zu warriors


super-hero wannabe
Feb 13, 2002
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yesterdea i bought a ppv of a martial arts film called ZU warriors but while skimming the ppv listings i found out that the english dubbed version which i bought is 24 MINS SHORTER thatn the cantoneese language version wht is that? btw i give zu warriors :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:
...from magic mountain!

I cant believe there is another human being who has seen this film! I caught it on british telly at like 3am when I was a kid.
Highlights: pretending to be dead during the intro war scene.
the guy with the eyebrows wheeling in a giant ball of skulls

It's such a weird ass film!
if you like that, chances are youll like "a chinese ghost story" and "mr vampyre"
The movie's intense. Love the begining battle with all of the flags. It was so insane I can't remember all the craziness that followed, I only remember thinking, "I need to make a movie like this."

Be sure and see Drunken Wu Tang also, with a drunken rat man with a tiny ratmobile and the quest to find a virgin boy and a giant chewing sphere on 2 legs.:up:
3dman27 said:
yesterdea i bought a ppv of a martial arts film called ZU warriors but while skimming the ppv listings i found out that the english dubbed version which i bought is 24 MINS SHORTER thatn the cantoneese language version wht is that? btw i give zu warriors :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up: :up:

Wait, are you talking about 1983's Zu: Warriors From The Magic Mountain, or 2001's Zu Warriors?
the effects looked like cgi so i'd say the 2001 zu warriors
3dman27 said:
the effects looked like cgi so i'd say the 2001 zu warriors

I figured. Wilhem and jimmylace are is talking about the original from 1983.

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