"That's what happens when you don't begin your summer with installments of Spider-Man, Shrek and Pirates of the Caribbean, the movies that jump-started May and led Hollywood to its biggest summer — and year — on record."
Yeah. Shame they all sucked. Well, "Spider-Man 3" was okay...
I think this summer seems set to have less box office titans, but more good movies. But I've been wrong before....
They also left out Wall-E which is sure to do well. That article is shaky, this summer has alot better films coming out, and, as others have noted, Spiderman 3, Shrek 3 and PotC 3 pretty muched sucked.
Indy's got an incredibly large fanbase, Batman's got an incredibly large fanbase, Iron Man's got an incredibly large fanbase (and have been waiting for their film for years)
this will be a great year t:
What's Harrison's main weapon in this film, a walking frame?
however, it isnt wise to underestimate Harrison Ford, or Indiana Jones nonetheless
What's lined up for 09?yeah, this is the first time i'm hearing that this summer is 'shaky'. If there is any shaky summers, it has to be Summer 09.
They also left out Wall-E which is sure to do well. That article is shaky, this summer has alot better films coming out, and, as others have noted, Spiderman 3, Shrek 3 and PotC 3 pretty muched sucked.
yeah, this is the first time i'm hearing that this summer is 'shaky'. If there is any shaky summers, it has to be Summer 09.