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I like that list, though I'd replace J'onn with Fernus.The Question said:War: Deathstroke. He's probably the greatest soldier and feild tactitian in the DCU. He's one of the few people who makes war into an art form.
Famine: Parasite. He literally sucks the fuel from a person on a molecular level.
Pestilence: Metallo. His body gives off harmfull amounts of radiation on a regular basis.
Death: Martian Manhunter. He is probably the second most powerful member of the League next to Green Lantern. Were he to abandon his morals, he would be the ultimate killer.
EDIT: Dude, for some reason, I thought I was in the DC forum.![]()
Johnny Blaze said:I like that list, though I'd replace J'onn with Fernus.
Spectre722 said:i maintain here and now that the best death ever was and always will be archangel. u couldn't get more badass than morbid, dark, metal wing warren.
Vanguard07 said:Cry havok and loose the dogs of war? Interesting. So since my "eric" comment didnt get any response i'm assuming none of you are Terry Pratchett fans?
Anyway I just wanted to point out that it's unlikely that Apocalypse'd ever have characters as powerfull as Ares, X-man, The Void, Shuma Gorath etc.
For them to be his horsemen Apocalypse has to be able to A) capture them to put them through the process of becoming a horseman.
And B) Control them.
I doubt he'd be able to do that with characters more powerfull than he. And if he did he'd have to weaken them to maintain control. Thats kinda the opposite of what he does. Instead he takes weak characters and makes them strong.
The Question said:Well, manipulation rarely factors in physical weakness. SImply psycholigical weakness. A true manipulator can get guys who could easily kill him to do exactly what he wants. I mean, most of Hitler's generals could have kicked his ass, but he was stringing them along like puppets (for the most part). Take J'onn from my DC choices for a second. He is a very powerful individual. But he has alot of psycholigical baggage. He say everone and everything that ever mattered to him die in one firey moment. Apokolypse could manipulate such a person into doing his bidding.
Vanguard07 said:I dont really agree. With some individuals he could exploit those with psychological baggage but anyone who's extremely telepathically/psionically powerfull or anyone with cosmic level abilities would likely have far too strong a will or a type/level of conscioussness that Apoc wouldnt be able to manipulate.
Apocalypse is a great manipulator and all but it's not like he can just change the foundations of a person just cause he wants to. J'onn for example's mind, I think would be far too strong for Apoc to touch.
Vanguard07 said:Hell, Hulk became Apock's horseman but he couldnt be controlled. So I think you're wrong. I think how powerfull a character is is a big factor on how easilly manipulated. Also there's the point that Apoc probably wouldnt want a character thats too powerfull as his horseman cause if his manipulation went wrong or his controll faltered then he'd suddenly have a very very powerfull enemy very mad at him.
I would think the risk would outweigh the benefit in the cases of the extremely powerfull.