Sequels X-Men 4 possibilities....

Odin's Fury

Feb 6, 2006
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I'm not sure if anyone already said this, but I think if there is an X-men 4, then it should start over with a new class at Xavier's school and/or a a new school all together.

Basically I say they do Generation X. All new characters, with a few returning (Storm, Beast, Wolverine) to teach the new class. You could introduce Chamber, Husk, Jubilee (as a team member), Mondo, M, or who ever you want.

ALSO, I say Banshee should be one of hte heads of the new school too. You could even tie it in with the last one, in that Xavier could be recooperating on Muir Island and ask Banshee to hold up the fort as it were in his stead.

Any thoughts?
If they do that, it won't be X4 at all, in my opinion. Sounds good, but for a spin-off. X4 needs all the alive x-men of X3.
Well I agree. It would be more of a spin-off. But I think that's the way to go. An X4 with all of the characters returning, but played by different actors, I think would be harmful to the series. I think a fresh start is the way to go.

I mean hell, isn't that how generation X got started in the comic books anyway?
I was gonna ask if someone can send the link or the info on the person Halle Berry said we should mail our X-Men 4 scripts to. Any help is appreciated.


Back to the subject. Don't know if it was MOD's or what but I had a version for a script on X Men 4. Some ideas I had was they should stick to what works. Have lots of returning characters with 1 maybe 2 new characters Gambit for the good guys and we can leave whatever character open for the bad guys.

Gambit finds Cyclops and returns to him the X Mansion (Enter Gambit). Nightcrawler has returned from wherever he went (of course there would be an explanation). Show Professor X returning (remember the end of the credits on X3?) Government has put out word that with Magneto out of the picture they are creating robots to watch over any mutant terrorist attacks. (Sentinels). So that the Phoenix or Magneto's actions or anything of that nature never happens again. Maybe have Bastion and Sinister team up to take control of the Sentinels and all human and mutants are in danger. Something like War of the Worlds. Capturing mutants and killing humans. Capturing mutants to create an unstoppable army and using some kind of mind control device (i know its been done but trust me it would work) to control them. In the process of all this, the cure starts not working anymore at different times with different mutants. Long story short Magneto saves the day when the X-Men are doomed by overwhelming swarms of Sentinels and dies trying. and of course have some kind of cliffhanger. Like the Phoenix Bird flying out of Jean's grave when Scott is mourning for her at her grave.


Of course there would be scenes like Storm, Beast, Wolverine and maybe Nightcrawler teaching. Bobby and Rogue talk marriage and get into a somewhat of an erotic scene like Logan and Jean in X3 and Bobby finds out the hard way Rogue's got her powers back. They really need to bring out Rogue in this one. (Instead of Ms. Marvel maybe the cure gave her superhuman powers and the ability to fly). The cure affects mutants differently once it wears off. Somehow the brain dead patient transforms into Professor X. Cyclops kicks Logan's butt after finding out about who killed Jean. Logan tries not to attack but ends up almost killing Cyke by putting two of his farther out claws on one hand and aiming them right at this eyes. But the fight is broken up when Professor X, and Moira Taggart step on the scene. Professor X's is explained by Moira and Professor X. (Remember the body transferring they talked about in X3 during a class lecture). Logan and Scott stop fighting and can't believe there eyes along with everyone else in the school. Everyone is happy to see him Scott Logan and Charles talk about what happened with Jean. No deaths other than humans and maybe some random mutants getting killed and severley injured.

Again these are just ideas please add on or give me feedback on what you guys think and give your ideas on what you would like to see in X4......
And also you don't wanna introduce a whole bunch of new characters just maybe one or 2

Brotherhood Magneto
-Omega Red
-Scarlet Witch
-Multiple Man

Personally I think that X3 was bogged down by too many characters. Just adding more characters every time is not the way to go.

X2 was the perfect amount. However, in X3, you just had too many new characters, and no one got developed. This is the reson I really think they should start over.
Personally I think that X3 was bogged down by too many characters. Just adding more characters every time is not the way to go.

X2 was the perfect amount. However, in X3, you just had too many new characters, and no one got developed. This is the reson I really think they should start over.
My thoughts exactly. I was like the whole time trying to figure out who is who and what the hell the storylines were. Way to murky for me. Plus Xmen 3 Sucked, It destroyed the Phoenix and that is my favorite character. What was with that ugly prom dress?? She never wore such granny clothes.. She wasn't even on fire at the end, though in Xmen 2 she lites up at the end saving the ship.. Poor Poor quality.

If they do a Xmen4 and you know they will, they need to back track and focus on the Phoenix and ammend the huge screw up.
And also you don't wanna introduce a whole bunch of new characters just maybe one or 2

Brotherhood Magneto
-Omega Red
-Scarlet Witch
-Multiple Man


yeah i agree with some of the characters maybe quicksilver and scarlet witch but we got to get Cyclops back as well as Professor X. I can do without Jean Grey foir now. And fans definetly would like Nightcrawler back.
Man i Feel sometimes that Ratner screwed us over by putting to much of characters i only would like to add 3 new characters and the returns of 1 Nightcrawler Gambit Scarlet Wtch and Pietro that's it!!!!!!!!! because we already got ANGEL Colosuss ICEMAN Beast storm Shadowcat and Rogue plus Xavier and Cyclops and Nightcrawler and that is already too much then on top of that you got the juggernaut Pyro Mystique and Magneto
This is what I want.

X-men 4

Mansion led by
Storm and Erik Lehnsher

Suprise Hero Appearance: Its time for Bishop and Forge to leap into present day talking about two enemies. The Sentinels and Apocalypse.

There should be ` NO GAMBIT ` until they are ready to get Rogue flying and super strong from Ms. Marvel and Mystique incident.

X4 is an opportunity for a new trilogy that is not focused on the brotherhood of mutants, thusly Apocalypse in the future, Forge and Bishop time jumping to get the Xmen involved to assist against future dated Four horsemen including Angel as Archangel, etc. Thusly that right there is Five Villians, + the Sentenials in a archaic future city in ruin like the comics depict.

The Hero's: Storm, Collosus, Bishop, Forge, Iceman, Rogue, Kitty Pride, NightCrawler reappearance, (Mystique and Erik go good guy), Beast,and Gambit, Wolverine.

The Villians
Four Horsemen spin
1) Archangel -
2) Professor X
3) Cyclops
4) Phoenix

If you have Apocalypse insight these four losses from X3 as His Horsemen it motivates the team to rescue them and possibly bring them back.

Not to forget the Sentinel attacks. All this is a opportunity to spin Movies, 4, 5, and 6.

Getting Prof X, Grey, and Cylcops back, Figuring out if we can trust Bishop ( played by WORF or that black guy off the tv series SHARK.), Save Mankind from the Sentinels, Apocalypse and the Four Horsemen.

Ekekial I like the Apocalypse idea but if they are gonna make an X Men 4 we will get Gambit sorry to disappoint but yeah it's gonna happen. It's been anticipated and talked about with the higher ups. Anyways my ideas again.

-Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister trying to take over Sentinels to kill both humans and mutants and only keep the 4 Horsemen.
-The 4 Horsemen should consist of Sabertooth, Arch Angel, and 2 other villains that have already appeared in the previous movies.
-Return all the good guys and only add Gambit.
-Return all the bad guys all of the main characters of the brotherhood as well as adding Apocalypse and Mr. Sinister as well as Master Mould.
-in the beginning we find out the cure is temporary according to Magneto breaking out of some kind of prison again and Gambit makes a break for it as well. All of the main members of the brotherhood (including Lady Deathstrike) escape with Magneto.
-Magneto threatens the government waging another war this time against the sentinels.
-X-Men, Sentinels, and the government team up and win against the brotherhood.
-Apocalypse sends Mr Sinister to help Magneto and his brotherhood overcome the X-Men and the government and their sentinels by tricking Magneto and his minions to fight into where master mould is and controlling the sentinels. once that is done Mr. Sinister kills off the part of the brotherhood he doesn't need (this means magneto and mystique).
-Sinister keeps Sabertooth along with 2 other villains. and tries to lure the X-Men to his whereabouts to capture Angel.
-the grand finale we have the whole X-Men squad against Apocalypse, Sinister and his 4 Horsemen.
-Make it appear as if Mr. Sinister dies, Apocalypse vanishes after taking a beating, the bad guys of the 4 horsemen die and arch angel lives but is captured to hopefully be returned to his normal state.

basically thats my focus...X-Men against the Apocalypse and his 4 Horsemen with the return of Cyclops, Nightcrawler, Professor X, and finally get Gambit.
Was thinking about this recently... I am tired of hearing restart b/c we all know that won't happen for a good 20 years.... I think Apocalypse and Sinister are the way to go... there is so much source material there... I don't see why they can't make two more films fleshing it out... I agree not bogging it down with new Xmen... just bring everone back from TLS minus Logan (went to Japan with Jubilee or some ****) and maybe introduce a couple of new faces along with Gambit... all you need are


Maybes: Emma, Havoc, Polaris, Banshee, etc (any two)

No more Brotherhood... its redundant... let Pyro and Mystique be gone... just cameos or let them serve as a backdrop

You need a human villain... and since the government and Mutants are on relatively good terms after TLS... no Sentinels... its a Tranformers rip off... human villain should be Graydon Creed and the Friends of Humanity

No to Hellfire CLub... I am tired of Jean coming back... a group of mutants aiming for World Domination is lame as hell...

So Sinister, Apocalypse, Four Horseman, Graydon Creed (Sentinels as last resort)

X4/X5 back to back and I can die a happy man
I agree that Apocolypse has pleanty of story. I do not want a reset of the series either. Nevertheless, I think this is the way it should go for the next three films:


-The cure is discovered to have direct links to the source's life source. (So, in order to get rid of that situation, the mutant is killed. Specifically, by Mr. Sinister, who takes his genetics with him).
-Prof. X returns to normal, with even more power then before.
-Mr. Sinister is the main villain.
-Magneto, after regaining his powers, becomes doubtful of his methoids.
-Cyclops is ressurected by Mr. Sinister. He also brings birth to a new "Jean Grey" (Goblyn Queen set up).
-Government is attacked by an army of genetically created mutants by Sinister. X-Men are aided in battle against army by the Sentinals.
-Mr. Sinister is fought to a stand-still in climax with X-Men and Magneto.
-Magneto and Mystique get back together.
-Mr. Sinister discovers Apocolypse.


-Ownership of the Sentinals is bought over by the Hellfire Club. Uses them for their own purposes.
-Goblyn Queen is manipulated by Hellfire Club, and begins to unleash the powers of the Phenoix. (In fact, it is even greater).
-Emma Frost begins to flirt with Cyclops in an attempt to manipulate Goblyn Queen.
-Mr. Sinister ressurects Apocolypse in the background of the film (not interferring in the main plot YET)
-Magneto and Mystique build an army to fight the Hellfire Club, but is defeated by the most part from Goblyn Queen and the Sentinals.
-X-Men and Magneto fight, and defeat most of the Sentinals. Cyclops manages to make the Goblyn Queen back to a Jean Grey personality.
-Emma Frost joins up with the X-Men when she has a change of heart.
-The Sentinals malfunction and destroy the Hellfire Club completely, except for a few members. They also destroy Angel's wings.
-Goblyn Queen manages to defeat the Sentinals, at a great weakness in power.
-Mr. Sinister captures the living members, and Apocolypse kills them.


-Apocolypse's story.
-Angel submits to Apocolypse to regrow his wings in return for becoming Death. Other Horsemen are old villains who are granted power in exchange for service.
-Apocolypse defeats all the heroes with ease, and allows his Horsemen to conquer the country.
-Magneto sees how horrible this war for supremecy is, and permenantly joins with the X-Men.
-In a final battle, Goblyn Queen destroys the Horsemen, and knocks Angel into his senses. Mr. Sinister is also destroyed. Goblyn Queen dies, however, in a vain attempt to defeat Apocolypse.
-Apocolypse is defeated by a combined effort of all the other X-Men and Magneto's Brotherhood (including Magneto and Prof. X's) powers.

Please note that, if the series continues, they could work on Shadow King or Onslaught. Especially Onslaught because it could be set up easierly.
My thoughts exactly. I was like the whole time trying to figure out who is who and what the hell the storylines were. Way to murky for me. Plus Xmen 3 Sucked, It destroyed the Phoenix and that is my favorite character. What was with that ugly prom dress?? She never wore such granny clothes.. She wasn't even on fire at the end, though in Xmen 2 she lites up at the end saving the ship.. Poor Poor quality.

If they do a Xmen4 and you know they will, they need to back track and focus on the Phoenix and ammend the huge screw up.
did you really think phoenix would survive? Especially with her power.i could have lived with jean being cured

for X4- no gambit. no kitty
more rogue iceman angel colossus and beast
villain - sinister with hints of a bigger evil- apocalypse but leave that for another film
I'm still working on a script. This is what I want the lineup for the Brotherhood and the X-Men to look like by the end:


-Scarlet Witch



Yeah, there are a lot. I’m thinking of cutting a couple out and/or reducing the development of a couple characters, but I’m not sure who would get cut. Here are some basics of the characters ATM:

MYSTIQUE: Mystique is in the Brotherhood as an undercover agent. Not knowing of her continuing ties to the Brotherhood, and envisioning the good publicity it would give the "cure", a Senator hires her on as a secretary. She plays along to get information, but kills him when her powers return, and goes back to the Brotherhood full-time.

MAGNETO: He's on his own for a while, with no connection to the Brotherhood. His powers return, though, and he uses them to rescue Scarlet Witch and Quicksilver, then returns with them to the Brotherhood. Neither he nor they know that he is their father, but it is alluded two in subtle ways. He reveals that he was once married to a human and had a daughter, but his daughter was killed by a group of bigots. His wife was already disapproving of his work with the Brotherhood; but after their daughter was killed, Magneto vowed in front of her to kill all humans (and proceeded to kill all the humans in the area). This scared her and she fled. He reveals in passing both that it was “almost 30 years ago”, and that he and his then-wife made love the night before she left him; all of which sets up the timeline for Scarlet and Quicksilver’s conception.

PYRO: He took over the Brotherhood in Magneto's absence, but gladly gives it back to Magneto upon his return. He is very strongly attracted to Scarlet, and makes numerous (unsuccessful) passes at her. He reveals that he came from a broken home with an abusive father and a promiscuous mother, that his powers manifested when his father was grinding a cigarette into his arm, and that he killed his father by burning down his father’s house while the guy was in it.

SCARLET WITCH: Hates being called a "witch", so the Brotherhood calls her "Scarlet." She hates the Brotherhood, but feels stays out of obligation to Magneto for saving her and her twin brother, Quicksilver. She tries to befriend Pyro, but is put off by his attempts to make it more than a friendship. She knows nothing about her parents, but has heard rumors that her mother was human and her father was a powerful mutant. She is relatively stoic, because when she lets her emotions loose, she has a hard time controlling her enormous power.

QUICKSILVER: Has a much less prominent role than Scarlet, but still significant. He’s protective of Scarlet, causing hostility between he and Pyro because of Pyro’s repeated advances toward Scarlet. He is initially attracted to Callisto because they have the same gift and therefore she can “keep up with him”, but the attraction is quickly extinguished when he realizes what the Brotherhood - and therefore Callisto - is about.

CALLISTO: Is initially attracted to Quicksilver because they share the same ability, but she loses interest when she sees that he opposes the Brotherhood’s cause.

TEMPO: Has her same abilities from the comics (can telepathically alter a person’s perception of time), but also has the ability to stop time and can also “replay” events that happened in her surroundings - much like Sway. She was recruited by Pyro during Magneto’s absence, and is attracted to Quicksilver.

AVALANCHE: No real substance to the character - he’s just the muscle of the group, recruited by Pyro during Magneto’s absence.

STORM: The new leader of the X-Men and Xavier’s school. With the mansion being short staffed, Storm is struggling to keep the institution afloat. Initially angry with Rogue for taking the cure, she accepts Rogue back at Logan’s urging. She and Logan have both a very close and very conflictive relationship, and kiss at the end of the movie (though she abruptly leaves the room before they go any further.) It is revealed in a scene with Rogue that she was a goddess in Africa as a teenager.

LOGAN: At the beginning of the movie, is Storm’s only real help at the beginning, though he is very reluctant to help and hates teaching. Toward the end of the movie, he has a big fight with Storm about his passivity, and steps up to help her. He has no hard feelings toward Scott, but during an emotional altercation when they first see each other, dares him to “blast my head off” because of the pain he feels after killing Jean. He is still close friends with Rogue, and at the end of the movie, shows romantic interest in Storm by kissing her (though they didn’t go any further, and she left the room abruptly after the kiss). It is revealed that he lived in a mansion as a child, his mother had an affair with the gardener, the gardener shot Logan’s father - immediately after which, Logan’s claws came out and he killed the gardener, which prompted Logan’s mother to kill herself.

ROGUE: Gave her virginity to Bobby after taking the cure, and was blindsided afterward when he told her he couldn’t live with her taking the cure and broke up with her. During her time as a human, she moved in with her new boyfriend, another ex-mutant named Freddie. She became pregnant (“I was gonna name him Logan”), but when her powers return overnight, she both lost the baby and killed Freddie. Upon her return to the X-Mansion, Bobby - not knowing that she got her powers back - makes some nasty comments about her “deciding to become average”. She answers by kissing him until he passes out. Afterwards, she plays around with his powers and realizes that there is a good side to her powers. Here, a more edgy and powerful Rogue emerges. While showing off to Storm, her ability to absorb memories manifests, which she later uses to help Logan regain some memories. Though it takes some time for her to get over her feelings for Bobby, she vows not to be “his next Kitty”. She has a minor attraction to Gambit.

BOBBY: Makes love to Rogue after she is cured, but is guilt-ridden afterward and breaks up with her. Angry and on the rebound, he quickly hooks up with Kitty, which brings about hostility from the other mutants his age (“whatever Rogue did, she was still family.”) When Rogue comes back, his feelings for her return exponentially; though in their first encounter, partially because of Kitty’s presence, he tries to cover it up with hostility and nastiness (which prompts Rogue to knock him out with a kiss).

KITTY: Takes on a minor “spoiled brat” role in this movie. She and Rogue have a hostile relationship that moves from initial enemies to reluctant friends. She is upset over the fact that Rogue is accidentally “stealing” Bobby away from her emotionally.

GAMBIT: Helps Scott find his way back to the X-Mansion, and reluctantly joins the group. He’s been on the streets most of his life, gambling and stealing his way from place to place, but is now ready to redeem himself by joining the X-Men. He has a hard time, though, humbling himself by admitting that he wants this. He flirts with the girls, but is seriously attracted to Rogue (which makes him hostile toward Bobby). Scott initially takes on a sort of father or big brother role with him, which Gambit resists. Warren and Pete are his roommates.

SCOTT: Despite the X-Men’s assumptions, actually survived the incident with Jean Grey at Alkali Lake. He spent first couple months afterward in a psychically-induced coma, and the rest of the time in exile until he met Gambit - who helped him return to the X-Men. He helps Gambit through his reluctance to reach out to the X-Men, and fights for Gambit’s admittance into the School when Logan and Hank have objections. Scott rages at Logan when they first see each other again, because - justified though it was - Logan killed Jean. They reconcile by the end of the movie, though.
HANK: Was the US Ambassador to the UN; but as the cure wears off and talk of human-mutant war heats up, he’s “asked” to step down. He rejoins the X-Men, taking on the role of doctor, and is almost a “second-in-command” to Storm.

PETE: Not much substance to this character. He’s friends with Warren and Bobby, though he expresses his disapproval of Bobby and Kitty’s relationship and is met with defensiveness.

WARREN: A quiet, religiously-confused young man who bonds with the devout Catholic Kurt. He reveals that he used to be a Christian, but the rejection he’s faced from his father and the rest of the world made him question his faith. At the end of the movie, he’s seen reading a Bible, and he takes on the code name “Angel” in reference to a comment made by Kurt about Warren’s physical appearance.

KURT: Left the X-Men a long time ago because, though he admired their work, didn’t like to participate in the violence. However, he was captured by the government and used as a “lab rat” in the creation of the cure. He escapes the lab, and lives in exile until the X-Men find him and re-recruit him. There, he connects with Warren, compassionate toward Warren’s religious confusion and admiring of his angelic appearance.
And also you don't wanna introduce a whole bunch of new characters just maybe one or 2

Brotherhood Magneto
-Omega Red
-Scarlet Witch
-Multiple Man


This is silly. You say you don't want 'a bunch' of new characters then you make lists that total 22 characters, three of them already seen but killed (Toad, Sabretooth and Mastermind) and six new characters. So you are adding SIX new characters (Omega Red, Avalanche, Scarlet Witch, Quicksilver, Havok and Polaris), bringing three back from the dead, yet you don't want a bunch of new characters. What a contradiction. You make no sense! :cmad:
they need to keep as many core characters as possible, to change it and add enigma, add some time travelling characters, Bishop for example, would make things interesting.
did you really think phoenix would survive? Especially with her power.i could have lived with jean being cured

for X4- no gambit. no kitty
more rogue iceman angel colossus and beast
villain - sinister with hints of a bigger evil- apocalypse but leave that for another film

The point of the Phoenix story is that there is no going back, no returning to normal, no happy ending. In the comics, she destroyed billions and they were originally going to cure her at the end of the saga but the editor-in-chief said 'no' and that she had to pay for her crimes. Same with the movies. Curing someone who causes death and destruction is not really an option. Dark Phoenix would have had to destroy some people whoever wrote the story because that's what Dark Phoenix does.
double post demon struck...grrr
Personally I think that X3 was bogged down by too many characters. Just adding more characters every time is not the way to go.

X2 was the perfect amount. However, in X3, you just had too many new characters, and no one got developed. This is the reson I really think they should start over.

You're talking nonsense. X2 did not have 'the perfect' number - we got only a brief glimpse of Colossus, we knew nothing about Deathstrike (who was killed off, so that's the end of that backstory and connection to Wolverine), we had a channel-switching kid rather than a known mutant, we had just a moment of Siryn and Jubilee, we got some blue-tongued kid called Artie, Storm had hardly any development, Cyclops was absent for most of the movie, Beast was a face on a TV screen. Hardly perfect.

X3's number of characters was fine. We didn't NEED to know any more about Multiple Man or Spike or Quill or Arclight or Callisto. The problem with X3 was not the number of characters at all. As with X2, some of them are never going to get fully developed, they are just henchmen and cameo roles to fill out the mutant universe, and that is fine. The 'problem' with X3 was nothing to do with number of characters, it was how some of them were used.

I didn't expect any more from Juggernaut - there's been no room for mentioning ties between the two sides (Nightcrawler-Mystique, Wolverine-Deathstrike) in the previous two X-movies so I didn't expect Juggernaut's link to Xavier to be part of the story. Colossus and Psylocke were under-developed in X3 and Angel needed at least one other scene to flesh out his characterisation. Phoenix needed better use of the screentime she had. Other than that, it was about right, and nothing more can be expected of a movie derived from a source with so many characters.

The best balance/portrayal of characters was in X1.
In my opinion, the new franchise should go

X1- Sentinals, Bolivar Trask etc
X2- Hellfire Club, maybe some Magneto
X3- The real phoenix saga
Here's one idea: If ever the legacy virus was used in the films, all the dead mutants can be used as parts for a new breed of machines, half-human/half-robots that Sinister builds for Apocalypse's army!!!
X4- Sentinels and Sinister
X5- days of the future past
X6- Phoenix return...
My thoughts for the next movie are definitely have Gambit and the Legacy Virus and Mr. Sinister would be awesome for a plot and of course lead to Apocalypse that way. Days of Future Past would also be awesome and they can bring Bishop in that way and combine it with the second Days of Future Past part from the comic where he meets Gambit and thinks that he's the traitor to the X-Men.

Absolutely no Bobby/Rogue sex scene. It was bad enough that they were a couple. End that relationship and have a Gambit/Rogue flirtation that later becomes real love. I have waited for that since I was 12. And if you bring in Polaris, then Bobby can pine after her as he did in the comic. And why not Havok? He's Cyclops' brother.

Jean and Cyclops might have to stay dead for a while and Storm can lead the X-Men.

Really quick, here's my idea for a Gambit intro.

Open on a casino in New Orleans several years before. Gambit sits in a casino playing poker. He flips an ace out of the sleeve of his trench coat and the dealer realizes he's cheated. Gambit charges the table and runs out as it explodes. As he runs laughing to himself, he realizes it's his wedding day. He runs off to get ready. Cut to the church. Belladonna comes down the aisle, looking lovely. Remy smiles at her and they take hands at the altar. The ceremony commences. Soon after the priest pronounces them man and wife, her brother, Julien, confronts Gambit. Belladonna is noticeably upset and tells him to stop. Julien challenges him to a duel which he cannot refuse. Cut to the duel. Gambit easily defeats Julien and realizes he has killed him. Cut to his father telling him he must be exiled. Remy goes off in shame. Cut to a couple of years later. Gambit leads the Marauders into the Morlock Tunnels. Then the Marauders begin killling everyone in sight. Remy sees this and tries to stop them but is unable. He sees a little girl and scoops her up out of harm's way. Gambit takes her out of the tunnels. The little girl, named Sarah, is completely distraught and Remy begs her to forgive him if she can because he never will forgive himself. Opening credits. Voila!

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