Superman Returns Will you read reviews about SR before seeing it or wait to read after seeing it?


Aug 29, 2005
Reaction score
To spoil one's self or not to spoil?

That is the question :o

Seriously, do you want to have an idea of how good or bad the film may be based on critics opinions?

I think I may see it for myself first and THEN read reviews. I don't want to be influenced because they make me focus on scenes I never viewed on my own first.
No one can stop me from seeing this movie. NO ONE

Not even Superman himself.
Jay & Silent Bob says

The only critic is yourself, once you see the movie. Judge it as you will.
Why discuss it when the topic of critics' opinions has already been discussed a million times?
dont close it.

no i wont listen.
I'll read Ebert's review. Not because I agree with him every time, but because he writes very well-thought-out, honest, and clear reviews. He never presumes to project his opinion on other people, making predictions on who will like this or that. He always simply talks about his own opinion, which I respect more than other reviews.
\S/JcDc\S/ said:
To spoil one's self or not to spoil?

That is the question :o

Seriously, do you want to have an idea of how good or bad the film may be based on critics opinions?

I think I may see it for myself first and THEN read reviews. I don't want to be influenced because they make me focus on scenes I never viewed on my own first.

I'll probably read reviews first. Then see it. The reviews don't bother me. All that matters is what I think of the movie. I don't care much for what the critics think. At the end of the day it is my money that's going to be spent, and only I can decide whether it was well-spent or not.
I usually read maybe one or two positive and negative reviews in the Cream of the Crop section at, just to see the general feelings the reviewer got from the movie. I like reading James Berardinelli's reviews myself for basically the same reasons MatchesMalone likes Ebert's reviews.
I'm a big fan of rottentomatoes. I find the general consensus of reviewers is a pretty accurate gauge on a film's quality. I'll skim them, of course, I really don't think they'll spoil me much, and it really won't change how I feel about the film (I'm seeing it no matter what, obviously), but it should be fun to see just how good (or bad) the "professionals" think SR is.
I won't be reading any review. I don't want to be spoiled
Of course I will read it.

In my stupid country this film will be released only on July 27th.

I will not be able to wait and yes I will read them and yours reviews.

I hope it will get enough positivity on Rotten Tomatoes.
I have no problem reading reviews or spoilers for any film before I see it. That's not going to prevent me from liking or disliking a movie. I form my own opinion. However, I will listen to someone's review, and if they have a track record of liking or disliking films that I have in the past, I may tend to give their perspective more weight.
Absolutley, I will, because I plan on viewing it on DVD. Those plans however could change.
While I wont read any reviews I will check the score each reviewer will give SR. Not that it'll make any difference but I'll still check that.
I will take a look at RottenTomatoes to see what the general view is and see some quotes and stuff, but I may only read a couple full reviews, probably Ebert, for instance.
Define irony:

People posting in a SR spoiler forum about not wanting to be spoiled by critic's reviews of said film.

Priceless. :D :up:
The last time I didn't read reviews before a movie was Batman and Robin........
AgentPat said:
Define irony:

People posting in a SR spoiler forum about not wanting to be spoiled by critic's reviews of said film.

Priceless. :D :up:

Well... :rolleyes:
Critics don't really effect my thoughts on how good a movie will be though, I can usually tell for myself, I got a talent for it, for example..........

Im one of the biggest Godzilla fans there ever could be. Love the Japanese films. The original is a timeless HORROR classic, and I appreciate the cheesy one's like Godzilla vs. Smog Monster as well. Anyway, I was SOOO excited that we were doing our own Godzilla film in the States. I thought it would own ass, the best of both Godzilla worlds, with big G terrifyingly destroying American cities and some mindless f-ing action thrown in there. BUT NOOOOOOOO my dream was ruined by a self righteous prick named Roland Emmerich, who he himself stated that he hated the original Godzilla films. F-ing a-hole. Roland Emmerich is the reason I don't defend a particular " artists " decision, hope you read that skruloos.

Anyway back on topic, before the critics got ahold of it, everyone was in love with the idea. People country wide thought this was gonna be the highest grossing film to ever open on memorial weekend, the mack daddy of all monster movies. Mathew Broderick was in it, the director of Independence dayw as behind it, so on so forth. But there I sat, with the picture of the " new " godzilla " in my hands, knowing that this movie would suck. The whole A-sexual thing, wtf. Un-needed, kinda like a kid plotline. And why didn't Godzilla attack Los Angelas sense it originated in the pacific. Another piece of bad stroy telling. I tould everyone who would listen that the movie was going to suck, but know one would listen, not even other die-hard Godzilla fans, and I was right, I was right all along.......

P.S. In a case of Irony, I actually wanted the film to be a direct sequel to the original 1954 Goijira!!!!!

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