i do think that tim burton's peguin was incorperated everywher and now hes the only version we know
I wouldnt mind seeing the carved smile in the comic universe
but not in the sense that it replaces the old look
I just would like to see it in a few arcs not all the time
The films are influenced by comics, rarely is it the other way around. I agree with Sage. No need for Joker to have a carved smile in the comics, he's had the classic look on paper for the past 67 years.
Does it really matter what he looks like?
he Joker has gone through so many different "looks" no one can keep up with him. Everyone that draws or portrays him does it differently. Why? Because the Joker is always doing something different.
It shouldn't matter if the Joker's look is different, just as long as he keeps his personality.
i do think that tim burton's peguin was incorperated everywher and now hes the only version we know.
Ya, he's a White Tony Sinclair.
uh, tim burtons penguin was a savage sewer dwelling dolt. in the comics, he's an upper class well spoken intellectual gentleman.