So I'm way more heavy into comic books than my friends are save for one.(Though, that particular one wasn't there at the time.) So my friends and I get to playing Marvel Ultimate Alliance, and I one of them saids,"Yo, I want Wolverine." Then the other gets angry,"No I want to play as him"
So I but in,"Who cares, as long as I get Spiderman."
Thats when they just look at me. They pause and then after few moments respond,"Man, Spiderman sucks. Don't put that bumb on our team."
And I'm in shock. Spiderman being my favorite hero, I had to defend him.
"What!? How does Spiderman suck? He could kick Wolverines ass."
...That was the wrong thing to say around these three.
"What!!?? No one can beat Wolverine!! No one!!!"
"But Spiderman is stronger than him. He could knock him out." I say
"What!!! Wolverine would just slice that man no one can beat him!!"
It went on like that for awhile, then I respond"Okay, so no one can beat Wolverine." I say"What about Magneto"
They think for a second because they know I have them in a spot.
"Yeah but thats it."they repsond.
So I continue.
"Only Mags?! What about Juggernaut?"
"What?! Yes he could!!!
Captain America could too."
"But I have a comic where Cap beats Wolverine. And one where Juggs beats him too. And Spiderman!!!"
"Who ever wrote that sucks as a writer."
These statements and outburst left me with one conclusion. My friends were Wolverine fanboys and probably think Wolverine can take on Galactus and win. They even stated that he can beat Thor.
This is the type of crap that causes Wolverine to win crossover fights with Lobo!!!!
And theres only one thing I blame for this, the media.Especially since my friends aren't heavy comic readers.
If Wolverines screen time in the xmen movies wasn't so long and ridiculous this breed of fanboy would never have been created. Even video games cartoons overhype this guy too much. The media needs to stop making Wolverine look like this invincible overlord and script him how he should be.
And the way he killed was written as killing Phoenix in X-3 is a prime example. Wolverine officially sucks to me and my friends are idiots.