Well, here we can't go too much further because of my unpopular "whacked-out" conspiracy freak beliefs.
I honestly think he objected and Cheney/Rumsfeld, etc. coerced him in some humiliating way.
It's all subjective of course, but to Me, if you watch his address to the U.N., you can see it in his eyes, that his skin is crawling and he's afraid.
I seriously wouldn't put it past Cheney to go as base as "We'll torture your wife to death if you don't back us up."
People will roll their eyes, but, that's what I believe.
Now one could say, "too many lives in the balance. Still proves he's no good."
But I would class that with P.O.W.'s, with a defeated, sullen, profoundly saddened look on their face as they "denounce" the U.S. on film/video..............or they'll get a glass rod shoved up their urethra and have it shattered.
And all you have to do is watch a good long interview with Powell's former chief of staff, Wilkerson, who also resigned, to get the vibe.
He's outright said that Cheney terrorized the staff and told them to come up with Iraqable stuff or the consequences would be dire.