Oroku Saki or Colonel Schrader?


Nov 3, 2011
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As we all know, William Fitchner has been confirmed for the role of The Shredder.

With that said, the big question that remains is, not what version of The Shredder they WILL use, but what version they SHOULD use.

Should they use the Colonel Schrader version from the original script, which is racially accurate to the actor but is inaccurate to the source material, OR should they use the traditional Oroku Saki version which is accurate to the source material but (racially) inaccurate to the actor?
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As I stated in the other thread:

I say just name him Oroku Saki and say he is white but raised in Japan and part of Shredder's and Splinter's back story has to do with Japan's xenophobic nature.
As I stated in the other thread:

I say just name him Oroku Saki and say he is white but raised in Japan and part of Shredder's and Splinter's back story has to do with Japan's xenophobic nature.

I was thinking the same thing. They could even say he was from a military family, hence why he adopts military type weaponry into the foot (as opposed to using traditional ninja weaponry) and why he was raised in the Japan.
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The problem with the Conlonel Schrader idea is that it doesn't sound like it improves on the original concept. The original Shredder is an easy sell; so why change it drastically.

I am a believer that changes are needed for adaptations. But when Shredder worked so well in two other live action adaptations, and we in 2013 have to 'water him down' or change him for some odd reason, it's a red flag.

How if Shredder happens to have his armor in the film, then that' okay with me, despite the unethical changes to his race. Again, there's not many Asian roles in American films, so going default to a white person (no offense Willaim) is undermining what the public can accept. It's just a bit ignorant.

*dodges any income tables, chairs, and tomatoes*

Seriously though, what GREEN =w= DAY said. :p
As I stated in the other thread:

I say just name him Oroku Saki and say he is white but raised in Japan and part of Shredder's and Splinter's back story has to do with Japan's xenophobic nature.

Well said; very good theory. I'm all for this. Totally for Oroku Saki. :up:

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