
Apr 28, 2006
Reaction score
The only fault of the movies.

No mask, no Wolverine. Just Logan.

Wolverine's costume is one of the top 10 costumes of all the times. Period.

Who doesn't agree with me, has nothing to do among the X-MEN FOLLOWERS.

I'm sorry to be so rude.
Like an outfit makes a character? And none of the characters in the movie are like the comics. Why doesent Pyro have an Australian accent? Or Storm an Afro-Centric one? Why didint Jean save the xmen in space and become Phoenix? Why is Lady Deathstrike not a cyborg? Why isint Kitty going out with Piotr?

Because its a movie based on the comics... so not everything is the same, they take a little of the comics and leave room for lots of interpretation.
personally i don't really mind the no mask wolverine of the movies. i did at first, but i've grown to accept it.

i did appreciate the nod to the yellow spandex in X1, and i wouldn't mind seeing an old x-men costume hanging up in a closet or something as an easter egg if there are any scenes in any of the rooms of the x-mansion.
Not this tired-ass old bull**** again. :rolleyes:

Go play with Morgoth, Flashman. I'm sure you two can appreciate each others' jackass qualities in privacy and leave those of us who don't appreciate jerks like you questioning our fanhood alone.
Do you know how stupid it would look if he had a mask in the movies?
There are some things look good in comics that wouldn't look good on film.
Flashman said:
The only fault of the movies.

No mask, no Wolverine. Just Logan.

Wolverine's costume is one of the top 10 costumes of all the times. Period.

Who doesn't agree with me, has nothing to do among the X-MEN FOLLOWERS.

I'm sorry to be so rude.
You're not sorry at all, who are you kidding? Cyclops has got a point. Wolverine's costume would look absolutely ridiculous on screen, but just because I think so doesn't make me any less of a fan than you.

Suck it up, buttercup.
Exploding Boy said:
Cyclops you are such a bully :D

Not a bully. Just defensive of us fans, whether we started with comics, cartoons or movies. A fan is a fan is a fan and I won't stand for anyone trying to exclude someone from fanship.
Don't forget about Sauron. Go hang out with him too.

This is ridiculous. Ignore.
If you think WOLVERINE's gorgeous costume would LOOK lame on screen (have you ever seen it in a live action movie anyway? NO!) than you're not provided with ENOUGH love for the SUPERHEROES. :ghost:

'X-MEN' is a kind of EPIC. As EPIC story, it involves costumes and physical appearances, not only personalities and superpowers. BEYOND the excellent story (the FOCUS), there's a whole esthetic world which made the X-MEN so attractive in the first place.

Would you like to see a movie on the TROY WAR WITHOUT the armours?

WOLVERINE's MASK was part of his personality in some ways. It represents his "bestial" ego taken on the surface. A Physical manifestation, as much important as his CLAWS! Also, the mask reflects his hair... that's a good "parallel" in my view.

SUPERHEROES in SPANDEX are cool! :thing:
First of all, wolverine has no NEED for a mask. No need to protect his identity and no need for safety since he can easily heal.

Secondly, it would probably look stupid. SOme things really can't translate from comics to film. I can imagine a few designs that might look ok, but it would require a different costume altogether.

Thirdly, it's a movie, so being able to see his face is important. That's where all the emotion is.

With Batman, for example, the mask serves several purposes. It protects him, helps him hear, scares enemies, hides his identity, and turns him into a cold and frightening character. Wolverine doesn't need any of that.
Maybe Wolverine will have an outfit/costume closer to what he usually wore in the comics in his spin-off film. Since it's been confirmed the Wolvie movie will be a prequel, he likely won't even be in the x-men uniform he wore in the movie trilogy. He could wear civies through most of the movie and than get into his warrior costume when the final showdown comes. I think we all should be fine with Wolverine's comic costume on screen as long as it looks professionally made and as long as they come up with a good reason for it in the story.
I would love to see a good Wolverine uniform in the movies, but I dont think they could pull it off, although they did it for spider-man, so why coudn't they make it work for wolvie
I'd love to see his current costume in Astonishing X-men with the short ears brought in actually. There is something about that one that just...fits more. Less ridiculous and out there. No gigantic ears or V boots...I'd be fine if he wore it or not really. Mask or not, Wolverine is Wolverine, and he has shown this time and time again. There is no dual identity. It's the same guy. It's a code name for while on the field.
So I guess Ultimate Wolverine isn't Wolverine because he doesn't wear a Mask or his ridiculous yellow spandex.
Was Ultimate Wolverine the one that had that lame little triangle goatee thing, and he would sometimes wear a harley davidson leather vest with nothing underneath? God that was the LAMEST, most ******ED version of wolverine i've ever seen!!!
Nathan said:
So I guess Ultimate Wolverine isn't Wolverine because he doesn't wear a Mask or his ridiculous yellow spandex.

His "ridiculous yellow spandex" has sold MILLIONS of COPIES worldwide and is stuff of legend by NOW. Make up your mind, there's something wrong in you. Period.:doom:
Cyclops said:
Go play with Morgoth, Flashman. I'm sure you two can appreciate each others' jackass qualities in privacy and leave those of us who don't appreciate jerks like you questioning our fanhood alone.

You are my hero.

Flashman, you realize that Wolverine is over 100 years old, right? He's worn a mask for maybe 20 years, depending on how long you interpret comic timelines. So you're telling us that he was a completely different person for those 80+ years of being unmasked and some piece of yellow fabric given to him at Dept. H somehow made him instantaneously transform from just some bum to a legendary hero?
Flashman said:
If you think WOLVERINE's gorgeous costume would LOOK lame on screen (have you ever seen it in a live action movie anyway? NO!) than you're not provided with ENOUGH love for the SUPERHEROES. :ghost:

'X-MEN' is a kind of EPIC. As EPIC story, it involves costumes and physical appearances, not only personalities and superpowers. BEYOND the excellent story (the FOCUS), there's a whole esthetic world which made the X-MEN so attractive in the first place.

Would you like to see a movie on the TROY WAR WITHOUT the armours?

WOLVERINE's MASK was part of his personality in some ways. It represents his "bestial" ego taken on the surface. A Physical manifestation, as much important as his CLAWS! Also, the mask reflects his hair... that's a good "parallel" in my view.

SUPERHEROES in SPANDEX are cool! :thing:

wow, so you WOULD prefer yellow spandex!
Spandex doesn't work well in movies. While it allows for movemont, its hard to believe it as being durable at all. It doesn't look tough.

Spiderman pulls it off cause his suit is made to look textured and somewhat tough, but Wolverine is not jumping around all over the place and swinging through the air. He doesn't need a skintight outfit like that. He needs something thats tough and will hold up well in intense fighting.

Also yellow would not transfer well into real life. It jsut wouldn't. Maybe the old dark yellow/orange and brown costume, if it would very dark and shaded and maybe textured. But not yellow.

The problem with wolverine is that his costumes, however cool they may look in the comics, aren't practical in real life. I would prefer seeing a unique film costume that still somewhat embodies the feeling of wolverine rather than seeing a direct translation of the comic costumes.

One thing I can think of that MIGHT work would be a mostly leather (or leather-looking) costume based on the orange/brown comic costume. The suit would be fitted and maybe slightly padded, like in the chest/upper body, and look a bit thicker and more durable than spandex. It would have to be very dark shades of brown/orange, but also with black in there too. But still, NO MASK!!!

Oh one more thing: the movie costume is unique to look ghood on film while still retaining a wlverine look! So what's the problem?
SickBoy said:
Was Ultimate Wolverine the one that had that lame little triangle goatee thing, and he would sometimes wear a harley davidson leather vest with nothing underneath? God that was the LAMEST, most ******ED version of wolverine i've ever seen!!!
The goatee was Ultimate, the biker jacket with nothing underneath was New X-Men (Morrison).
Ugh hated that look - made wolvy look like he was gonna be ina gay porn movie.
Harlekin said:
The goatee was Ultimate, the biker jacket with nothing underneath was New X-Men (Morrison).

Oh, I'm talking about the Ultimate look then. I remember one of the issues he was wearing a leather biker VEST with NOTHING UNDERNEATH!!! And his little goatee thing... nasty.
Flashman said:
Wolverine's costume is one of the top 10 costumes of all the times. Period.

Who doesn't agree with me, has nothing to do among the X-MEN FOLLOWERS.

oh give me a break. first of all, at least specify which costume. surely you know he's had more than one given you're such a HUGE fan. second of all, get over yourself. I mean really, who the hell do you think you are? suddenly anyone who doesn't agree with your opinion isn't a real fan?
SickBoy said:
Oh, I'm talking about the Ultimate look then. I remember one of the issues he was wearing a leather biker VEST with NOTHING UNDERNEATH!!! And his little goatee thing... nasty.
I dug it actually. They really overhauled the whole "healing factor slows down his aging" thing and made him seem just about as old as the other X-men (as originally intended in 616 till he slowly started looking more like he was 38).

He looked like your basic young biker guy...In fact, I think I actually liked this version more than 616 at one point.


I really don't see what's wrong with this look...

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