

Guru for Geeks
Apr 17, 2003
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Night Thrasher is a fictional character, a superhero in the Marvel Comics universe.

Night Thrasher (real name Dwayne Michael Taylor) is the founder and leader of the New Warriors, and head of the Taylor Foundation. Although he possesses no superhuman powers, he has trained himself extensively in many martial arts, and is adept at building technological devices.

Overall Night Thrasher was very similar to DC Comics' Batman, with almost exactly the same origin story (driven to fight crime after parents murdered in front of him as a child) and power set (trained human with gadgets).

Character Biography
Dwayne Taylor has had a hard life. As a child, he saw his wealthy parents slain before his very eyes. This event drove him to hone himself into a human fighting machine in the pursuit of eventual revenge. Over time, this desire for specific revenge mutated into a general desire to punish wrongdoers.

Though he was unable to fully remember his parents' death, being unable to remember the face of their killer, he assumed that this was due to his mind trying to block the memory. What he found out only much later was that the entire circumstances of his parents' death and his own rearing by his guardian Chord and an elderly Oriental woman named Tai were not at all what he had believed.

In the meantime the driven, conflicted young man lived a dual existence of prodigal tycoon, taking up control of his father's powerful conglomerate publicly, and training himself to the utmost standard as a warrior privately. He eventually took to the streets to fight crime in NYC, but some early setbacks and the urging of his guardian Chord led him to assemble a superhero team to assist him in his private war.

Night Thrasher meticulously researched several young solo heroes, and selected a handful of them as targets for recruitment.

Almost immediately after gathering his chosen prospective teammates, the four young superheroes became involved in an emergency; the former Herald of Galactus Terrax had re-formed and was causing a good deal of destruction in downtown NYC. Arriving at the scene they found another couple of superheroes, Namorita and Speedball.

The six young heroes battled the raging villain and managed to nuetralize him via the use of ersatz (but effective) teamwork. In the aftermath, the Avengers showed up and stole the show, leaving some of the young heroes bitter about being slighted, but nevertheless the six agreed to form together into a new team, calling themselves The New Warriors.

The Warriors fought crime together fairly successfully for a respectable amount of time, but Dwayne stumbled across some alarming inconsistencies in the sham that was his life. He first discovered that his company was involved in very shady practices, and this initial inconsistency led him inevitably to unravel the lies that he had been fed since childhood. Nothing was as it seemed. In the end, a very bizarre mystically oriented conspiracy was revealed, along with new villains in the form of the Folding Circle, and Tai's true role was made clear.

During this time Dwayne became very erratic, did some questionable things, formally disbanded the Warriors (though the other members ignored him and carried on), and even went over to the other side for a while.

In the aftermath of this event, the Warriors were never quite the same. The line up changed a bit, and Dwayne was an off-again, on-again presence. He suffered further issues along the way, including losing his girlfriend (and sometime Warrior ally) Silhouette to his alleged half-brother, a strange individual known as Bandit. Dwayne was also no longer the undisputed leader of the Warriors; most of the group turned to first Namorita and then Justice for leadership.

Retrieved from "http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Night_Thrasher"


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yep. he's in my top 3 hero list. so much untapped potential. he's the batman begins version of bruce wayne and they treat him like a 4th-stringer. i seriously want someone to save him from the New Warriors before that ship goes down.
Hmm. A well respected writer/artist team could do it. I'd pick Peter David as writer.
i don't know about well-respected but i want Christopher Priest to breathe new life into the character.
I have a custom ml of him

He and the Warriors could do with some serious rework
Muze said:
yep. he's in my top 3 hero list. so much untapped potential. he's the batman begins version of bruce wayne and they treat him like a 4th-stringer. i seriously want someone to save him from the New Warriors before that ship goes down.
I just was thinking about the fact that he and Robert Decosta are both Bruce Wayne types who run with the superhero set who get no play.
Muze said:
yep. he's in my top 3 hero list. so much untapped potential. he's the batman begins version of bruce wayne and they treat him like a 4th-stringer. i seriously want someone to save him from the New Warriors before that ship goes down.
I just was thinking about the fact that he and Robert Decosta are both Bruce Wayne types who run with the superhero set who get no play.


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Muze said:
yep. he's in my top 3 hero list. so much untapped potential. he's the batman begins version of bruce wayne and they treat him like a 4th-stringer. i seriously want someone to save him from the New Warriors before that ship goes down.

Thats why he's a fourth stringer.

There is practically nothing original in him.
gildea said:
Thats why he's a fourth stringer.

There is practically nothing original in him.
SMH @ U.
gildea said:
Thats why he's a fourth stringer.

There is practically nothing original in him.

at one point, there was nothing original about Nighthawk (of Defenders fame). Dwayne's the perfect character to play with/add to. he just needs a new hook. as for nothing being original about Dwayne, how much do you know about him? i'd say that being raised by the guy who helped kill your parents and encouraged you to start a vendetta against criminals all to further the ambitions of a powerful sorceress is pretty damn unique. his backstory is a direct rip off of Batman's on the surface. but it's also a complete fabrication. there's also Dwayne's natural resistence to telepathy. he just needs a creative person to show him some respect; take a chance on him.
Muze said:
at one point, there was nothing original about Nighthawk (of Defenders fame). Dwayne's the perfect character to play with/add to. he just needs a new hook. as for nothing being original about Dwayne, how much do you know about him? i'd say that being raised by the guy who helped kill your parents and encouraged you to start a vendetta against criminals all to further the ambitions of a powerful sorceress is pretty damn unique. his backstory is a direct rip off of Batman's on the surface. but it's also a complete fabrication. there's also Dwayne's natural resistence to telepathy. he just needs a creative person to show him some respect; take a chance on him.

You misinterpret me (thought to be fair thats probably my fault).

I'm not saying that good, brilliant, great or even genre defining stories cannot be written for the character. All i'm saying is that his most defining traits are a batman rip off and thats what has probably relegated him to fourth stringer status. Practically every post mentions his on the surface similarity to batman.

So I put it to you why bother?

If the general public looks at him and says "batman rip off" (as they apprently have) why not use whomever can create those brilliant stories on a truly original character and not one that is a a grab bag from many other characters.

To restate EVERY character has untapped potential, they are only as good as their writers, what makes him merit the attention over say......(this is completely at random) ...taskmaster????
gildea said:
You misinterpret me (thought to be fair thats probably my fault).

I'm not saying that good, brilliant, great or even genre defining stories cannot be written for the character. All i'm saying is that his most defining traits are a batman rip off and thats what has probably relegated him to fourth stringer status. Practically every post mentions his on the surface similarity to batman.

So I put it to you why bother?

If the general public looks at him and says "batman rip off" (as they apprently have) why not use whomever can create those brilliant stories on a truly original character and not one that is a a grab bag from many other characters.

To restate EVERY character has untapped potential, they are only as good as their writers, what makes him merit the attention over say......(this is completely at random) ...taskmaster????

Taskmaster doesn't need the help. he's sufficiently cool as is. using Taskmaster in a different way would be pointless and risky. he is who he is. Dwayne, on the other hand, is damaged goods in need of a revamp. and it's his 'grab bag' status that makes him ripe for a new direction. his life, up until this point, has been built on a lie. he was raised to fight crime; as opposed to deciding to train himself like Bruce did. now he needs to find a new motivation for what he does. can't you see the story potential in that? :)

on another note...as a middle-class black male who used to skateboard and is into metal, NightThrasher is the kind of character who i could see myself reading about regularly.
I always liked Night Trasher, but then again, I always had a softspot for anyone in the New Warriors (save for Justice and Rage). I have to admit though, when you think about hes just a black Batman. Which is why I suggest Dwayne McDuffie to work on it. His Milestone comics showed an incredible amount of respect to black superheroes and his run on Icon and Rocket was nothing short of brilliant. Not to mention Static. If anyone can make it work, its him.
jaydawg said:
I always liked Night Trasher, but then again, I always had a softspot for anyone in the New Warriors (save for Justice and Rage). I have to admit though, when you think about hes just a black Batman. Which is why I suggest Dwayne McDuffie to work on it. His Milestone comics showed an incredible amount of respect to black superheroes and his run on Icon and Rocket was nothing short of brilliant. Not to mention Static. If anyone can make it work, its him.

Moon Knight's just a jewish Batman. Daredevil's just a poor Bruce Wayne with radar sense. Punisher is just Batman with guns. hasn't hurt them any. i think Taylor deserves another shot. McDuffie could probably give him one.
McDuffie would rock on Night Thrasher. But only if he moved him out of New York. THERE ARE TOO DAMN MANY VIGILANTES IN THE MARVEL U'S NEW YORK!!!!!
Muze said:
Taskmaster doesn't need the help. he's sufficiently cool as is. using Taskmaster in a different way would be pointless and risky. he is who he is. Dwayne, on the other hand, is damaged goods in need of a revamp. and it's his 'grab bag' status that makes him ripe for a new direction. his life, up until this point, has been built on a lie. he was raised to fight crime; as opposed to deciding to train himself like Bruce did. now he needs to find a new motivation for what he does. can't you see the story potential in that? :)

Yes i can.

Why night thrasher though? To make him good (and this is, as always, opinion) your moving very far away from his original set up. Why not a completely new character? That way you create another character with potential and don't risk annoying thrashers current fans (which would happen even if god himself wrote it).

My point about taskmaster was a character who has potential but not with a comic book currently not so much a revamp as there are many characters out there in 'need' of a book and potential is something only a writer can give not something a character has inherently.
gildea said:
Yes i can.

Why night thrasher though? To make him good (and this is, as always, opinion) your moving very far away from his original set up. Why not a completely new character? That way you create another character with potential and don't risk annoying thrashers current fans (which would happen even if god himself wrote it).

he has to be moved away from his original set up because the original setup was based on a false premise. his parents weren't killed by random thugs. it was a conspiracy.
A better question is, why make new characters when there are plenty of perfectly good, un-used characters that are one revamp away from greatness. I mean, look what Bendis did with Sentry? He's more popular now than he's ever been.
yeah but, for all intents and purposes, the Sentry is a new character. but it really doesn't make sense to create a brand new character when Night Thrasher is a relatively young character who has about 3 options 1. stay in limbo 2. die or 3. be remade. if you create a new character and fail, then you have two characters in limbo as opposed to just Night Thrasher. why clutter the marvel universe when there's perfectly good 'scrap' to be made into something? :)

p.s. i wish that Ronin was really Night Thrasher.
I'm pretty sure it's Elektra.

There are a lot of characters that are just sitting around and are in desparate need of a second/third look. Thrasher is at the top of the heap, hell, all the New Warriors. Why they would waste the paper on this crap they got now I will never know. But, when this book finally gets canned, we probally wont see Thrasher again until either a hot new writer decides to "fix" him, or they kill him namelessly in some massive mega crossover.
i'm predicting the latter. Nova might be the only one to survive this and that's stretching with all of the other super strong fliers there are around.
The Question said:
McDuffie would rock on Night Thrasher. But only if he moved him out of New York. THERE ARE TOO DAMN MANY VIGILANTES IN THE MARVEL U'S NEW YORK!!!!!
Well, Runaways sort of explains why.

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