Why do men and women have separate public toilets?

November Rain

Single Mother
Sep 27, 2005
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I know it sounds silly but i don't understand why normal private homes only have one toilet area and in most public places, they have male and female toilets...


is there a genuine reason why this is and not some arty farty reason?

I don't see why in this modern era, why all establishments shouldn't have unisex toilet facilities.
It would make more sense when waiting for the toilet in a pub or club however in some cases seperate toilets are needed. This might sound silly but there would probably be outrage from religious groups if public toilets were unisex. It would be easy for someone to perv and possibly rape plus women spend hours in the toilet so the men would be queuing for ages.
Since boys have been attacked in men's toilets... I think every toilet should be "unisex" but have only a single stall in it and a door with a decent lock on it, with a camera outside to catch the folks forcing people into it.
women are likely to perv and rape one another in toilets, so are men to other men, especially around urinals when the goods are out. People just need to get on with their own business.

Unisex toilets would cause for ladies to spend 'less' time in toilets since they won't have the privacy they require to do what they normally would and hence would be less time consuming about it, so an emphasis on 'freshing up' and touching up on makeup on a night out would be less likely to occur as frequently.

I don't see how a unisex toilet is any more dangerous than someone of the opposite sex waiting outside a toilet for someone.

as for capacity, i'd expect a unisex toilet to take up the space of approximately 1.8 times the size of a two separate toilets so there would be less emphasis on quiening and so on and so forth.

relligiously, i don't see the problem, especially considering toilets in the home are technically unisex ones...
Part of it I'd say has to do with multiple people using a bathroom at the same time.

For example: Urnials are not 'private'. Also, it's easy to 'peek' over (or under) stall doors/walls.

I've been in a number of restaurants where there was only one though.

Personally, I don't mind it (separation of bathrooms) because, in my experience, men's bathrooms (even without urinals) and shared bathrooms are generally stinkier. I've never understood if it's that a lot of men have bad aim, or if there's some sort of deeply ingrained need to mark territory - and evolutionary throw-back, if you will. ;)
we (men) pee on the seat and dont say you dont!
redmarvel said:
Since boys have been attacked in men's toilets... I think every toilet should be "unisex" but have only a single stall in it and a door with a decent lock on it, with a camera outside to catch the folks forcing people into it.
I get the cameras idea but if located in a region of a public toilet where it didn't see people using the urinals and where all stall entraces could be viewed (without being able to see inside), wouldn't this allow for more than one stall to be operative?

and i agree they should all have decent locks on them.
they just drink more and piss more.
black_dust said:
we (men) pee on the seat and dont say you dont!
my toilet seat always stays up, i can honestly say i've never peed on the seat, i don't ever use it...


besides, in a night time environment (club, bar), i've seen plenty of women use the male piss ridden stalls before if the queue for their own toilet has been too long...
November Rain said:
my toilet seat always stays up, i can honestly say i've never peed on the seat, i don't ever use it...


besides, in a night time environment (club, bar), i've seen plenty of women use the male piss ridden stalls before if the queue for their own toilet has been too long...

You don't ever use the seat? :confused: :eek:

Yeah, but when have you ever seen the queue for the men's toilet being too long with the women's being open? :confused:
black_dust said:
we (men) pee on the seat and dont say you dont!

I don't :p even when I'm drunk I know how to aim :p
Daisy said:
Part of it I'd say has to do with multiple people using a bathroom at the same time.

For example: Urnials are not 'private'. Also, it's easy to 'peek' over (or under) stall doors/walls.

I've been in a number of restaurants where there was only one though.

Personally, I don't mind it (separation of bathrooms) because, in my experience, men's bathrooms (even without urinals) and shared bathrooms are generally stinkier. I've never understood if it's that a lot of men have bad aim, or if there's some sort of deeply ingrained need to mark territory - and evolutionary throw-back, if you will. ;)
Again if the size of the lavetry was designed to give access to multiple users with some sort of flow path (ie a single door for entry with another one for exiting, with stalls first on one side, urinals on the other side and taps at the end with tissues etc..) then there wouldn't be too much of a problem getting people in and out, especially if the space for 2 toilets was used for a single one (infact you wouldn't need that much space due to the duplication of some appliances).

as for the perving, that's a risk us men take on a daily basis with other people taking sneaky peaks at your goods, it's not the end of the world.

as for the stalls...perhaps they could be designed in manner where the doors are cubicals are as high as the room itself to not allow people the option of peaking over (with ventilation given from above). it seems at the very worst to be a simple design specification to overcome rather than deeming it completely out of the question.

It's not like anyone polices the fact that one sex uses one side and vice versa, if someone really wanted to perv on another person on the toilet, they would. Besides with the use of a busy unisex toilet, i doubt anyone would have the opportunity to such antics withouth more people being on the lookout (as good citizens hopefully).

as for the smell,it probably comes with bad aim of men missing when aiming in the stalls, which is likely to cut down if they think a woman may enter that toilet straight after. It may actually help men (especially when drunk) to concentrate more on what they are doing.

Daisy said:
You don't ever use the seat? :confused: :eek:

Yeah, but when have you ever seen the queue for the men's toilet being too long with the women's being open? :confused:
heh, that's the secret to getting nice strong thighs ;) haven't used a seat since i was around 14...

pub nights, or events that women are not likely to visit like football (soccer) matches etc...
why is the female perception of male toilets 'Wangs at high noon'?

This is why I wait til I get home to use the bathroom.
TheAlmightyFuzz said:
Didn't that win an Oscar?
best soundtrack is hardly anything worth writing home about....

heh, i think the last time i spoke to you was in another thread about 2 1/2 years ago about how women couldn't pee standing up.

oh how these topics unite us everytime...

Toilet seats are too cold whenever you seat on it, especially in winter. I don't know women can stand the cold. (Unless, of course, you put toilet paper on the seats.) Thank God for urine stands.

They should invent one of those aiming lasers for penises. I sometimes miss the target. :o
November Rain said:
best soundtrack is hardly anything worth writing home about....

heh, i think the last time i spoke to you was in another thread about 2 1/2 years ago about how women couldn't pee standing up.

oh how these topics unite us everytime...


I think it also won best set design in a ceremony that was untelevised.

It's because we both presumably have toilets. We have SO much in common!
Girls play BattleSh't in the bathroom. Disgusting. :(
I think this is only an American thing, i heard them cats in england share bathrooms and other places out there, i could be wrong though.

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