this may be because i'm in a bad mood, and i really don't mean to troll, but quite frankly triplet, i'm sick of you and a few others on here saying how "fantastic" a job tom welling does on this show.
i'll admit, there are times when he is entertaining, and has delivered the emotion required for certain scenes, but most of the time i would call his performances sub-standard.
it's quite clear you have a major crush on the guy, and i think that this affects your rational judgement.
if people would actually open their eyes and get over their lust of welling, they would actually be able to see how sub standard this show actually is at times, make the appropriate complaints, then watch as people take notice and change the show for the better.(fair play to the people on here who do critisise.)
"but why do you watch if you are so dissapointed by it?" i hear you ask-
because name another dc character with his own series at the moment (non-animated) --- a superman film is dead at the moment so i watch smallville for it's occasional good moments and dc comic references.
to me, wellings lack of interest in the character of superman rubs off, that's why we have neo-clark,(he's against the idea of the superman costume) and that's why the guy hasn't cut his hair in nine years.(not to mention the flight thing)
then again, maybe you think looking into the camera as if you have trapped wind is "fantastic"
i do not. good day.
I have a 'crush' but it is one tempered with rational judgement.
I'm not a young girl squeeling with joy everytime I see him. Yes, I think he's gorgeous, but so are a lot of other men in Hollywood and on TV and I'm not not writing reviews of those shows. I love the show, but I love Tom too. I don't think there's anything wrong with being a fan of the man. And I think Tom is underrated as an actor, but you are of course entitled to your opinion, as I am for mine.
Tom is underrated, I believe, because his style of acting is very natural. Also, the reaction shots (which are scripted, btw) for some reason make people think he's as blank as his stare at the end of the scene is... Not sure why that is, because everyone does reaction shots.
All TV genres have them, but Sci-Fi/Action Adventure tend to have more, so all actors in TV, at one time or another, do reaction shots. Yet, Allison or Erica don't get **** for their reaction shots, yet Tom is always getting criticized for his...
I don't get that because Tom's not an empty slate. He's a very smart man who has done some remarkable work on the show When he's done less than what I think he could have, I bust him on it. I'm not so biased I never do that...
And his hair needs to be longer for it look right when it's brushed back off of his face and to get that hint of a curl across his forehead... not sure why you picked on that.
As for the costume and his wanting, or not wanting, to be Superman. I think in terms of the show, that's the right decision to make. The show is about Clark becoming Superman.
Once he pulls on the tights the show's over.
As far as him maybe doing the feature, who knows? I think it's possible, but he'll probably want to do something else. He's been doing this a long time, I think he'd make a good Superman but if they're going for a season 10, they could even build off that to an extent. Have Tom film the new film next summer...
Who knows?
As for Tom's acting, I think it's subtle yet powerful. I adore his acting, it's not as obvious as Callum Blue's for example or even John Glover's or Michael Rosenbaum's...
He's got a relaxed, natural style that I like quite a bit. It makes Clark seem more like a real person.
A broader portrayal wouldn't have suited the style of the show, so I'm a very happy Superman fan.