Who's mutant power will be useful during the final battle of x-men in x3?


Feb 11, 2006
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Since we will see lots of action in the x3 movie and lots of powers will be being used, whos power do you think can do the most damage or can be the most useful?
i think that storm and kitty's powers will come in handy. storm use rain as a distraction while kitty runs through all the brotherhood and mess up their insides
^ Rain? Im sure she has more useful abilities....like lighting?

followed by wolverine for mass murder....
Can kitty really do that? like if she runs inside me... she can fiddle around with my heart and among other things... which means...she'd be in my pants, shirt, socks, shoes... but really she'd be inside my body :eek:... :( Bad kitty.
Storm. Theoretically she could kill them the entire brotherhood, other than Magneto or Phoenix, in a few seconds.
*points to avatar*

The Mistress of Mass destruction.

You know, slippery fighting conditions, watermelon-sized hail stones, galeforces, tidal waves, yadda yadda. Whatever is left standing Beast, Logan and Collossus can make mincemeat out of. :cool:
Lightning Strikez! said:
*points to avatar*

The Mistress of Mass destruction.

You know, slippery fighting conditions, watermelon-sized hail stones, galeforces, tidal waves, yadda yadda. Whatever is left standing Beast, Logan and Collossus can make mincemeat out of. :cool:
true....and fog so that no one can see her....WHILE shes flying around as an impossible target:up:
Magneto? Now with the weather and the entire magnetic field, weather has the upper advantage. But lets not make this into a magneto v. storm thread, lol. But i think that she could get with the phoenix without saying the full extent of her powers.
xwolverine2 said:
true....and fog so that no one can see her....WHILE shes flying around as an impossible target:up:

except for a telepath
Storms powers are good for long distance and short distance in a way. The lightning and titdal wave etc.

Kitty could just sit there 'phasing' so she couldnt get injured, however she could grab someone and phase them into the ground or something.

Colossus, Beast and Wolverine's are good fighting powers, physically.

Iceman's will be effective, we havent seen much from him but I think we'll see some interesting things.
And storm can do much bigger winds and hail that we nor anyone on Earth has ever seen. Since she can MANIPULATE the hail and wind, she can make the wind into incredible forces and the hail the size of a vehicle!
Colossus. And then the Ultimate Killing Machine: Wolverine.

Bobby hides behind kitchen table. As usually. :D ;)
Storm. Her fogs could be most useful in confusing and separating her enemies.

He can slow down the entire battle. His Ice sled (If he has it) will be useful to cover area's quickly, plus he can freeze people (stoping them all together), and last freeze the ground and slip people up.
Electrix said:
Storms powers are good for long distance and short distance in a way. The lightning and titdal wave etc.

Kitty could just sit there 'phasing' so she couldnt get injured, however she could grab someone and phase them into the ground or something.

Colossus, Beast and Wolverine's are good fighting powers, physically.

Iceman's will be effective, we havent seen much from him but I think we'll see some interesting things.
Or she could run through someone, grab there organ and take it out of there body. Violent and disgusting yet useful. Come to think of it, that would be the worst possible idea for Kitty in the final battle.
MoreCowbell said:

He can slow down the entire battle. His Ice sled (If he has it) will be useful to cover area's quickly, plus he can freeze people (stoping them all together), and last freeze the ground and slip people up.

And storm can do that, plus turn the entire area into a baking oven or a water-aid!
People forget with Storm, her powers are very wide in effect. Damned useful in a battle, no doubt about it, but her own allies will need to be away from the action when she unleashes her fury.
My vote goes with Dr. Henry McCoy.

Hank's being introduced into the film and will probably play a vital role in the solution to the "mutant cure" plot, if it is anything like the Astonishing X-Men storyline on which it appears to be loosely based. The guy is a genius on level with Reed Richards, I would argue. Plus he's the new big addition, along with Angel and Kitty.
well kitty may not be my fave x-men, but she's not the least favorite. I think it'll cool to see her in action. :D

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