X3 shoutout


Dec 12, 2005
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Hey all..

Just to let everybody know that here in the u.k X3 has been getting a shout out on Radio1 linked with the take a stand anti-bullying campain on every newsbeat today and also included a quick interview with Patrick Stewart on his experience on bullying. Heres a quick recap of what was said...

" I was on both sides of bullying so that I was with the 'Top Dog' crowd but there has been a time where I was also bullyied (sp?) alot when I was younger due to me being very much into reading poetry and acting!"

hope this is good info for you guys as I will never be as good on finding stuff like the one and only RETRO! lol :up:

please delete if it's not worthy of being a thread.

It was on Newsround? Cool! I am annoyed now because I switched the channel before that came on.
Newsround is not on yet lol
cool thanks sparky
it's on newsbeat on radio 1 not the kids news show newsround on bbc1! lol.... must of heard it bout 4 times now :)

btw cheers guys!
Newsround is on but it's something about arson.
I noticed it on Londont tonight. Well, I think that was the programme.
^ :eek: cool!!! when is there nxt newsbeat?? may be they might have something on newsround tonight :D
*xmenfan* said:
^ :eek: cool!!! when is there nxt newsbeat?? may be they might have something on newsround tonight :D

17:45 I think.... unless there is one every 15 mins
The Infernal said:
I noticed it on Londont tonight. Well, I think that was the programme.
Was it advertising cos its not on yet

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