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Why the hate on Nightwing.

Ah trust me guys....Let em kill Roy and Conner off. You KNOW DC's just gonna bring them back more revamped and a lot more cooler then how they are now...Conner had to die, so that when they bring him back...he could have more powers rather then the tacktile-telekenises and heat vision and flight and super hearing, let him have other powers Superman doesn't have like oh.....for example the power to travel through time and dimensions...or the power to cross from one hyper time world to another at will. Kind of like teleporting but not in a regular sense but rather flying at a certain speed and vibration to reach the other reality. You know other possibilities.
And Roy was just damn annoying for me. I want him to come back with that Jason Todd, Time Drake, Dick Grayson plus Deathstroke the Terminator attitude where the job and the money are more important rather then the 'I wanna sleep with every super heroine and for that I'm cool. can anyone say Carlito wannabe???
But honestly, DC can draw him all grown up, shaved, single parent, and independent, but if they can't loose his attitude he's still going to be Speedy to everyone else.
If Batman and Green Arrow ever went head to head, I know that the fight would be worth seeing....
But if you add Nightwing vs Speedy in the ring...sorry Speedy's out faster then Mike Tyson's fastest knockout in the first round. And that bs in the outsiders where he and Roy went at it after he got shot???? PLEASE! I mean hello??? The writers are trying too hard with that scene. As if Roy could really hold his own against Nightwing.
Remember when the Titans cartoon put them up against one another? First in Titan's West and the other in the Contest? Speedy just doesn't compare with Robin...
Let's face it as of now, Roy's trying to hard to come out of Nightwing's shadow, but can't do it on his own...he really needs something serious to happen to him more 'cutting edge'
Roy isn't going to die. he's gonna join checkmate
Stealth_Prime said:
Ah trust me guys....Let em kill Roy and Conner off. You KNOW DC's just gonna bring them back more revamped and a lot more cooler then how they are now...Conner had to die, so that when they bring him back...he could have more powers rather then the tacktile-telekenises and heat vision and flight and super hearing, let him have other powers Superman doesn't have like oh.....for example the power to travel through time and dimensions...or the power to cross from one hyper time world to another at will. Kind of like teleporting but not in a regular sense but rather flying at a certain speed and vibration to reach the other reality. You know other possibilities.
And Roy was just damn annoying for me. I want him to come back with that Jason Todd, Time Drake, Dick Grayson plus Deathstroke the Terminator attitude where the job and the money are more important rather then the 'I wanna sleep with every super heroine and for that I'm cool. can anyone say Carlito wannabe???
But honestly, DC can draw him all grown up, shaved, single parent, and independent, but if they can't loose his attitude he's still going to be Speedy to everyone else.
If Batman and Green Arrow ever went head to head, I know that the fight would be worth seeing....
But if you add Nightwing vs Speedy in the ring...sorry Speedy's out faster then Mike Tyson's fastest knockout in the first round. And that bs in the outsiders where he and Roy went at it after he got shot???? PLEASE! I mean hello??? The writers are trying too hard with that scene. As if Roy could really hold his own against Nightwing.
Remember when the Titans cartoon put them up against one another? First in Titan's West and the other in the Contest? Speedy just doesn't compare with Robin...
Let's face it as of now, Roy's trying to hard to come out of Nightwing's shadow, but can't do it on his own...he really needs something serious to happen to him more 'cutting edge'
Actually, Roy probably has a better chance against Nightwing than Ollie would ever hope to have against Batman. Roy has actually been trained as a fighter, unlike Ollie. And I really don't want to see Roy devolved into some mercenary guy.
Okay, maybe Roy as a mercenary is too much....how about an instructor for the Arrow Academy? (name can be changed) I think it would be cool that he, Mia and Lian (in a few years) could open up an academy. Since Dick wouldn't have time to do it....I think by separating Dick and Roy in this manner can give Roy more individuality, letting him have more interaction with younger students and be more of a father figure and leader-type to them and thus make him more credible to the other readers, who are deadset on fanning for Nightwing. I can see Roy's potential...but the way how the writers are treating him is a 3rd rate basement Nightwing with emphasis on the hormone factor. After all they're like the Titan's/Outsiders Odd-Couple.....Nightwing is the strict and orderly guy and Roy is the more impulsive and brash type. Two sides of the same coin, but the heavier side is still on Nightwing.
Besides, doesn't Dick have more experience as a fighter then Roy? So, given his experience, and the strictness of Batman's discipline...
Not to mention the overall experience of being Batman's partner; wouldn't that naturally strengthen Dick's fighting abilities over Roy's? I thought Roy's training mainly stemmed from target shooting. After all, Bruce learned from several master of the world, and passed his knowledge to his sidekicks...Oliver learned from the Budda's (is that right? If I'm wrong, I apoligize)
who added to Roy's skills.
I'm open to Roy winning over Dick, but thus far from the books I've read.... it just doesn't seem possible.
Someone please educate me so I can correct my opinion.
Oh, I'd give it to Nightwing in a fight most of the time, but Roy would obviously have a much better chance than Ollie would against Batman (or Nightwing, for that matter). Roy is still a government operative, trained in their ways, he has more skills than just target shooting.
Don't know about Roy, but Connor's going to have a new mini out, apparently. Didn't Didio confirm that ages ago?
If anyone out there believe that Roy can't beat Nightwing, you gotta sell me some of what you're smokin'.
warren_sparta27 said:
Roy is joining Checkmate? is that just rumour or was it in checkmate #1?
It's just a rumor at this point. He wasn't in #1, but the Black Queen's Knight got killed, leaving an open slot in the organization's ranks.

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