The Force Awakens Will They/Should They Bring Back Boba Fett?


Clumsy as he is stupid
Aug 3, 2011
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Lucas has gone on record as saying he wishes he hadn't killed him off, and that he thought for a split second about showing him crawl out of the Sarlacc in the Special Ultimate etc...Editions.

So what do you think--will we get to see an older Fett? Any other Mandalorians?

I think Fett teaching Jaina how to fight her brother like in the novels would be wicked. :word:

Nah, I'd like to see his kid continue the family legacy though: "Name-that-ends-with-a vowel Fett"

Three generations of the one family. That's a little bit more Star Wars, I think.
Joe Johnston has shown interest in doing a Fett film.
I don't know, never saw the appeal in Boba Fett. I like Bounty Hunters, but he was barely around and then went out like a *****, with a girly scream to boot. Let him rest and introduce someone new.
I was against the idea of Lucas showing him crawling out of the Sarrlacc,because the story was over, so no need.

But with this sequel trilogy,all bets are off.I can see him returning,but only if they can find a good storyline for him.
I like Boba but that would be too fan-servicey
And I still don't understand why Lucas would end him like a goof when he knew Boba had a following.
I never had a problem with Boba's demise.Only Han Solo would be lucky enough to beat a guy like Boba blind and with his back turned.:hehe:

"I call it luck.":woot:
A Fett HAS to be in any viable version of this movie.

That's my only requirement.

It would make more sense due to the time, that Boba has a new clone out seeing as how luke and anyone else carrying over will be in old age.

So my sense that even if fett did crawl out of the sarlacc put, he has a son or clone (or daughter?) by episode VII

My pick Boba Fett Crawled out, but is dead at the time of episode VII ...but he has a new 25-30 year old clone out. The Sarlacc pit incident made him contemplate his legacy so he fathered a clone/or real kid after.
AS much as I'm pulling for JJ's Boba movie to get made now, I don't think he'll be a chracter in the sequels. However, I wouldn't mind if he at least made a cameo in a bar or some sort of setting like that. Just passing by as a nod to the fans that our favorite bounty hunter is alive and still kicking ass.
Joe Johnston has shown interest in doing a Fett film.

Yeah lets save Fett film(s) separate from the new trilogy. This is one of the things Disney could capitalize on, having new films focusing on side characters and such.
So my sense that even if fett did crawl out of the sarlacc put, he has a son or clone (or daughter?) by episode VII

I'd actually love to see a female Bounty Hunter. And hopefully she'll have a decent sized role and won't just be a background character for most of the time.
Fett would be old as hell though.

Basically i think you have some New Fett Character acknoldege to Han that his father wasnt killed by him..and thats it.

Have a series expand on Boba post Sarlacc.
I'd actually love to see a female Bounty Hunter. And hopefully she'll have a decent sized role and won't just be a background character for most of the time.

It would be a neat wrinkle..maybe even neater if they kept the cloths baggy and revealed in the 2nd or 3rd film.
I'd actually love to see a female Bounty Hunter. And hopefully she'll have a decent sized role and won't just be a background character for most of the time.

I'd love for Fett to have a daughter, a female Bounty Hunter with Mandolorian armor would be wickedly cool.
You know, we actually can't have a Boba Thread without these videos in here. :o



It would be a neat wrinkle..maybe even neater if they kept the cloths baggy and revealed in the 2nd or 3rd film.

I'd like that. :up:
I've always hated the new dubbed Boba Fett voice in The Empire Strikes Back SE. His original voice was awesome because it sounded dangerous/mysterious:

I'd love for Fett to have a daughter, a female Bounty Hunter with Mandolorian armor would be wickedly cool.
Fett has a daughter in the EU. I really want this to happen in the films. I don't want a bunch on them but I want a Fett to carry over to this trilogy too.
Fett has a daughter in the EU. I really want this to happen in the films. I don't want a bunch on them but I want a Fett to carry over to this trilogy too.

Oh snap I forgot about that! Completely forgot...I'm behind in the EU anyways. Need to restart reading the Legacy of the Force...

Silly pictures

How about something cool looking and more pratical for the Star Wars universe. :p
Oh snap I forgot about that! Completely forgot...I'm behind in the EU anyways. Need to restart reading the Legacy of the Force...

How about something cool looking and more pratical for the Star Wars universe. :p

The last one would be good if the helmet wasnt all wrong

Something like this would be cool. OR this:

I actually have both these designs as action figures. Got them before I nearly quit collecting. I really like them and could see them on film. There's a female in Clone Wars too, but I couldn't find a good pic.
Those are more like it. :up:
I dont know if a mandalorian would sport a 'doo like that dude though!
A female Fett would be awesome. Maybe to fight/befriend a female Jedi? :hrt:

This is the age of Prometheus and Avatar: Legend of Korra, so I think it's time for the Star Wars films to have a female lead. And not just one main female character like in all the other movies.

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