Ultimate MJ portrayal and will have a lot in common with Peter.
-Peter, Gwen, MJ, Harry will graduate at the end of the film
-We'll learn that Peter's parents worked with Norman (duh) and were SHIELD agents
-We'll finally see Norman near the end of the film or during the post credits scene

I like this theory a lot!

I can't stand clones in anything other than Star Wars.
Well... I think that's going a little too far. I think it would be uncreative for all of these villains to be cross-species, but what if the movies are very well written and well executed? Why would they instantly become "Batman & Robin" bad just for that reason?

Besides over-the-board cheesiness and trying to make the film feel like a sequel to Adam West's series, the main story of B&R does have some credit to it. Poison Ivy's origin is well done, so is Freeze...but the acting just kills the film as well as the very goofy elements.

So out of topic, but yah...wanted to say that, hah.
i really would like if by the 3rd film it links to the MCU, am not holding my breath but would be cool
1. Rhino at the beginning of the movie
2. Peter Parker finding more stuff about his parents.
3. Max Dillion at Oscorp fixing the electricity
4. Norman Osborn turns on the power while Max Dillion fixes it
5. Max Dillion gets electrocuted super badly and turns into Electro
6. At School, Flash Thompson beats up Peter Parker.
7. Harry Osborn stops the fight
8. Harry Osborn tells Peter Parker about his girlfriend, Mary Jane Watson
9. Electro attacks Daily Bugle
10. Spider-Man swings in and tries to save the day.
11. J. Jonah Jameson throws furniture and other objects at Spider-Man to distract him from Electro
12. Electro defeats Spider-Man
13. Peter Parker swings back home to check on Aunt May
14. Harry Osborn sneaks into Oscorp and steals the Venom symbiote from Locker 14
15. Stan Lee comes in and says, "Black symbiotes are dangerous, kids, they will mess up your life forever"
16. Harry Osborn sneaks out of Oscorp and gets taken over by the Venom symbiote outside the building
17. Adrian Toomes aka the Vulture gives Norman Osborn the Green Goblin Formula.
18. Norman Osborn throws Adrian Toomes through the wall and turns into the Green Goblin.
19. Harry Osborn turns into Venom and starts plotting how to frame Spider-Man and become the most popular kid in school.
20. Gwen and Peter Parker start dating.
21. Spider-Man finds Electro at a power plant
22. Spider-Man and Electro battle
23. Spider-Man defeats Electro
24. Final Swing
25. Post Credits Scene where Spider-Man joins SHIELD and gets electric web shooters and a spider-cycle.
Rhino,Vulrure, and other villains of the Sinister 6 should be introduced in jail cells at Oscorp with Norman Osborn walking by them, then save them for like TASM4 or 5, where they break out and cause chaos around NY .. Electro will go to jail at the end of the 2nd movie :3

Would be awesome tbh

Disagreements on the movie took place in December when Sony was pushing Vulture as the new editor of the Daily Bugle. Along with re-creating Felicia Hardy into "Vultress", unlike the comic book where she is Black Cat, they also wanted her to be the daughter of the Vulture.

...and now we have Colm Feore and Felicity Jones in unspecified roles...

Just sayin' ;)
God I hope not. Sony should have learned their lesson with SM3. I think Feore will just be Toomes the scientist and Felicity will be ordinary Felicia...although I wouldn't mind Felicia being Toomes' daughter as long as she is still the Black Cat and not Vultress.
At the end of the movie it's revealed that this was all just Sam Raimi's dream.

...and now we have Colm Feore and Felicity Jones in unspecified roles...

Just sayin' ;)


If this happens.. I will personally end Sony Pictures. Just.. Destroy them.
Same old ****

Something awesome is reported 'OMG Webb is a genius'

Something bad gets reported 'Sony/Arad needs to be destroyed'
When did Peter ever get that bullet wound taken care of? My theory...he's Wolverine.

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