World of Warcraft

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Yeah some of the Death Knight changes are pretty cool.

I wish they didn't nerf the Shaman's ability to dispel so much. And it's kind of a bummer that Blizzard gave Mages a Bloodlust spell. Aside from that though, I'm pretty happy about the changes to Shaman.
Here's a really cool art showing Deathwing vs. Alexstrasza:

Pretty awesome if you ask me. :)
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It's especially cool if you've seen the picture that shows how big Deathwing is compared to a human.

New Paladin Spells

Blinding Shield (level 81): Causes damage and blinds all nearby targets. This effect might end up only damaging those facing the paladin’s shield, in a manner similar to Eadric the Pure's ability Radiance in Trial of the Champion. The Holy tree will have a talent to increase the damage and critical strike chance, while the Protection tree will have a talent to make this spell instant cast. 2-second base cast time. Requires a shield.

Healing Hands (level 83): Healing Hands is a new healing spell. The paladin radiates heals from him or herself, almost like a Healing Stream Totem. It has a short range, but a long enough duration that the paladin can cast other heals while Healing Hands remains active. 15-second cooldown. 6-second duration.

Guardian of Ancient Kings (level 85): Summons a temporary guardian that looks like a winged creature of light armed with a sword. The visual is similar to that of the Resurrection spell used by the paladin in Warcraft III. The guardian has a different effect depending on the talent spec of the paladin. For Holy paladins, the guardian heals the most wounded ally in the area. For Protection paladins, the guardian absorbs some incoming damage. For Retribution paladins, it damages an enemy, similar to the death knight Gargoyle or the Nibelung staff. 3-minute cooldown. 30-second duration (this might vary depending on which guardian appears).

Next you will find a list of some of the paladin spell and ability changes, followed by our intentions for improving each talent tree for the release of Cataclysm. There will be further changes, but those revealed below should offer some insight into our goals.

Changes to Abilities and Mechanics

  • Crusader Strike will be a core ability for all paladins, gained at level 1. We think the paladin leveling experience is hurt by not having an instant attack. Retribution will be getting a new talent in its place that either modifies Crusader Strike or replaces it completely.
  • Cleanse is being rebalanced to work with the new dispel system. It will dispel defensive magic (debuffs on friendly targets), diseases, and poisons.
  • Blessing of Might will provide the benefit of Wisdom as well. If you have two paladins in your group, one will do Kings on everyone and the other will do Might on everyone. There should be much less need, and ideally no need, to provide specific buffs to specific classes.
  • Holy Shock will be a core healing spell available to all paladins.
    New Talents and Talent Changes
  • We want to ease off the defensive capabilities of Retribution and Holy paladins slightly. We think the powerful paladin defenses have been one of the things holding Retribution paladins back, especially in Arenas. One change we’re considering is lowering Divine Shield’s duration by a couple of seconds. Having said that, Retribution does pretty well in Battlegrounds, and Battlegrounds will be a much bigger focus in Cataclysm since they can provide the best PvP rewards. Furthermore, the healing environment of Cataclysm is going to be different such that a paladin may not be able to fully heal themselves during the duration of Divine Shield to begin with, so this may not be a problem.
  • We feel Retribution paladins need one more mechanic which involves some risk of the player pushing the wrong button, making the rotation a bit less forgiving. In addition, we want to add to this spec more PvP utility. Right now the successes of the Retribution paladin in PvP seem to be reduced to either doing decent burst damage, or just being good at staying alive.
  • We want to increase the duration of Sacred Shield to 30 minutes and keep the limit to one target. The intention is that the paladin can use it on their main healing target. That said, we would like to improve the Holy paladin toolbox and niche so that they don’t feel quite like the obvious choice for tank healing while perceived as a weak group healer.
  • We want to add to the Holy tree a nice big heal to correspond with Greater Heal. Flash of Light remains a fast heal, but will be more expensive to justify the cast speed. Holy Light will be the go-to heal that has average efficiency and throughput. Beacon of Light needs to be changed so that its benefit is letting the paladin heal two targets at once, not letting the paladin get two heals for the mana cost of one. It’s intended to save GCDs and targeting time, not mana.
  • Holy paladins will use spirit as their mana regeneration stat.
  • Protection paladins need a different rotation between single-target and multi-target tanking. Likewise, we're looking to add the necessity to use an additional cooldown in each rotation.
  • Holy Shield will no longer have charges. It will be designed to improve block chance while active, and will continue to provide a small amount of damage and threat.

Mastery Passive Talent Tree Bonuses

Critical Healing Effect

Damage Reduction
Block Amount

Melee Damage
Melee Critical Damage
Holy Damage

Meditation: This is the spirit-to-mana conversion that the priest, druid, and shaman healers also share.

Vengeance: This is the damage-received-to-attack-power conversion that all tanks share.

Critical Healing Effect: When the paladin gets a crit on a heal, it will heal for more.

Block Amount: We want to keep the kit of the paladin as a tank who blocks a lot. So by contrast, the warrior tank will sometimes get critical blocks, but the paladin will absorb more damage with normal blocks.

Holy Damage: Any attack that does Holy damage will have its damage increased.
Screenshots of the new Troll city that will be located in the Echo Isles. :woot:






So I'm picking WoW back up just in time to get pumped for Cataclysm. I'm totally recruiting a friend of mine for the rocket mount. Won't we be able to fly on the two mainlands now?
Yep. Once Cataclysm comes out you'll be able to fly over Kalimdor and the Eastern Kingdoms. Of course I'm sure you'll have to pay a hefty fee in gold to do so.
Yeah that sucks. I have like 231 gold right now. Isn't learning to fly like 500 or so?
Yeah that sucks. I have like 231 gold right now. Isn't learning to fly like 500 or so?
Even just basic flying? I'm looking at right now, and it's saying Expert Riding (for a Regular Flying Mount) is actually 250 gold. I hope that's the actual case, and it's not just misinformation.
Oh, I was talking about Artisan Flying.

PS - What realm are you on?
Demon Soul. A friend of mine who wanted me to begin playing WoW got me to play there. I'm pretty pissed, because now it's got a really low population, and I'm all about the big parties and doing the raids. I'm only level 55 right now, but I'm working my way up almost solely so I can do the raids.

I'm getting back into it now, and my goal is to power-level my ass off until I make it to 60... As soon as school's over.
I bought a "NVIDIA GeFORCE 8400GS 512 MB PCI-EXPRESS- NEW 8400" off Ebay so I could start playing WOW, but apparently this video card is not very good for WOW, does anyone know if this is true or not?
Demon Soul, eh?

The Scryers, here. Also a small populated server, but I'm currently serving with a pretty sharp guild, myself, which raids often.

For flying, it isn't that expensive to get the regular flying mount, and then it's like 5k for artisan flying, then another 1k for cold weather flying. Or it's 1k for artisan, and 5k for cold weather. I'm pretty sure I was right the first time.

Or you can be like my mage, who has all these mounts she can use at artisan, but doesn't have artisan flying. (You can summon me to ICC. >=( You know, if you can see each other. Otherwise, bring a warlock. >=( )

I'm loving some of the mage changes, and how the team is not FORCED to bring shamans (which we never really were forced to, but it's nice to have some options.) Healing rain is looking good, as well as a heal while you run talent. But again on mages, we're finally gettin' some love (cause we apparently weren't before >.>) with mage lust (time warp) and that fire sphere from Prince T. I'm sorta off about the mastery with arcane mages, since as of now, arcane mages are notorious for just BURNING mana in comparison to other mage specs (like FFB spec, and it's endless mana. @_@). I'm just not sure how giving a damage boost for the amount of mana we have is a strong idea. Especially if there's a PvP arcane mage. Their burst would be incredibly OP. x.x

Also, I'm gonna miss being able to go from the bottom of healing meters to 2k over the top healer on the fly with Cata. ;-; Boohoo... No more HL spams with BoL?! They must hate paladins! >=O /typical overreacting nerdrage.

Actually though, it's understandable. Pallies sort of have a nerf coming their way. Even with a GS 200 over mine, one of the resto shamans in my guild couldn't outheal me if he HAD to and I didn't even bother to pop cd's. (Our overhealing is probably much higher than effective healing when we compete. =D)

Also, I'm gonna miss frost tanking. ;-; Howling Blast, how I will miss thee.

Priest Grip is gonna be the bane of Priest's existances. "The priest should've pulled me out of the fire, cause I couldn't get out in time." Sure, the player will probably not be a great one, but you know it's gonna happen.
I will be playing WOW for the first time tomorrow, I am a long time Morrowind player, anything I should know before I noob it up?
1. First off, Morrowind is awesome and probably my favorite game ever, so congratulations on having excellent taste.

2. and should become your best friends.

3. If you're on a PvP server prepare to be ganked hard and often. Especially if you're with the Horde.

4. Learn a gathering and crafting profession as early as possible. You can make yourself better gear than what you can buy or get from quests and you can also earn a good chunk of gold selling your creations in the auction house.

5. Don't worry about picking a race based on their stats or racial traits, just go for whatever looks cool to you. In my opinion traits are kind of trivial in the grand scheme of things.

6. It can take a long time to really get an accurate feel for how a class plays, so don't get discouraged if you take your character to level 15 or 20 or even higher and suddenly find out you actually don't like that class. I personally played as a Warrior(26), Hunter(31), and a Rogue(19) before I started my Shaman which I love.

6. Join the Horde.

That should be enough for the early going. Come back if you have more questions. :)
Actually, you make more gold if you take two gathering professions rather than a crafting and gathering one. Since with the crafting one you'll spend some coin in materials that your gathering profession won't cover. Also, it's best to work on your crafting profession once you reach 80 since it'll be easier to level. You'll have easier acess to gold through dailies which you could use to buy what you need from the auction house rather than farming it yourself or if you still want to, you could and save the gold.

Also, if you have a friend that plays WoW or is interested in playing, try Recruit-A-Friend (RAF). It'll make leveling through the 1-60 go pretty quickly.
True, I have two gathering professions, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to a new player to be able to make some good gear?
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Crafting gear is meh to okay during the first two parts of the games, Azeroth and BC, its turns better once they get to Northrend. Also, leveling through those two parts it abit faster than it used to be since they lowered the required exp during BC for Azeroth. And it'll be even faster if they have access to RAF. They'll be leveling soo quickly that they might have to spend a day leveling the crafting profession to obtain gear their level that is good. And its get worse once they venture into Outlands, since any previous gear, will be upgraded with quest items. Even the hard to craft items from late Azeroth, which require some rare materials, will be easily upgraded in Outland.

Also, leak alpha model of Deathwing.
1. First off, Morrowind is awesome and probably my favorite game ever, so congratulations on having excellent taste.

2. and should become your best friends.

3. If you're on a PvP server prepare to be ganked hard and often. Especially if you're with the Horde.

4. Learn a gathering and crafting profession as early as possible. You can make yourself better gear than what you can buy or get from quests and you can also earn a good chunk of gold selling your creations in the auction house.

5. Don't worry about picking a race based on their stats or racial traits, just go for whatever looks cool to you. In my opinion traits are kind of trivial in the grand scheme of things.

6. It can take a long time to really get an accurate feel for how a class plays, so don't get discouraged if you take your character to level 15 or 20 or even higher and suddenly find out you actually don't like that class. I personally played as a Warrior(26), Hunter(31), and a Rogue(19) before I started my Shaman which I love.

6. Join the Horde.

That should be enough for the early going. Come back if you have more questions. :)

Thanks for the advice and tips, I was going to be Horde anyway lol

is it better to level up with combat and skilling or through questing?
5. Don't worry about picking a race based on their stats or racial traits, just go for whatever looks cool to you. In my opinion traits are kind of trivial in the grand scheme of things.

6. It can take a long time to really get an accurate feel for how a class plays, so don't get discouraged if you take your character to level 15 or 20 or even higher and suddenly find out you actually don't like that class. I personally played as a Warrior(26), Hunter(31), and a Rogue(19) before I started my Shaman which I love.

6. Join the Horde.

That should be enough for the early going. Come back if you have more questions. :)

Race doesn't matter? Tell that to paladins concerning Belf Paladins, or priests concerning Undead shadow priests. :oldrazz:

However, the guy is right. Sometimes, it takes a while to figure out you don't exactly love the class you're playing, and don't feel like you're too far in the game to start over. Lessee... I got my lock to 70, didn't really care for it, so I got a warrior to 70, decided I really wanted a mage, who I got to 70, then WoTLK came out. So then I got my DK to 80 to tank spam, then got my mage to 80 for dps and pvp fun, then got my paladin to 80 to healz it out. And for now, my healadin and mage are my two favourite toons. Sorta leaning towards getting my warlock from 72 to 80 again.

Also, yes. Horde. LOK'TAR OGAR!! FOR THE HORDE!! Also, join The Scryers if you do, so me and Diamanthus have someone else from the Hype to play with.

Actually, you make more gold if you take two gathering professions rather than a crafting and gathering one. Since with the crafting one you'll spend some coin in materials that your gathering profession won't cover. Also, it's best to work on your crafting profession once you reach 80 since it'll be easier to level. You'll have easier acess to gold through dailies which you could use to buy what you need from the auction house rather than farming it yourself or if you still want to, you could and save the gold.

Also, if you have a friend that plays WoW or is interested in playing, try Recruit-A-Friend (RAF). It'll make leveling through the 1-60 go pretty quickly.

We still need to do that RAF. >.> Next week maybe? We shoulda done it this week with all the Children's Week going down.

True, I have two gathering professions, but wouldn't it be more beneficial to a new player to be able to make some good gear?

Gear that early in the game (and pretty much till the END of the levelling process) is cheap and easy. And with the new random system, it doesn't even matter anymore. Gathering professions would allow him to collect mats to trade to those with the crafting professions to give him better gear the moment he hits 80.
Thanks for the advice and tips, I was going to be Horde anyway lol

is it better to level up with combat and skilling or through questing?

Questing. When they lower the required experience from level 1-60, they also increase the experience reward from quest. Also, you can chain quest together, picking out an effective path to one quest to the other to reduce travel time, and then just turn them all at once. You could search the internet for some free leveling guides.

We still need to do that RAF. >.> Next week maybe? We shoulda done it this week with all the Children's Week going down.

Yeah, next week.
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