Worst Movies of the Year for 2006!

That-Guy said:
(by the way, I happen to feel that The Da Vinci Code novel is brilliantly written... regardless of historical accuracies, it's a very well-paced suspense story and the movie didn't even come close to reaching its effect)

Brilliantly written? Do you read other books.. or what?

Anyway, don't want to get off topic. This is a thread about the worst movies, not the worst books...

Date Movie
Superman Returns

Date Movie is by far the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I got nothing out of it(Not even Ed Wood/Boll type humor), and lost a friend for convincing me to go. After it was over, my buddies and I ran around the mall going up to strangers telling them NOT to see the movie. It was that bad.

Superman Returns gets my other pick for worst film because it did something that no other film in my life has done before: Got me to fall asleep in the theater. I didn't go tired, or after a long day. I went in, sat down, and it bored me to sleep. I used to make fun of people for paying money for a film then passing out during it, despite the loud noise. Guess I understand now.
i almost fell asleep during superman returns... and it was on imax lol
Nacho Libra.
All This years horror movies except Saw 3.
Talladega Knights.
The Wild.
BloodyWolverine said:
Nacho Libra.
All This years horror movies except Saw 3.
Talladega Knights.
The Wild.

Wow, interesting, I actually thought there was kind of a horror revival this year

some fantastic enteries

Hills Have Eyes, Silent Hill, Saw 3, Descent, Hard Candy (if counts as a horror, its more of a thriller) An American Haunting was average, the film style was cool

I dunno, I thought there where some very solid horror flicks released in 06
Warhammer said:
I loved Crank.
It was exactly what it was made to be: A fun, mindless action flick.

Crank ruled all pure action movies this year

X3? Dead, SR? Dead, Posieden? Dead, MI-3? Better than the last three, but still dead

Now, I am not counting Deja Vu, Casino Roayle, and POTCDMC, because they have another genre that is at least as prevelent as action if not more, but all three where better than Crank

but Crank ruled, best pure action movie of the year
Rez said:
Brilliantly written? Do you read other books.. or what?

Anyway, don't want to get off topic. This is a thread about the worst movies, not the worst books...

Date Movie
Superman Returns

Date Movie is by far the worst movie I have ever seen in my life. I got nothing out of it(Not even Ed Wood/Boll type humor), and lost a friend for convincing me to go. After it was over, my buddies and I ran around the mall going up to strangers telling them NOT to see the movie. It was that bad.

Superman Returns gets my other pick for worst film because it did something that no other film in my life has done before: Got me to fall asleep in the theater. I didn't go tired, or after a long day. I went in, sat down, and it bored me to sleep. I used to make fun of people for paying money for a film then passing out during it, despite the loud noise. Guess I understand now.

Yes, actually I have read other books, and not to get off-topic, I wish someone who thinks that The Da Vinci Code novel was written poorly would have a little more to say than "that book sucked" or "it's horrible" if they really feel the need to rip it apart. Otherwise, don't make assumptions about my intelligence just because I happened to like a book that was an international bestseller. The fact that it sold millions of copies and received a lot of critical praise may not by proof that it is a well-written book, but it certainly proves that I'm not alone in thinking that it was good. If you can justify calling Superman Returns a boring film simply because it made you fall asleep, then I can justify thinking that The Da Vinci Code was a well written book based upon the fact that I literally stayed up until 5 am on a workday just because I couldn't put it down.
The Black Dahlia
Date Movie
Little Man (which I didn't see, but I don't think I need to)
of ones i have seen:

Date Movie
Aeon Flux
Galactus said:

Crap, I forgot I saw Pink Panther. I guess it was so bad, I tried to erase it from my mind. :( So I change my vote, Pink Panther was much suckier then Hostel. Though I'll make it a tie anyways and say both movies sucked equally. Actually, Pink Panther had Jean Reno dancing in tights, so I gotta admit, that puts it one notch above Hostel. :o
Wolfwood said:
Crap, I forgot I saw Pink Panther. I guess it was so bad, I tried to erase it from my mind. :( So I change my vote, Pink Panther was much suckier then Hostel. Though I'll make it a tie anyways and say both movies sucked equally. Actually, Pink Panther had Jean Reno dancing in tights, so I gotta admit, that puts it one notch above Hostel. :o

Wait, you mean THE Jean Reno? Leon?





That's just sad.
L0ngsh0t said:
Crank ruled all pure action movies this year

X3? Dead, SR? Dead, Posieden? Dead, MI-3? Better than the last three, but still dead

Now, I am not counting Deja Vu, Casino Roayle, and POTCDMC, because they have another genre that is at least as prevelent as action if not more, but all three where better than Crank

but Crank ruled, best pure action movie of the year

Galactus said:

This is why I hate a lot of "worst" list, especially on a site that focuses primarily on genre films; their worst lists consists primarily of films that they merely found disappointing, but are hard the worst films of the year. X3 and Superman Returns were disappointing films, but I wouldn't put them on a worst film list.
That-Guy said:
Yes, actually I have read other books, and not to get off-topic, I wish someone who thinks that The Da Vinci Code novel was written poorly would have a little more to say than "that book sucked" or "it's horrible" if they really feel the need to rip it apart.
Okay. Let me elaborate: its pacing was *exceedingly* formulaic, it's characters were paper-thin, the dialogue was nothing but soap-opera nonsense, and the prose was absolutely flat without any poetic flair.

The fact of the matter is that Dan Brown can't write very well. He came up with an okay conspiracy theory (no matter how jaw-droppingly ignorant of history it is), but when it actually came to fleshing that out, he dropped the ball. And it's not like I have ridiculously high standards - I enjoy books by "populare" authors such as John Grisham, but this book isn't even near being on that level as far as quality goes.

The fact that it sold millions of copies and received a lot of critical praise may not by proof that it is a well-written book, but it certainly proves that I'm not alone in thinking that it was good.
It sold millions of copies. But it did *not* receive a lot of critical praise.
POTC2 turned off the dvd and put it on the shelf half way through.
Da Vinci crap
my personal worst movies of the year are not neccessarily the worst but i count them as the worst because they are either wasted oppurtunities of flat out dissapointements or in some cases just bad.

My list:
Miami vice
X-men:the last stand
Date Movie

sure there are other movies that are in terms of quality worst then the ones listed but really did anyone except poseidon to be amazing? especially after the trailers? i did not. but movies like miami vice and x3 have a big name to live up to and in all ways they did not.
only watched like 4 movies this year...
Underworld2, Scary movie4,hostel, descent...
but sadly, i hated all the movies except descent.

and my worst movie of the year so far is scary movie4
Poseidon, Superman Returns, Davici Code. <-- Those movies weren't supposed to suck. They all had a credible production staff, and great cast, so what happened.

Well, Bryan Singer and WB giving him a blank check happened to SR, but there's no excuse for those other two.

All those other movies had low expectations and were going to suck on principle alone, including X3, which only brought to light all the faults that were established in the previous two films.
Warhammer said:
If Superman Returns was one of the worst movies of the year for anyone, you must either have an extremely bad taste in movies or you haven't seen enough movies in 2006 for your post to mean jacks***. :down
Superman Returns was pretty bad :o ...as was X3, Miami vice, POTC 2, Mi3, and the worse of all

This thread should be retitled 'Films I was most dissapointed by', as many, many of these films even if they weren't great or even good are hardly to be considered the 'worst' of the year.
Brokeback mountain, it sucked and then it swallowed.:o
Sentinel X said:
Superman Returns was pretty bad :o ...as was X3, Miami vice, POTC 2, Mi3, and the worse of all


There were FAR MORE movies that were worse than Superman Returns.
I mean, seriously, with alot of the crap of 2006, how is Superman Returns considered one of the worst?

Superman Returns being very disappointing would be better, but definitely doesn't deserve worst of the year. Matter of fact, everything that you listed was 1000x better than the worst movies of the 2006, no matter how disappointing they were. (Except M:I:III ;))

Bias aside, I liked Superman Returns to a degree. :o
primemover said:
This thread should be retitled 'Films I was most dissapointed by', as many, many of these films even if they weren't great or even good are hardly to be considered the 'worst' of the year.

I agree 100%. :up:

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