Smallville 11.4 - Effigy - Discussion Thread (Spoilers)


Mar 7, 2005
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Episode #11-4: "Effigy"

UPDATED 11/28/12: KryptonSite is first to reveal the title of the fourth story arc "episode" for Smallville Season 11 - "Effigy!" Look for it in early 2013. Any guesses as to what it might mean? Could the former Blur be hated again? Or is this in reference to something else?

EDIT: Just to offer the defination of the term "effigy", its: 1. A representation or image, especially sculptured, as on a monument. 2. A crude representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule. 3. A likeness or image, especially of a person.
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EDIT: Just to offer the defination of the term "effigy", its: 1. A representation or image, especially sculptured, as on a monument. 2. A crude representation of someone disliked, used for purposes of ridicule. 3. A likeness or image, especially of a person.

Maybe the return of Bizarro or a Bizarro 2 and he could frame Superman in some way. Or even the return of Red K Clark/Kal or black kryptonite Kal-el.
Smallville Season 11 Comic Book Features Impulse and Expands its Universe

Smallville Season 11 is published digitally three Fridays a month (and later collected in print editions). Starting Friday, Jan. 4, a new series of parallel adventures will be published digitally on the title's off-week. The first arc, "Effigy" features a team-up with John Jones, aka the Martian Manhunter (another recurring guest star on the TV show), and Batman, who made his Smallville universe debut in Season 11's most recent storyline. "These are stories that will help fill in the rest of our world while Clark is busy on his main adventure," Miller says. "The first four off-weeks will be 'Effigy.' It gives everyone a chance to keep that Smallville machine rolling every week."

so Martian Manhunter and Batman team up. On one hand that's awesome and that means more Smallville comics. But on the other hand I think it's too soon to see Batman team up with another Smallville hero and wished it was 2 previous Smallville heroes like Aquaman, Black Canary or Zatanna or something.
Cool. I've missed MM. He was the one cameo I really wanted to see at the end of Season 10 that we never got.

Hopefully he's drawn to look like Phil Morris when he's in human form, and not just "generic black male."
Cool. I've missed MM. He was the one cameo I really wanted to see at the end of Season 10 that we never got.

Hopefully he's drawn to look like Phil Morris when he's in human form, and not just "generic black male."

I'm hoping this and I was wondering

1.) Is going wear the "Martian Manhunter costume" he started wearing since the "Absolute Justice" episode or will he wear a yellow/red shirt like in episodes like "Prey", "Checkmate", etc or is he going to appear in his actual Martian Manhunter costume like it came from the comics or cartoons


2.)will he be in his Martian form and what will his Martian form look like in the "Effigy" comics? Like how he appeared in "Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom" or "Absolute Justice" episode or like how he does in the comics or cartoon?
So I read the first issue of Effigy. These are my thoughts:

  • Yay we see the Batcave!
  • Yay we see Alfred!
  • Yay Martian Manhunter is back!
  • Yay we see a White Martian!
  • Yay we see the famed Mutants from "The Dark Knight Returns". It's funny that Batman points out that they're not actually mutants. XD

So any idea for which actor Alfred is based off? He looks more like DCAU Alfred.


Here's the mutant "scene"



I wouldn't say Alfred looks like any particular actor. He looks more like comics Alfred
I wouldn't say Alfred looks like any particular actor. He looks more like comics Alfred

Well I'd like to think it still kinda is the TV show(given it's the same universe albeit a better budget). And Brian Q. Miller liked to "cast" actors as various characters(e.g. Matthew Fox as Hank Henshaw).
Nice shoutout to Matt Hagen/Clayface . Also the look of the Batcave seems to be based off of Nolan's version from "Batman Begins".
Yay Alfred.

I knew Alfred was going to appear sooner or later and also a Clayface/Matt Hagen(one of my favorite Clayface along with Basil Karlo, Preston Payne and Ethan Bennett) mention to(not exactly the Clayface/Basil Karlo and Alfred I was going for exactly but beggars can't be choosers) and I like how BQM is creating the Smallville Batman universe from mentions like Joker, Penguin, Killer Croc and Clayface to showing characters such as Joe Chill,
Mr.Freeze, the Mutant gang, and Alfred to even connecting Batman's universe which seems like a mix between DCAU Batman, Nolan Batman, The Batman cartoon, the Burton Batman movie and the comic Batman with the Smallville universe(connecting Thomas Wayne with Veritas, tying Joe Chill and Mr.Freeze with Smallville Intergang, the way Bruce found out about why Superman an alien and his weakness, etc) and making it unique like making Barbara Nightwing, Batman wearing makeup similar to Navy SEALS, etc)

Also about time we got to see the Watchtower Moon Base/Space Station ever since the mention in Salvation and the series finale. I feel the Base will be completed around the season finale(I also feel the Watchtower/Hall of Justice might be destroyed but I hope/feel not)

Plus Axel Gimenez got the Phil Morris likeness down pat and BQM got his personality to a tee it felt like Phil was Martian Manhunter again. We even got to see him in Martian Mode and he looks like the Martian Manhunter in the Smallville Legends: Justice and Doom comic/cartoon(on You Tube) as well as the Martian Manhunter from the OYL-Final Crisis and the Young Justice cartoon and Justice League:Crisis on Two Earths and Justice League: Doom) only without the blue cape(kind of hoped we would since that is J'onn's most distinguishable part and hopes we will see it the next time he returns.

It always fun to see Batman and J'onn's team ups-weather from the comics to the Justice League/JLU cartoon to The Batman to Batman:Brave and the Bold and now the Smallville universe.

This is a 5/5 and a great tie in to Haunted. Can't wait for the next issue of Haunted and Effigy.
Nice shoutout to Matt Hagen/Clayface . Also the look of the Batcave seems to be based off of Nolan's version from "Batman Begins".

Not to mention the mutants from The Dark Knight Returns. BQM knows his craft, man.
Here is Cat Staggs cover art for Effigy featuring The Bat & Manhunter.
Yeah, Cat Staggs' can do a lot better. Oh well.
BQM has released a schedule for Smallville: Season 11


January 4th - Effigy, Week 1

January 9th - Smallville Print Issue #9 (Haunted, weeks 1-3)

January 11th - Haunted, Week 4

January 18th - Haunted, Week 5

January 25th - Haunted, Week 6


February 1st - Effigy, Week 2

February 6th - Smallville Print Issue #10 (Haunted, weeks 4-6)

February 8th - Haunted, week 7

February 15th - Haunted, week 8

February 22nd - Haunted, week 9


March 1st - Effigy, week 3

March 6th - Smallville Print Issue #11 (Haunted, weeks 7-9)

March 8th - Effigy, week 4

March 15th - Haunted, week 10

March 22nd - Haunted, week 11

March 29th - Haunted, week 12


April 3rd - Smallville Print Issue #12 (Haunted, weeks 10-12)
Great new issue today. Very action packed. We got Comish Gordon!
I love how Batman is always prepared. Interesting Bats managed to recover quite a bit of useful data from Checkmate. He had a flame-thrower gun prepared to combat against J'onn J'onzz. He had a grenade to deal with the white Martian.

The artist deception of Batman's character design was spot on.

I also like the Batman 89 panel sequence with the Batmobile.

Batman contacts Watchtower and basically when he doesn't get the response he was looking for cuts Chloe off (I love it) lol

loved seeing the Batwing again.

Gordon looks like Gary Oldman.
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Looks like it is getting a comic release:



Detective John Jones, the Martian Manhunter, steps into the Smallville spotlight in “Effigy,” a stand-alone adventure! A grisly murder in Gotham City sends Martian Manhunter on a quest to confront his past. Guest-starring Batman and Nightwing!
who caught that ending? pretty cool

M'gann M'orzz!!

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