YOUR Sandman Fight


Senior Case Officer
Aug 23, 2005
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If you were directing Spider-Man 3, where and how would you setup a battle between Spider-Man and Sandman.

For me, my dream scene would be at Coney Island (cause we need some more NY landmarks), and Peter and MJ are enjoying the afternoon when Sandman strikes. Imagine Spidey fighting him as he manuevers through a ferris wheel or a roller coaster.

What ya'll got?
yea well that would be cool to see sandman suddenly throwing a wheel and people running screaming, and spidey appears and they fight, I really hope we get more acrobatic moves from spidey i nthis movie, I wanna see more flips while fighting and more kicks also

I also wnat to see spidey giving his all on the fights, if you know whta I mean
Central Park,Jones Beach, or Yankees Stadium
i kinda like the idea of sandman fighting spidey at coney island. what better place in the city for sand. (jones beach is a little too far from the city... and it doesn't have some of the bigger landmarks that coney island has.) they could take the fight on the parachute jump, wonder wheel, and cyclone. spidey could be tossed into nathan's famous hot dog stand... and there sandman could slip away through the planks in the boardwalk.

wasn't times square (gotham square) done in batman? if not we should save it for electro, central park for craven the hunter (or the symbiote landing), the bronx zoo for the lizard, & the world's fair unisphere dome for mysterio.
Times Square was done in SM1 between Spidey and the GG.
cmill216 said:
If you were directing Spider-Man 3, where and how would you setup a battle between Spider-Man and Sandman.

For me, my dream scene would be at Coney Island (cause we need some more NY landmarks), and Peter and MJ are enjoying the afternoon when Sandman strikes. Imagine Spidey fighting him as he manuevers through a ferris wheel or a roller coaster.

What ya'll got?

you stole mt idea! i was thinking a scence at conney island too. imagine this, they are at the beach, enjoying the day. you see them on a towel holdning each other having a good time. then the camera shows a little boy playing in the sand making a hole. all of a sudden a face appears in the sand and the boy is swallowed through the sand, and sandman just busts out of the sand. peter has no time to change and doesn't know what to do...

then a huge fight seqeuence happens, either peter dressed as spider-man or just as peter parker. i would like to see him battle once just as peter parker, you know, something happens and he just doesn't have time to change. i think that would be cool:D
Silver Sable said:
Central Park,Jones Beach, or Yankees Stadium

yankee stadium is stupid. unless they destroy it and kill all the yankess during the fight, then i'm all for it:up:
supermarvelman said:
Spideys gonna get handled the first time around

yea i think your right. he won't know how to really handle sandman and he will get beaten, badly too.
Sean Adisano said:
yankee stadium is stupid. unless they destroy it and kill all the yankess during the fight, then i'm all for it:up:

Yeah, I don't particularly like Yankee Stadium for a fight. Unless it's an aerial thing...
supermarvelman said:
does anyone think Topher could be Max Dillon Electro

I'm not sure but I would rather have him play Electro then Venom
Silver Sable said:
Ok Mets stadium then lol :p

i'm pretty sure that Spidey is a Mets fan like me:D, and that we both share a passionate hatred for the yankess.
i know that this is a thread about sandman and his fight scenes, but since alot of people have wanted hyrdo man in the film too, i had a cool scene for him(and i'm putting it here because its not neccesary to start a thread for it, and hydro-man and sandman go hand and hand).

just imagine a scene with a cruise ship, its leaving new york, and its heading for the varrazano bridge. all of a sudden, hydro-man pushes the ship up and towards the bridge. the ship crashes right into the bridge. now spider-man has to save the people on the bridge, and the people on the ship. their would be so much destruction.

well that was just an idea i had. i already gave my sandman fight thought, i'm thinking of more now.
I wanna see them fight in an old gym like Sandam's 1st appearence in the comics. Then Spidey sucks him up in a vacuum cleaner!
NoirMan82 said:
I wanna see them fight in an old gym like Sandam's 1st appearence in the comics. Then Spidey sucks him up in a vacuum cleaner!
Raimi would come up with something more lame than THAT. :o
i just want sandman to use either sharp sand projectiles or morph into sharp objects slicing spidey up
The Amazing Lee said:
A construction site where there is lots of sand ;)

^It's the perfect place for both Sandman and spidey.Tons of sand for Sandman,and an unfinished building that is just beams of steel for spidey to swing on,stick to,web zip through,etc.
GoldGoblin said:
^It's the perfect place for both Sandman and spidey.Tons of sand for Sandman,and an unfinished building that is just beams of steel for spidey to swing on,stick to,web zip through,etc.

I agree with you guys that in terms of practicality it's a good spot. But keep in mind that a great battle isn't just about the characters fighting, it's also about the surroundings. The Times Square Battle, Bank Battle, and Train Scene are all great sequences because of all of the environment and chaos in the scene. There's not gonna be too much of a crowd at a construction site (except for maybe some workers).

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