Who's stronger? Krillin or Tien?


Oct 27, 2002
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I'm starting this thread because two posters have recently started claiming that Krillin is the most powerful Human, a belief I disagree with. Sure, I could have argued with them in that other thread, but that would be the wrong place for the debate. Anyway, here are my arguments for why Tien is stronger than Krillin.

1) The power level ratings always list Tien's as being higher than Krillin's.

2) Tien defeated Goku in the tournament in which Tien turned good after Goku had defeated Krillin.

3) In the Namek Saga, the combined efforts of Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan were no match for Recoome. Tien, on the other hand, was stronger than Jeice and Burter one-on-one.

4) Krillin couldn't even budge Second Form Cell. Tien could at least hold him at bay.

5) Krillin stopped training. Tien didn't.
Well, Krillin might not have the power to match Tien. But he does have alot of heart.
Yeah, that's the thing. Krillin is far more tenacious than Tien. And he's taken far more beatings without backing down.
I think the reason people say Krillin is stronger is because he survived getting beaten up by Nappa and Tien didn't.

^_^^_^^_^^_^ that.. call him Ten-chin-han please...

And he's the most powerful human...
Tien is superior to krillin by far!

"I think the reason people say Krillin is stronger is because he survived getting beaten up by Nappa and Tien didn't."

Please, krillin took a single kick from Nappa and he was out, he couldn't move, he had to rely on gohan and piccolo to do most of the work then Goku comes along, cleans house and gives krillin a freakin senzu bean.
Originally posted by Gimili

3) In the Namek Saga, the combined efforts of Vegeta, Krillin, and Gohan were no match for Recoome. Tien, on the other hand, was stronger than Jeice and Burter one-on-one.

Filler. The fight with the ginyu force on Kai o sama's planet didn't occur in the manga
Originally posted by guyverjay
Filler. The fight with the ginyu force on Kai o sama's planet didn't occur in the manga

I suspected as much, given that this battle was clearly an excuse to give Tien, Yamcha, and Chioutzu a bit more to do.

Still, what's it matter anyway? It's not like this wasn't done by the same guy who did the Manga, or even that the anime isn't widely considered to be DB canon.
Regardless, that fight never happened, Torayama didn't write it. So it can't be used as proof of anything:o
Really, I thought Toriyama wrote the anime.

Plus, considering that Toriyama had barely any involvement in GT,
and that you regularly bring up Goku fused with the Dragon Balls, this is quite a statement.
Gt is singular by itself. True its not written by toriyama (character designs were done by him) but there is only ONE version of it. DBZ anime is based on the original manga. In that case the manga MUST be taken over the anime other wise you might as well treat all the changes in the Dub as canon as well.
Can the Cell incident even be counted?

If I remember correctly, the Tri Beam isn't any indication of power because it uses a persons life force rather than their ki. If Krillin knew how to use it, he could have done the same.

Right? :confused:
I say Tenshinhan is loads stronger than Kuririn. Ten trained like a maniac everyday, while Kuririn lived happily with his family.
Saying that because Tien is stronger than Krillin because Tien could hold knock down Cell in his second state whereas Krillin couldn't do that, one must also conclude that Tien was stronger than Piccolo-Kami. Piccolo-Kami was as strong as Cell in his first form, but weaker than Cell in his second form. I don't think anybody would think that, but based on the show that's what happened.

What does the official manga have to say?
Good point jonty

Keeping cell from getting out that hole by blasting him doesn't prove a thing:o

Its not like he was even hurting cell, it was the just the force of the attack knocking him back down to the bottom.
Another example is saying something like Kryllin sliced off second form freiza's tail while no one else at that time had damaged his body at all. There fore kryllin must have been the strongest.

It doesn't quite work that way does it?

Btw most of those power levels are complete bollocks
From all the pages on DBZ powerlevels I've found, they seem fairly consistent so I think that most must have gotten the information from the official manga.
Nope ,there were no official power levels after Trunks killed frieza. Evereything else is made up.

The official DBZ world guide shows this
I'll have to see if I can find it.

It'd be kind of neat if they had a manga power-level translation of Marvel and DC characters.
Great I can learn a second language at the same time.

Wish me luck, I'll see you guys in about 50 years.:)

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