Link's been posted:No need to be a *****e dude, I was just asking for some backup of your claim, as it had never been mentioned before as intenionally trying to look like a bat, because even the other Batmobile designs (there was like 7 in total) most of them would look even less like a bat when you look at the concept models. It doesn't have a strong Bat like look. This was a heavy complaint from the purists for years.
That wasn't from any BB art book. But I could be wrong, either way the Tumbler is an extremely visually interesting piece of machinery, and the fact that the subtlely of it's design could allow such an interpretation, that's great. Design + Function = The Tumbler. Great piece of movie magic machinery.That's a page from one of the official BB art books. As you can see, the fan pic you've criticized was actually using a stencil from the concept art. The batmotif outline isn't "forced" as it was designed by the very same guy that made the car.
That wasn't from any BB art book. But I could be wrong, either way the Tumbler is an extremely visually interesting piece of machinery, and the fact that the subtlely of it's design could allow such an interpretation, that's great. Design + Function = The Tumbler. Great piece of movie magic machinery.
My bad.Yes, hence why I stated that "it's been posted".
has anyone played CRACKDOWN on the 360? when you get 4 stars in the driving skill you get a supercar that does like 250mph and instead of going over cars its so flat and streamlined in goes under them. it looks very similer to the batmobile in TAS
That was basically in concept based off the Tumbler. All the artist did was mesh the functionality and purpose of the Tumbler, with a few aesthetics that parellel the Burtonmobile.
That was basically in concept based off the Tumbler. All the artist did was mesh the functionality and purpose of the Tumbler, with a few aesthetics that parellel the Burtonmobile.