William Fitchner IS The Shredder

Any word on whether they kept the General Schroeder nonsense from the script Bay says they threw out? Haven't seen much TMNT news lately, but last I checked The Foot didn't look the least like ninjas and more like a low budget military group with awful masks.
Any word on whether they kept the General Schroeder nonsense from the script Bay says they threw out? Haven't seen much TMNT news lately, but last I checked The Foot didn't look the least like ninjas and more like a low budget military group with awful masks.

So far, the set images and casting news show a radically different film than what was in the "General Schrader" script. This including a different backstory for April and the Turtles based on the 87 TV series.

And based on that writer/reviewer's comments yesterday, whatever version we are now getting of the Shredder, as well as everything else, can't be too bad.
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Fair enough. I think I'll err on the side of caution though until I see some actual promotional shots of Shredder and the Turtles and/or a trailer. I'm not a Bay hater, but the look of the Foot soured me quite a bit when I was just beginning to entertain that they might have thrown it all out.
So far, the set images and casting news show a radically different film than what was in the "General Schrader" script. This including a different backstory for April and the Turtles based on the 87 TV series.

And based on that writer/reviewer's comments yesterday, whatever version we are now getting of the Shredder, as well as everything else, can't be too bad.

In the leaked script there's an SUV chase on a snowy hill and we know they are shooting near a ski lodge for a scene involving SUVs.

Then there's the Foot being a military organisation and as we can see the Foot certainly look like a military unit.

Then there's the the turtles being captured by said militaristic Foot. In fact the scene of the turtles in chains is very similar to one in the leaked sript.

Some of the things we are seeing are different, yes but the signs don't point to something radicaly different yet.
Yeah so far...

- We have a pseudo-Black Ops ish foot clan

- Shredder still being in the script but no word of how he'll look or if his origin will remain intact but the fact that he was referred to as Shredder in the interview give me a little hope.

- The presence of Black Baxter Stockman and potentially have mousers

- April, Vernon and possibly Irna from the Fred Wolf cartoon with similar characterizations and no Casey in sight.

- Confirmation of the OOZE being alien, the Turtles residing in the sewers and enjoying pizza from Bay and Eastman respectively.

So far, it's hard to tell how much of that script is still being used. Part of me still hopes to see Krang, Bebop, Rocksteady and the Technodrome.
Shredder's gonna have sad eyes!
In a recent interview with The Huffington Post Canada, when asked about his role in TMNT, William Fitchner confirmed that he will be playing The Shredder.

I think he's a phenomenal choice. This guy is a great actor
So far the only casting choices I actually like are Mos Def as Stockman and Will Arnett as Vernon. And I really don't care at all about Vernon. So they could have cast pretty much anyone in it. Anyway, I'm mentally preparing myself now for Colonel Schraeder.
What the flying hell.

Shredder is Japanese. His name is Oroku Saki.

How many more times must I damn you, Michael Bay?
So far the only casting choices I actually like are Mos Def as Stockman and Will Arnett as Vernon. And I really don't care at all about Vernon. So they could have cast pretty much anyone in it. Anyway, I'm mentally preparing myself now for Colonel Schraeder.

I think that's not true. The site that reported that has a motto says they post things they feel fans want to hear. No where else has picked the story up like they have with Fichtner as Shredder so I think it's safe to say it was made up.
Called it, colonel schrader lives......all the crap about the script being completly threw out was bull to win the fans over.

I knew they had to have kept these elements they were just too stupid not to.
why not go the ninja route with shredder

i get it aliens = military = explosions and alot of running around, which is pretty much transformers and is most likely done to be an automatic money maker
Unless they show Shredder unmasked for most of the time, or even at all, does it really matter who plays him? I mean really, we could see it done like TMNT II: Secret of the Ooze where his face is NEVER shown and he's constantly in suit.
he is a great actor no doubt it

but he is no Shredder. was hoping they would cast an Asian actor for the role.

The only time he has ever been played by an asian is the second movie. Yeah the Shredder looked cool in the first two movies but he did absolutely nothing in them. Let's not pretend he was this big martial arts master either, he did a few kicks and jumps to defeat the turtles and then "died" in one of the biggest facepalming deaths ever. Fichtner will rock the roll good although if this Colonel Schreder stuff is true than bleh that just reaks of badness
I think that's not true. The site that reported that has a motto says they post things they feel fans want to hear. No where else has picked the story up like they have with Fichtner as Shredder so I think it's safe to say it was made up.

Well, isn't that great.
Well this movie just got put on my "will not waste money to see" list. As a huge fan of the franchise this hurts my heart haha. I had low expectations for this movie, now they are even lower.

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