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Mar 7, 2005
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Simple question: MOS will lead to a DC Film Universe with the Justice League, along with a rebooted Batman, Green Lantern, and finally introducing long development franchises of Wonder Woman, Flash, Aquaman, and more. But here's the thing: I know Justice League can work with the right story, but also the right number of heroes (I have ideas, you guys have ideas, and maybe we figured out realistically that the Big 7 can't work, but a Big 5 will, etc.), but, one other team up that's been brought up is World's Finest, and while that still can happen after Justice League, maybe it can happen before Justice League, thus taking care of two people before introducing the others in the other film.

So its either Justice League, then World's Finest; or World's Finest, then Justice League. Which do you want?

Your call! You decide!


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I won't reiterate everything that I said in the other thread, but basically WF is a waste of time. It would be insanely cool for sure, but it wouldn't add anything to the place that I think WB is trying to take this universe.

That said, I think just jumping straight into Justice League could also be a mistake unless if Man of Steel 2 sets up the villain or one of the lesser knowns or both. A solo movie would be preferable but probably won't happen from the looks of things.

In any case, I just hope that the people planning all of this know what they're doing. Man of Steel was good but didn't blow me away like I thought it would. Even Jeremy Jahns was hesitant to give it an "Awesometacular" which I tend to agree with his choices of movies that deserve that title and it worries me. In any case, I'm very optimistic about all of this.
It's a waste of time if it's done after JLA. It's a waste of time if the dynamic and introductions between Batman and Superman could be written by Goyer and squeezed down into the first Justice League movie. Or if it simply becomes a 2 hour trailer for JL. That would make it a waste of time.

But if Goyer wants JL to begin with a strong familiarity between Bruce and Clark from the get-go so they can move on with the plot/villain/other members, then it IS wise to have a World's Finest beforehand.

Regardless it all comes down to which solo movies we're getting before and after JL.

Will we just have MOS 2? If so, they need to have some cameos or STRONG references there. And I don't mean easter eggs that last a split second.

BTW OP, you should make your poll a little more clear. Im guessing you mean which one would you want first..
I'm starting to think Worlds Finest would be a bad idea. You need the freshness of the Superman / Batman dynamic to draw people into a Justice League movie. The novelty of that will be gone if a WF comes out first. Better to do MOS 2, then Batman reboot, then Justice League ... then the other solo films.
Will we just have MOS 2? If so, they need to have some cameos or STRONG references there. And I don't mean easter eggs that last a split second.

I hope that's not the plan. I don't want MOS 2 to be like IM 2.
I friggin hate World's Finest.
Justice Leagu all the way.
I'm a World's Finest guy all the way. The Batman/Superman relationship is too important to be crammed into the first hour only to have Wonder Woman, Flash, and the rest show up for the last hour. Take time and develop this thing slowly. Otherwise I honestly think it'll fall flat on it's face. World's Finest.
I hope that's not the plan. I don't want MOS 2 to be like IM 2.
That's what I fear. Either that or no references at all then they just jump into JL making it feel rushed.

Im starting to think WF is a bad idea too, the more I think about it. The fact that Goyer has been signed to MOS , MOS 2 , and JL....tells me that's the order and that's all we're getting unless other writers are hired for the other solo projects. There's no way Goyer gets to write all these Superman movies and Justice League but doesn't get to write an important World's Finest with HIS Superman. No chance in hell. So it tells me it's b.s and we're never getting it.
I don't think they should just leap into JL from Superman alone. I think they need a Batman solo reboot in there too. I worry that Superman will have an overwhelming influence on the franchise above all other characters. Batman is his appropriate counter-balance.
It's a waste of time if it's done after JLA. It's a waste of time if the dynamic and introductions between Batman and Superman could be written by Goyer and squeezed down into the first Justice League movie. Or if it simply becomes a 2 hour trailer for JL. That would make it a waste of time.

But if Goyer wants JL to begin with a strong familiarity between Bruce and Clark from the get-go so they can move on with the plot/villain/other members, then it IS wise to have a World's Finest beforehand.

Regardless it all comes down to which solo movies we're getting before and after JL.

Will we just have MOS 2? If so, they need to have some cameos or STRONG references there. And I don't mean easter eggs that last a split second.

BTW OP, you should make your poll a little more clear. Im guessing you mean which one would you want first..

This makes no sense to me. They have done a Batman/Supeman team up lots of times in the cartoons and in the comics and they haven't had to follow any order of precedence so to speak where Batman and Superman have to team up before a Justice League can form. These are independent stories (and no there is no difference between the comics, the cartoons, and the movies because they all are stories). The truth of the matter here is that if you want to be true to the comics, the original Justice Society was made up of heroes who did not have their own comic book franchise. We know that would never be a hit on film so we are leveraging both Batman and Superman in order to launch that franchise and to help support the lower tier characters in the DC Universe. To just go with a Superman - Batman film would only complicate things since it's success would only prolong the start of a justice league franchise. Like I have said before, a Worlds Finest film is far form the minds of any producer right now since there is no film option nor copyright for such let on that concept at this time.
I want a World's Finest film like the bronze age comics in which Superman and Batman would call each other "old friend" and "chum".
That's what I fear. Either that or no references at all then they just jump into JL making it feel rushed.

Im starting to think WF is a bad idea too, the more I think about it. The fact that Goyer has been signed to MOS , MOS 2 , and JL....tells me that's the order and that's all we're getting unless other writers are hired for the other solo projects. There's no way Goyer gets to write all these Superman movies and Justice League but doesn't get to write an important World's Finest with HIS Superman. No chance in hell. So it tells me it's b.s and we're never getting it.

Well, actually this whole three picture deal scares me anyways when it comes to Justice League. If MOS 2 has absolutely minimal to no JL references then the third installment could just simply end up being MOS 3 rounding out a standalone Superman trilogy. I mean how long are they actually going to be able to keep Henry Cavill under contract? Not to mention will he get too old eventually? I can actually handle the idea of a 50 year old Batman moreso than a 40 year old Superman.
Yeah but it was said that the 3 picture deal was JL after the 2 Superman movies.
I'd take either one. ideally you take your time and go with mos 2, maybe world's finest/trinity followed by flash solo then jl, but i wouldn't complain if they jump straight into jl. though i will say that you don't need jl to compete with the avengers if it's what WB wants to do. wf/trinity could do that.
MOS 2 2015, Batman Reboot 2015 then Justice League 2016
They cant write, film, post-production and release JL in 1 year. Impossible.
No matter what I say though, if they announced a World's Finest movie, whether it's the best thing to do or not, I would still freak out. It would be Cavill's Superman and introducing the new Batman....how could I not lose my mind over that?? :hehe:

I think the true problem has to do with contracts though. Is Cavill going to commit to 3 solo films (potentially), 2 or 3 team-ups? It seems like a LOT.

Then you have the actor playing Batman. Is he going to sign to a WF, JL 1 and a sequel might be needed. Then there's 1 solo film which would guarantee a sequel if successful. You're looking at 5 to 6 films. He's bound to be recast and is that a good idea if a JL sequel or something has yet again a different actor for Batman?

I think the less team-up films the better in my opinion.

This is why I stated weeks ago that a Bale-Cavill WF would work as a fantastic one-off if JL wasn't happening. Now that it is, I just don't see it going down.
well Marvel managed to get a 6 picture deal out of Evans and a 5 (+2) picture deal out of RDJ.

Long contracts do happen.

Cavill seems like he's pretty stoked on being Superman as well, the geek he is.
You might be right about Cavill. I think a trilogy of Superman movies is no problem for him. He seems stoked about JL AND WF too. But im not so sure about sequels to JL.

They have to really nail it out of the park with the actor they cast for Bruce. It's super important to their future of Batman on film both solos and team-ups. They need to take their time and look around, hold auditions. My suggestions of Gosling for example might be a bad idea because it's going to be hard enough getting an actor like that for ONE film, I cant imagine him signing to a handful of movies. So Luke Evans or somebody more obscure is the right way to go.

Signing Gosling for Flash is more reasonable. You have 1 solo movie, and 1 or 2 team-ups. I can even see them signing Hunnam or Gosling and if they don't want to do solo movies, WB may just bend over backwards to do what they wish.
If they are going to have WF before JL, I'm thinking of a layout like so:

2013 Man of Steel
2015 Man of Tomorrow
2016 The Batman
2017 World's Finest,
2018 Wonder Woman
2019 Justice League


2013 Man of Steel
2015 The World's Finest (aka MOS sequel)
2016 WW, The Flash (optional)
2017 Justice League
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Justice League 2015 please!!!

From a marketing perspective, one of the big draws of a Justice League movie is to see Superman and Batman together. If you do a World's Finest first then Justice League, you may end up reducing that draw.
You really need a World's Finest movie first.Otherwise,the first meeting of the two will either overwhelm the other characters,making the rest of the team look like 2nd stringers,or else it'll be glossed over and people will likely be disappointed.
Or for a compromise, I can settle for a Trinity movie with cameos of Flash, Green Lantern, Martian Manhunter etc in their civilian personas with the villain being teased in the final scene.
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