X3 Mini Clip Movie by Mar420x


Oct 20, 2005
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i know a few months ago i was ban for saying some stupid remarks and i hope my latest contributions of clips and pics to this board that yall can forget my past and look 2 the future. this mini clip movie i put 2gethere in the last hr. check it out. its great. i believed it deserved it a thread cuz i want everyone 2 see it. i dont want 2 get it lost in the downloading movie spots thread. its bout 10 mins long. i wanted 2 include some scenes that came out 2day like the magneto, wolverine forest throwing scene, ice skating scene, and the 3 new yahoo clips. once they appear i will add em 2 this mini movie. hope yall enjoy. drop some positive feedback nothing negative since nobody took the time 2 do this. :up: heres hoping my link makes it 2 the front page of www.superherohype. this mini movie is worth the hype. peace.

new fresh link.........
going after it now! let you know soon... and i wish i knew what you said... cause i have a loose lip issue as well.. try to keep my ass outta trouble.
let me kno when it needs a re-up or someone that gets it can post on youtube.com.
thanks for the feedback. this thread must have got lost. let me bump it up. peace.
Yowzah it's a big file. Is it like a huge compilation of all the stuff we've seen so far. If so, I love you.

Edit: just watched it and it's ok. Not everything's there just the young jean, dangerroom, beast intro, mags speech, and mags and jean clips. I understand it would be a real pain gathering everything we've got to convert everything and edit them together somehow. Not bad. the screen is squished in some of them to fit the odd aspect ratio I'm guessing, the bit of the Ian Mckellen interview was still in there too. I still liked it, though..
Wesyeed said:
Yowzah it's a big file. Is it like a huge compilation of all the stuff we've seen so far. If so, I love you.

Edit: just watched it and it's ok. Not everything's there just the young jean, dangerroom, beast intro, mags speech, and mags and jean clips. I understand it would be a real pain gathering everything we've got to convert everything and edit them together somehow. Not bad. the screen is squished in some of them to fit the odd aspect ratio I'm guessing, the bit of the Ian Mckellen interview was still in there too. I still liked it, though..
I think the file stooped DLing before it was all finished because I only got 10 mins worth of stuff. Never got passed the part with Beast intro.
Watching this just reinstated my confidence in this film. I'm siked for X3 again.
bumpin....my thread i got a fresh link coming up if this one is down
This is what I have been waiting... For!

thank you so much... Now I really have to see this movie!

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