Will people get over the super hate?

Bruce Malone

May 23, 2009
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While i'm not the biggest superman fan in the world i've come to appreciate him in a number of comics like red son and all-star and i do hope man of steel turns out great.

What i'm getting to is the fact that out of all the big superheroes i feel superman attracts the most hate from people. All over the net or wherever even random people on the street anytime superman is mentioned you'll get the people who jump up and start criticizing superman the same old he's too boring and powerful and lame etc. etc.

I wonder if the movie will find a way to get over the fact that superman has become the superhero punching bag for a number of ppl in the general audience especially in this post MCU/TDK world.
No...Superman is the start of the SUPERhero genre and he will ALWAYS be hated by most because he's so powerful
anytime i hear people say you cant relate to him

you know they dont know a thing about clark kent

zack's quote is so true
"In some ways Superman is the most recognizable superhero on the planet but also the most unknown.
anytime i hear people say you cant relate to him

you know they dont know a thing about clark kent

zack's quote is so true

Most people want to focus on Superman the alien...and not Clark the alien who is the "last son of Krypton". People need to do a little...or a lot of reading
bla bla bla... I can't relate to superman... like you can relate to any other superhero. It's just a poor excuse for not knowing anything about the character
While i'm not the biggest superman fan in the world i've come to appreciate him in a number of comics like red son and all-star and i do hope man of steel turns out great.

What i'm getting to is the fact that out of all the big superheroes i feel superman attracts the most hate from people. All over the net or wherever even random people on the street anytime superman is mentioned you'll get the people who jump up and start criticizing superman the same old he's too boring and powerful and lame etc. etc.

I wonder if the movie will find a way to get over the fact that superman has become the superhero punching bag for a number of ppl in the general audience especially in this post MCU/TDK world.

thats true to an extent but I find thats largely with the younger generation who only know Nolan's batman and pretty much nothing else.

He's the ultimate superhero, which makes it all the sadder he hasnt had a good film in over 30 years.
Hate, to me, is such a strong word. Anyone who HATES Superman has something very wrong with them. Superman stands for everything that's good in this world. He's the ultimate good guy. If you HATE someone that is so good then you don't just have issues...you've got subscriptions.

That being said, Superman isn't everyone's cup of tea and some people just don't care for Superman because on the surface he seems so perfect with his powers. But if they're open minded enough, and they see this film and how Clark will have to struggle with himself to make the decision to become the ultimate superhero...I'm sure their minds will be changed.
Some will, others won't. It's as simple as that. (See my updated sig.)
Hate, to me, is such a strong word. Anyone who HATES Superman has something very wrong with them. Superman stands for everything that's good in this world. He's the ultimate good guy. If you HATE someone that is so good then you don't just have issues...you've got subscriptions.

That being said, Superman isn't everyone's cup of tea and some people just don't care for Superman because on the surface he seems so perfect with his powers. But if they're open minded enough, and they see this film and how Clark will have to struggle with himself to make the decision to become the ultimate superhero...I'm sure their minds will be changed.

Probably is its harder to do a dark Superman film and dark films are all the rage now, sadly its all the younger generation are seemingly interested in now. I think that makes a Superman film a huge challenge these days.
I doubt it. It seems like those who hate him have a more silver-age rendition in their mind. Screw them anyway, most of them think Smallville is the first time Superman was ever done right.

You hit the nose on the head.The Silver age Superman is very unappealeing to modern nonfanboys so I cant understand the constant desire by some writers to incorporate it into comics.Silver age Superman was Godman
I don't see him as being hated, either...but he's certainly become more passé and old-hat over the generations in the public eye and pop culture compared to 'newer' characters...especially in the movies. I don't necessarily think one movie will change that unless it's the greatest movie ever made. I think it could help...but do any of these movies really spike comic popularity from one of the lesser to one of the most?

As discussed before, I think this is a pre-exusting uphill battle that faces a Superman movie, exacerbated by the impression (or lack thereof) that the last Supes movie left. And why this movie may have to be extra-great to even put Supes on the same level as other heroes in terms of public popularity, whereas just pretty good would do it for another character who isn't coming in with as much baggage. Is that fair? No...and it's not fair to openly put that kind of pressure no any movie...to make up for the past which it had nothing to do with. But its out there notheless. It shouldn't affect them, or their approach of starting fresh o their own terms. But they shouldn't be surprised if it's met with that bit of skepticism...and/or takes a little more momentum to overcome it and be as embraced.
I think they can but really it will ultimately come down to a cultural change. Batman played/plays big in post 9/11 society where people were/are looking for a new form of justice.

It's debatable whether or not society has moved past such a view. You can say with the recent financial crisis and the election of a US President whose platform was "hope" and "change" (regardless of your political views), society is prepared for a hero who on a moral high ground. I think the success of Captain America is a good indicator of that.

This film also has the potential to touch upon the theme of tolerance and acceptance of those different and foreign, which I think could help strike a chord with viewers and help turned Superman back in their favor.
I think they can but really it will ultimately come down to a cultural change. Batman played/plays big in post 9/11 society where people were/are looking for a new form of justice.

It's debatable whether or not society has moved past such a view. You can say with the recent financial crisis and the election of a US President whose platform was "hope" and "change" (regardless of your political views), society is prepared for a hero who on a moral high ground. I think the success of Captain America is a good indicator of that.

This film also has the potential to touch upon the theme of tolerance and acceptance of those different and foreign, which I think could help strike a chord with viewers and help turned Superman back in their favor.

I think the success of Captain America had more to do with the fact that he'd never gotten a feature film before...and somewhat because they were ultimately tying it to Iron Man.
Did Captain America do good business? I like the film, but the money didn't seem too strong.
Cap did decent enough and worldwide it did quite abit.
Batman had a lot of "hate" when Nolan took on the project, and then Catwoman was released to horrible reviews just a year before his interpretation of the character would hit the big screen.

It's Zack Snyder and Henry Cavill's job to make us and the general public "understand" and "get" Superman. The Comic-Con footage seems to focus on Clark not being sure of who he is or what he's supposed to do with his gifts before being confronted by Zod. One would expect we'll see how the character of Superman is depicted as we go further ahead.

Hopefully he gets a fantastic character arc that makes people warm up to him again. Superman's already got more lines than Brian Singer let Brandon Routh have, and restarting the series gives breathing room for Henry and Zack, as well as the "two father figures" mentalities that the Comic-Con teaser so wonderfully illustrates.
For some reason, though, it feels worse with Superman than it did with Batman coming off of B&R and Catwoman. I think that with Supes, it's somehow worse because unlike the palpable 'hate' and notoriety coming off of those two movies, with Supes it's more like indifference built up over a longer period....kinda' like saying 'love me or hate me...just don't ignore me'.

Also, I think that failing or not making an impact in today's movie atmosphere stings more because there are so many others 'in the party'. But by no means is Supes dead or done with. At least in movies, if it's really good then it should be right up there as one of several attractive options. He might never pass the likes of Iron Man or Batman, but if the franchise could at least have some life on the big screen again, that's at least achieving something. Whereas something like GL really shot itself in the foot for what seems like a long time.
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Cap did decent enough and worldwide it did quite abit.

It also did decently well with critics. The point is that a character does not have to be dark and edgy to be important. They can act solely from a place of good.
It also did decently well with critics. The point is that a character does not have to be dark and edgy to be important. They can act solely from a place of good.

Yes, but he also shot people. :woot:
Did Captain America do good business? I like the film, but the money didn't seem too strong.
It didn't do as well as Superman Returns, but it also had a smaller budget. I thought Captain America was a great movie and it got me excited for the character, whereas Superman Returns was a let-down and made me feel rather cold toward the character.
Did Captain America do good business? I like the film, but the money didn't seem too strong.
It did do well enough to get a sequel and really kicked butt on bluray/DVD.

I love Supes by the way and hope he get's the modern movie he deserves.
I wouldn't use the word hate....

You have one of the most powerful--if not the most powerful--and famous superheroes of all time. In all that time he really hasn't changed enough to garner any attention. To be fair, when he has changed drastically, fans scream bloody murder.

Fans know the character and care, but the GA has stopped caring about Superman because they feel they already know him and can't relate.

Quite frankly, I don't feel MOS is really going to bring that much new to the table. Come on, be honest--how much different is this film really going to be from previous films.....how much can you really get away with when it comes to changing Superman?...How many people are going to get that "been there done that" feeling from this film?

This new "take" on Superman will probably find a place with some, but others simply will not look past the fact that it's still just Superman.

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