Sci-Fi Zack Snyder’s Rebel Moon | Netflix

That is absolutely part of the goal, and is probably an indicator of just how successful the movies actually were.

So they only now decided on this title for the director's cut to dupe people into watching the movie (well, the first few minutes more likely) again? Even though Snyder has been saying that in his mind the director's cuts are almost an entirely different movie since the very beginning?

Look, I get that people don't like Snyder and his movies. I myself made fun of both Rebel Moon films in this very thread. But the way people get conspiratorial with this stuff ("Deborah Snyder is lying about why they made two cuts" and "they're trying to dupe people with the title") feels a little unhinged.
So they only now decided on this title for the director's cut to dupe people into watching the movie (well, the first few minutes more likely) again? Even though Snyder has been saying that in his mind the director's cuts are almost an entirely different movie since the very beginning?

Look, I get that people don't like Snyder and his movies. I myself made fun of both Rebel Moon films in this very thread. But the way people get conspiratorial with this stuff ("Deborah Snyder is lying about why they made two cuts" and "they're trying to dupe people with the title") feels a little unhinged.

I just put the stupid name on Snyder.

All the rest of it, for allowing an entirely different name to dupe people into checking out a director's cut for a few movies I put on Netflix. Netflix, who controls who sees the numbers and determines what the numbers mean. Its pretty damn clear that Snyder is buying whatever bull**** Netflix is telling him about the numbers.

Rebel Moon Part One: Chalice of Blood

Rebel Moon Part One: Child of Fire

That sure wont confuse anyone…
You absolute fool. It is:

Rebel Moon Part One: Child of Fire


Rebel Moon Chapter One: Chalice of Blood

So simple to tell apart, a child could do it.
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I have no problem with edgy titles...i listen to a lot of metal and know a thing or two about that.
But Snyder is so weirdly cringy with it for no reason.

A lot snyder does, feels like He isnt really convinced of the stuff He does himself.
The constant Directors cuts, title changes, the way He flip flops on this and that in Interviews.
Feels like He doesnt seem to have a clear Vision on things.
Was there a Chalice of Blood in the first movie? Just curious because I blocked a lot of it out.

I guess it could be a metaphor, of course. It sounds like a subtitle to a Castlevania game.
Imagine the state of cinema if talented directors like Nolan and Villeneuve always relied on this whole "wait for my directors cut" approach?
Imagine the state of cinema if talented directors like Nolan and Villeneuve always relied on this whole "wait for my directors cut" approach?
Villeneuve might laugh at the title given that chalice is standard French Canadian swearing.

That's what I thought about too.
Was there a Chalice of Blood in the first movie? Just curious because I blocked a lot of it out.

I guess it could be a metaphor, of course. It sounds like a subtitle to a Castlevania game.
Someone explained it in the last page and yes it's one of those there's deep lore of it everywhere but the movie itself.
So here's something funny. There's a short 25-minute making-of video on Netflix and it's divided into segments e.g. "Veldt" or "Jimmy" and then you get to this:


That's right, they devote time to talking about just the wheat (they planted it all themselves). At one point Deborah Snyder says ""Wheat is this character in our film and it was super important that the wheat be real because we wanted to actually harvest it and if it was fake we couldn't actually cut the wheat and bundle it. It wouldn't have been realistic" and Snyder adds "One of the things that actually drove the schedule was where the wheat was at its correct ripeness for harvesting". And then a producer goes "we let the wheat tell us when it would be ready to be shot".
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So here's something funny. There's a a short 25-minute making-of video on Netflix and it's divided into segments e.g. "Veldt" or "Jimmy" and then you get to this:

View attachment 89370

That's right, they devote time to talking about just the wheat (they planted it all themselves). At one point Deborah Snyder says ""Wheat is this character in our film and it was super important that the wheat be real because we wanted to actually harvest it and if it was fake we couldn't actually cut the wheat and bundle it. It wouldn't have been realistic" and Snyder adds "One of the things that actually drove the schedule was where the wheat was at its correct ripeness for harvesting". And then a producer goes "we let the wheat tell us when it would be ready to be shot".
This is like Superman Returns where they grew the cornfield.
So here's something funny. There's a short 25-minute making-of video on Netflix and it's divided into segments e.g. "Veldt" or "Jimmy" and then you get to this:

View attachment 89370

That's right, they devote time to talking about just the wheat (they planted it all themselves). At one point Deborah Snyder says ""Wheat is this character in our film and it was super important that the wheat be real because we wanted to actually harvest it and if it was fake we couldn't actually cut the wheat and bundle it. It wouldn't have been realistic" and Snyder adds "One of the things that actually drove the schedule was where the wheat was at its correct ripeness for harvesting". And then a producer goes "we let the wheat tell us when it would be ready to be shot".

I'll take that as confirmation that the extra hours of Rebel Moon we're getting are going to consist of swearing, nudity... and wheat. There clearly wasn't enough in the PG versions for all this effort, the people demand wheat.
I'll take that as confirmation that the extra hours of Rebel Moon we're getting are going to consist of swearing, nudity... and wheat. There clearly wasn't enough in the PG versions for all this effort, the people demand wheat.
Sweeping slow-mo shot of wheat billowing in the wind and Kora just looking at it... for 5 minutes.
On a more serious note, the video actually shows you that a lot of the sets/locations were very real and they used a ton of practical effects. All that hard work is undone by that shallow depth of field effect that makes backgrounds look like blurry CG. Snyder even shows off the special camera/lens set-up they frankensteined together to get that effect and says that he likes the thin depth of field. Deborah Snyder adds that she doesn't think Snyder will ever go back to just being the director and he will be the DP for all his movies from now on.
Imagine the state of cinema if talented directors like Nolan and Villeneuve always relied on this whole "wait for my directors cut" approach?
It reeks of deflection. People rightfully point out flaws in the narrative or missing lore and he thinks the DC will magically fix this. There's a good chance those story elements won't be present in the DC.
I love ZSJL but I don't think there's a way to save Rebel Moon. The plotting, dialogue and film-making are just too flawed on a fundamental level.
I love ZSJL but I don't think there's a way to save Rebel Moon. The plotting, dialogue and film-making are just too flawed on a fundamental level.

Same, huge fan of ZSJL which i felt had a lot more soul and character building than these movies do. I dont think the directors' cuts are going to be much better. From what Snyder's been saying it sounds like the extended run times are just going to be extraneous and gratuitous side tangents that dont really help the story.
On a more serious note, the video actually shows you that a lot of the sets/locations were very real and they used a ton of practical effects. All that hard work is undone by that shallow depth of field effect that makes backgrounds look like blurry CG. Snyder even shows off the special camera/lens set-up they frankensteined together to get that effect and says that he likes the thin depth of field. Deborah Snyder adds that she doesn't think Snyder will ever go back to just being the director and he will be the DP for all his movies from now on.

I get what he's trying to do, and it occasionally works, but there's just way too much going on with the depth of field, and it's too commonly used. There's a similar bokeh effect in Dune: Part Two, and it's absolutely beautiful. Those lenses were used sparingly, and it looks expensive and interesting, but then again, that footage was shot by Greig Fraser, not Zack Snyder. In Rebel Moon, it just comes across as gimmicky, like doing chromatic aberration for two hours or something.

Part One vs Part Two
Week 1
23.9M vs 21.4M views

Week 2
34M vs 18.8M views

Week 3
11.1M vs 6M views

Total during the first 3 weeks
69M vs 46.2M (-33%)
Since I only recently recharged my Netflix subscription, watching Part 2 was delayed. And in preparation, I also rewatched Part 1. (My opinion of Part 1 didn’t really change. It was kinda… meh. Not offensively bad; but not especially memorable. Just… meh.)

Part 2 was a noticeable improvement. The narrative flowed better and the action in the climactic battle — especially the stuff onboard the dreadnaught — was nicely staged. But IMO, Snyder missed the boat with the Princess Issa revelation. That’s something that needed to be shown — even at the risk of coming across as a mystical deus ex machina. So just telling us this plot point (for a hypothetical Part 3?) felt truncated and clumsy. Also: Noble’s final comeuppance seemed somewhat abrupt. (Though I’m not a fan of violence for violence's sake, I speculate that the R-rated version of Noble’s fate might be more... emotionally satisfying.)

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