15 Minutes 25 Minutes: AndThePickles

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Side-Kick my Ass!
Jul 28, 2005
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If you could have the job/trade perfectly suited to you, what would it be?

What is your greatest regret?

What is your greatest achievement?

What is your favorite movie?

If you could cast 5 members of the Hype in your favorite movie, what

parts would they have?

How would you bring the 'Sexy' back?

What are the three things you would never do?

What brought you to the Hype?

Who is your nemesis on the Hype?

Name three people, living or dead, you would want to have dinner with?

If you could go back in time and change/stop one thing, personal or historic, what would it be?

What is the most valuable thing you own (doesn't have to be monetary)?

When would you like to retire?

What would you like to do when retired?

Do you golf? If so, what's in the bag?

What is your worst habit? Your best habit?

Any nightmare sexual experiences? Care to share?

Finish this number puzzle: -2~> 2 ~> 0 ~> 3~> 3 ~> -2 ~> X

Describe your dream house.

If you could give only one piece of advice to anyone, what you it be?

What is your favorite word?

What is your least favorite word?

What turns you on?

What turns you off?

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?

Why should I hire you?

Please answer the following questions and give us your thoughts behind each answer.

Would you rather be mildly sick for a week or really sick for 3.5 days?

*The half day of sickness would be the first, and you'd have a "normal" feeling morning before the onset.
* "Sick" can mean a variety of things, but the main feature is "general malaise." (This may include, but is not limited to: fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, nausea, headache, lightheadedness.)
* "Mildness" is determined by having either few or mild symptoms. (You do not get to pick the symptoms).
* "Really"ness is determined by having many or severe symptoms (you do not get to pick them, and they would be sufficiently severe to cause you to miss some work).
* Severe illness would disrupt your plans.
* You could still do things while mildly ill (e.g. go to work), but you'd feel ****ty.
* If you pick severe sickness, there is a very small chance that your severe illness could be Ebola or flesh eating bacteria, which may kill you within the 3.5 days.

Would you rather be famous or be bitten by a dog on the ass?

* Keep in mind, you have no idea what you'll be famous for. Think Scott Peterson, Natalee Holloway, Tom Cruise and Anna Nicole Smith too, not just the fun/life is good kind.
* A dog bite would hurt a lot, and you would have to sit on one of those donuts for at least one week
* The dog may be a stray and/or foaming about the mouth.

Would you rather be addicted to donuts or heroin?

* Either way you get to know the local police, at least with donuts you will have a common bond.
* Donuts will make you fat, more than likely.
* Heroin will make you skinny, more than likely.
* Both will eventually kill you

Would you rather: Eat Spam OR Receive a lot of Spam?

* You have to eat the entire can, mmmmmmmmmmm yummy.
* Your Spam Filter is very unreliable, so you have to sift through the Spam folder to make sure something important wasn't sent there.

Who would you rather accidentally make a culturally insensitive remark to?

* A midget
* An albino
* An albino midget

Would you rather be a Dream Crushing Weasel or have your dreams crushed by a Dream Crushing Weasel?

* Assume you have dreams worth crushing and that getting them crushed would depress you a lengthy period of time.
* As the Dream Crushing Weasel, it is a sickness and you constantly do it. It is not a one time deal.
* Being referred to as The Weasel, basically makes you Pauly Shore.

Would you rather eat fried chicken with Colonel Sanders or pancakes with Aunt Jemima?

*Assume each would make their signature dish and that caloric intake for both meals is equal.
*Assume with Colonel Sanders there would liquor involved and that he likes to have people sit on his knee.
*Assume that Aunt Jemima is like Oprah's character in The Color Purple.

Would you rather kill the environment or kill an environmentalist?

* The environmentalist is Ed Begley Jr.
* By killing Ed Begley Jr, you make him a martyr and his message becomes even stronger.
* His family immediately forgives you, because they're good like that.
* Ed Begley Jr will feel no pain because he is not human
* Good God man, just kill him already!!

Would you rather kill a turtle or have one of your good friends become a Scientologist?

* The turtle is exotic, rare, and older than your oldest living relative.
* The turtle is named "Sam" and people call him "Sam the turtle."
* There is a 0% chance that you'll be able to convince your friend to renounce his/her scientologist beliefs.
* There is a 66% chance that your friend will try to convert you to scientology. This would, at the very least, be quite annoying.
* There is a 100% chance that the turtle will die when you kill it.
* You could keep the turtle shell as a memento.
* Sam's terrarium will look quite empty without him.
* You could kill Sam in any manner that you choose.

Would you rather be a **** or have everyone think you're a ****?

* If you picked to be a ****, you could be discreet.
* Haha, I know, a discreet ****.
* If everyone thinks your a ****, why not have the fun and just become one.
* ****!

Would you rather get a paper cut or eat a placenta?

* Assume that the placenta is cooked and entirely safe to eat.
* The papercut is severe enough to make you curse out loud.
* The placenta is not yours and is not related to you.
* The placenta might be gross to eat.
* Nobody likes paper cuts, except maybe emos and they don't count.

Would you rather have a dozen kids or be infertile?

* One or the other, and they can't be adopted or stolen.
* The 12 kids will all be born in 15 years.
* 12 could make you go ****ing bat **** crazy.
* No kids could make you sad and want to off yourself or the diners at the local Golden Corral.

Would you rather dissect a human corpse or go skydiving?

* Your scared of heights and a very downsy looking person packed your chute
* The corpse is a family member you like and you are not Bones, so this will haunt you forever and you will take no enjoyment in it.

Would you rather milk a cow or have your nipple bitten by an animal?

* Milking a cow could be udderly disgusting.
* Having your nipple bitten would hurt.
* What kind of animal would bite my nipple? How the hell should I know.
* It might be embarrassing to show your bitten nipple to a doctor.
* The cow might bite your nipple when you try and milk her.
* The cow will hit you in the back of the head with her **** crusted tail.

Would you rather lose an eye in a fireworks accident or get mauled by an animal and end up with a Michael Jackson nose?

* Michael Jackson's nose? Yes, his nose (or lack thereof). Assume that it comes with none of his other oddities (paleness/cleft chin/singing talents/high pitched voice/predilection for sleeping with children).
* What kind of animal? One capable of mauling you.
* If you only have one functioning eye at present, you would end up blind.
* Assume that your breathing would not be negatively affected by a MJ nose.

Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal or have a jetski?

* Assume that the cereal/jetski is of average quality and brand.
* Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
* A jetski is worth a lot more than a bowl of cereal.
* You might win a prize with this bowl of cereal.
* Jetskis claim many lives per year.
* Similarly, people have been known to choke on cereal.

Would you rather have a perpetual George Hamilton tan or skip the age of 33?

* Skip 33? Yes. You would go from 32 to 34 on your birthday. If you are already over 33, then you automatically become a year older (33 is retroactively skipped).
* You might freak people out if you were always kind of orange looking.
* If you were already pretty tan (albeit orange), it would be hard to get sun burn.
* Skipping 33 puts you that much closer to 40. And 50. And the grave.
* Assume that you would suffer no ill effects from skipping a year, although your body would age 365 days.

Would you rather always be hungry or always be fat?

* Assume that you are not always hungry if you choose 'always be fat'.
* Assume that 'fat' means fatter than you are now, fatty.
* If you were hungry you could eat, but that wouldn't satisfy the hunger.
* Always being hungry could lead to being fat.
* Being fat could lead to being depressed and more eating, which might land you on TLC or some such channel.

Write a hiaku about 'Spoons.
What is your name?
What is your quest?
A plane crashes, where do they bury the survivors?
What's the most annoying thing about Spoons?
Are you as awesome in real life as you are on the Hype?

How did you meet Spoons?

If you two ever came down to Georgia, could we hang out?

Favorite places to eat?

Where do you shop?

Who are your favorite Hype mods whose names start with I and D?
Uncle Dark-Knight Asks-

Favorite Blonde?

How old are you?

Favorite smell?

Ever stopped when it was hammer time?

Whats type of condon is your favorite?

Ever ate a raw mushroom?

Favorite chocolate bar?

Some say Chocolate is better than sex do you agree or think they were a bit mad?

Least favorite smell?

Show us a recent picture of yourself?

What were you thinking as you took the picture?

When did you last look in the mirror and think 'Damn i look good today' (or words to that effect?

Ever walked on someone Having the sex?

If so who was it?

Did you ever see some dogs having sex and ask your mum or dad what they were doing, what did they tell you?

Current celebrity crush?

If you were a animal what kind of animal would you be?

Sex with a ugly stinking stranger for one million pounds/dollars?

Sex with a person of the same sex for five hundred thousand pounds/pollars?

Ever shopped at a pound shop/99 cent store or the like, if so what was the last thing you bought?

Who do you love more than anything?

What word do you use too often?

Dont, dont you want me?

Have you ever stopped, collaborated and listened when Ice was back with his brand new invention?

Favorite part of a duck?

Least favorite part of a duck?

How old were you when you lost your virginity?

where did you lose it?

Tell me your favorite joke?

Tell us something about yourself we never knew?

Favorite film ever?

Most overated film ever?

Favorite film of 1989?

Secks with a animal followed by a celeb of your choice or no secks?

Tom-ay-toe or Tom-ah-toe?

If you were a duck billed platypuss what would be your name?

If They made a movie of your life who would play you?

If you had to had the sex with someone off the hype who would the sex be with?

What was willis 'talkin bout'?

Who was the last person in real life to see you naked?

Who was the last real person you saw naked?

If you were a cat, what kind of monkey would henry be?

Tina turner has started touring again after her retirement how does that make you feel?

Do you agree that some might say Tina turner is simply the best, better than all the rest?

When did you last have you some sex?

If you saw Tom Jones live would you feel the urge to throw your knickers or undercrackers at him?

If not why not, do you not feel he is worthy of your underwear?

Ever fancied some man on man action(not with me)?

Ever fancied some man on man on man action?

Ever fancied some man on man on donkey action?

Your invisible for a day, what do you do during the day, give me a timetable.

Your wife/husband cheats on you with a person of the opposite sex, would you leave them?

Your wife/husband cheats on you with a person the same sexas them, would you leave them?

Ever wore a leotard?

If so why?

If not why not?

Who's your daddy?

Have you ever shaked your little tush on the catwalk, yeah the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah, have you shaked your little tush on the catwalk?
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There's a zombie invasion, what are the two things you grab and two people you call?

Given the opportunity, would you either:

a) Meet Steve Buscemi
b) Meet Chris Tucker
c) Meet Fran

Would you direct a music video for Hilary Duff?

Blue Man Group? Yes or no?

Do you sneeze often?

You're having a party, name three Hype Girls and three Hype Guys you'd invite.

Do you believe in life outside this planet?

Are you more a Bill or a Ted? Both?

Eiffel tower, who'd be there with you?

Seafood fan?

Gold or Silver?


Are you and I destined to do this forever, or will I be in a padded cell forever?

Post your perfect date, ... GO!

When can we expect babies?

Wanna hook up?

Have you or do you own a slinky?

Who is the hottest girl ever? Guy?

Would you ever wear a fedora?

How is your head?

Last time you put on a bandaid? Explain the injury.

Do you want a foot massage?

Are you either:
a) Space Cowboy
b) Gangster of Love
c) Maurice

Marijuana, thoughts?

If Charlie Sheen were a dinosaur, which one would he be? You have to post a picture.

Who from SHH does this smiley remind you of? :o

Are you hustlin', hustlin', hustlin' everyday?

Snoop Dogg or Biggie?

In your own words, describe a woman.

Who is your favourite horror idol?

If you were seconds away from being frozen in carbonite, what pose would you do to be remembered by?

Red or Blue? Neither?

Mod powers have been granted to you accidently, but you only have five minutes to torment the forum, what do you do?

Cocaine or Acid?

Hippie shirts, what are your thoughts on them?

Can you fit your whole fist in your mouth?
Pickels, what the hell do you look like? :huh:
If you could have the job/trade perfectly suited to you, what would it be?

Singer/model. That'd be the greatest!

What is your greatest regret?

I don't know if I have a "greatest" one.

What is your greatest achievement?
Graduating college with a 4.0 my senior year, eee.

What is your favorite movie?

Ugh, I can tell there's gonna be a lot of these "favorites" questions already. I rarely have favorite movies and songs, etc. But since most people here know me for Disney, I'll just say "The Little Mermaid."

If you could cast 5 members of the Hype in your favorite movie, what
parts would they have?

Prince Eric- Immortalfire
Sebastian- Spoons
Flounder- Mee
Ursula- Magik
King Triton-Excelsior

How would you bring the 'Sexy' back?
Stand in the room.

What are the three things you would never do?
Betray the person I love, drink pee, commit a violent crime

What brought you to the Hype?
I saw Spoons posting all the time when I was in his room, so I thought I'd sign up when I started reading comics.

Who is your nemesis on the Hype?
I think Jake got banned from here ages ago :ninja:

Name three people, living or dead, you would want to have dinner with?
James Earl Jones, Eddie Guerrero, Angela Lansbury

If you could go back in time and change/stop one thing, personal or historic, what would it be?

I'd make my parents get a divorce when I was much younger.

What is the most valuable thing you own (doesn't have to be monetary)?
Maybe it's because I'm in a mushy mood, but the first bracelet that Spoons ever bought me.

When would you like to retire?
If I don't enjoy my job, then early. If I love my job (hopefully) then whenever I feel like it.

What would you like to do when retired?

Travel the world.

Do you golf? If so, what's in the bag?

Hell no, golf is boring.

What is your worst habit? Your best habit?

I complain too much. Best habit? Hmm...I'm very hygienic.

Any nightmare sexual experiences? Care to share?

Yes, but it's a little too graphic for the Hype.

Finish this number puzzle: -2~> 2 ~> 0 ~> 3~> 3 ~> -2 ~> X

I hate math.

Describe your dream house.

One that's white and blue.

If you could give only one piece of advice to anyone, what you it be?

Follow your passions, but don't let them overwhelm reason.

What is your favorite word?
My favorite word of the day is noodle.

What is your least favorite word?
My least favorite word always is the "c" word :csad:

What turns you on?
Compliments, good smells, confidence

What turns you off?
Rudeness, smoking, the whiny "nice guys who can never get a date" facade, cockiness

What sound do you love?

What sound do you hate?
Alarm clocks

Why should I hire you?

Because I'd be an asset to your company and make you lots of moneys.

Please answer the following questions and give us your thoughts behind each answer.

Would you rather be mildly sick for a week or really sick for 3.5 days?

*The half day of sickness would be the first, and you'd have a "normal" feeling morning before the onset.
* "Sick" can mean a variety of things, but the main feature is "general malaise." (This may include, but is not limited to: fever, cough, sore throat, congestion, nausea, headache, lightheadedness.)
* "Mildness" is determined by having either few or mild symptoms. (You do not get to pick the symptoms).
* "Really"ness is determined by having many or severe symptoms (you do not get to pick them, and they would be sufficiently severe to cause you to miss some work).
* Severe illness would disrupt your plans.
* You could still do things while mildly ill (e.g. go to work), but you'd feel ****ty.
* If you pick severe sickness, there is a very small chance that your severe illness could be Ebola or flesh eating bacteria, which may kill you within the 3.5 days.

I'd rather be mildly sick. I just getting finished being severely sick and it was no bueno :down

Would you rather be famous or be bitten by a dog on the ass?

* Keep in mind, you have no idea what you'll be famous for. Think Scott Peterson, Natalee Holloway, Tom Cruise and Anna Nicole Smith too, not just the fun/life is good kind.
* A dog bite would hurt a lot, and you would have to sit on one of those donuts for at least one week
* The dog may be a stray and/or foaming about the mouth.

Famous. I don't want rabies!

Would you rather be addicted to donuts or heroin?

* Either way you get to know the local police, at least with donuts you will have a common bond.
* Donuts will make you fat, more than likely.
* Heroin will make you skinny, more than likely.
* Both will eventually kill you

Donuts, because there's a MUCH greater chance of beating that addiction.

Would you rather: Eat Spam OR Receive a lot of Spam?

* You have to eat the entire can, mmmmmmmmmmm yummy.
* Your Spam Filter is very unreliable, so you have to sift through the Spam folder to make sure something important wasn't sent there.

I'm never eating Spam.

Who would you rather accidentally make a culturally insensitive remark to?

* A midget
* An albino
* An albino midget

An albino midget...may as well get the whole package.

Would you rather be a Dream Crushing Weasel or have your dreams crushed by a Dream Crushing Weasel?

* Assume you have dreams worth crushing and that getting them crushed would depress you a lengthy period of time.
* As the Dream Crushing Weasel, it is a sickness and you constantly do it. It is not a one time deal.
* Being referred to as The Weasel, basically makes you Pauly Shore.

I wouldn't mind finding out what it's like to be Pauly Shore.
Would you rather eat fried chicken with Colonel Sanders or pancakes with Aunt Jemima?

*Assume each would make their signature dish and that caloric intake for both meals is equal.
*Assume with Colonel Sanders there would liquor involved and that he likes to have people sit on his knee.
*Assume that Aunt Jemima is like Oprah's character in The Color Purple.

Fried chicken all the way. I'm not a big pancake fan. As long as I only have to sit on his knee :o

Would you rather kill the environment or kill an environmentalist?

* The environmentalist is Ed Begley Jr.
* By killing Ed Begley Jr, you make him a martyr and his message becomes even stronger.
* His family immediately forgives you, because they're good like that.
* Ed Begley Jr will feel no pain because he is not human
* Good God man, just kill him already!!
Who is Ed Begley Jr.? Kill him already then :huh:

Would you rather kill a turtle or have one of your good friends become a Scientologist?

* The turtle is exotic, rare, and older than your oldest living relative.
* The turtle is named "Sam" and people call him "Sam the turtle."
* There is a 0% chance that you'll be able to convince your friend to renounce his/her scientologist beliefs.
* There is a 66% chance that your friend will try to convert you to scientology. This would, at the very least, be quite annoying.
* There is a 100% chance that the turtle will die when you kill it.
* You could keep the turtle shell as a memento.
* Sam's terrarium will look quite empty without him.
* You could kill Sam in any manner that you choose.

Kill Sam. The Scientologist is still vaguely human :o

Would you rather be a **** or have everyone think you're a ****?

* If you picked to be a ****, you could be discreet.
* Haha, I know, a discreet ****.
* If everyone thinks your a ****, why not have the fun and just become one.
* ****!

I'd rather not be a **** even if people thought I was.

Would you rather get a paper cut or eat a placenta?

* Assume that the placenta is cooked and entirely safe to eat.
* The papercut is severe enough to make you curse out loud.
* The placenta is not yours and is not related to you.
* The placenta might be gross to eat.
* Nobody likes paper cuts, except maybe emos and they don't count.

Um, it's just a paper cut!

Would you rather have a dozen kids or be infertile?

* One or the other, and they can't be adopted or stolen.
* The 12 kids will all be born in 15 years.
* 12 could make you go ****ing bat **** crazy.
* No kids could make you sad and want to off yourself or the diners at the local Golden Corral.

Are you freakin kidding?! Infertility is my dreaaaaaam!

Would you rather dissect a human corpse or go skydiving?

* Your scared of heights and a very downsy looking person packed your chute
* The corpse is a family member you like and you are not Bones, so this will haunt you forever and you will take no enjoyment in it.

I've always wanted to go skydiving.

Would you rather milk a cow or have your nipple bitten by an animal?

* Milking a cow could be udderly disgusting.
* Having your nipple bitten would hurt.
* What kind of animal would bite my nipple? How the hell should I know.
* It might be embarrassing to show your bitten nipple to a doctor.
* The cow might bite your nipple when you try and milk her.
* The cow will hit you in the back of the head with her **** crusted tail.

Uh, I guess milk the cow.

Would you rather lose an eye in a fireworks accident or get mauled by an animal and end up with a Michael Jackson nose?

* Michael Jackson's nose? Yes, his nose (or lack thereof). Assume that it comes with none of his other oddities (paleness/cleft chin/singing talents/high pitched voice/predilection for sleeping with children).
* What kind of animal? One capable of mauling you.
* If you only have one functioning eye at present, you would end up blind.
* Assume that your breathing would not be negatively affected by a MJ nose.

You didn't specify which phase of MJ's nose it is. So, I choose that one, from when he hadn't had that much surgery on it yet.

Would you rather eat a bowl of cereal or have a jetski?

* Assume that the cereal/jetski is of average quality and brand.
* Breakfast is the most important meal of the day.
* A jetski is worth a lot more than a bowl of cereal.
* You might win a prize with this bowl of cereal.
* Jetskis claim many lives per year.
* Similarly, people have been known to choke on cereal.

I love jetskiing. Gimme!

Would you rather have a perpetual George Hamilton tan or skip the age of 33?

* Skip 33? Yes. You would go from 32 to 34 on your birthday. If you are already over 33, then you automatically become a year older (33 is retroactively skipped).
* You might freak people out if you were always kind of orange looking.
* If you were already pretty tan (albeit orange), it would be hard to get sun burn.
* Skipping 33 puts you that much closer to 40. And 50. And the grave.
* Assume that you would suffer no ill effects from skipping a year, although your body would age 365 days.

I guess I'll skip a year.
Would you rather always be hungry or always be fat?

* Assume that you are not always hungry if you choose 'always be fat'.
* Assume that 'fat' means fatter than you are now, fatty.
* If you were hungry you could eat, but that wouldn't satisfy the hunger.
* Always being hungry could lead to being fat.
* Being fat could lead to being depressed and more eating, which might land you on TLC or some such channel.
Ugh, this one is really hard. But I could never be fat, so, guess I'll have to be hungry :csad:

Write a hiaku about 'Spoons.
Muscular and big
Crazy caramel lover
"Do work!" he commands

What is your name? Andrea
What is your quest? To live life to the fullest
A plane crashes, where do they bury the survivors? In the gravesites that are listed in their respective wills :huh:

What's the most annoying thing about Spoons?
He says "word" too damn much! :cmad:

Are you as awesome in real life as you are on the Hype? Haha, I have no idea, I hope I'm better in person than I appear online :oldrazz:

How did you meet Spoons? We both went to the same college and were members of the same social club. I first met him my freshman year, and then we started dating my second semester.

If you two ever came down to Georgia, could we hang out? Of course! I've heard Georgia (the non-racist parts :ninja:) is great.

Favorite places to eat? PF Chang's, Five Guys, Panera Bread, California Tortilla.

Where do you shop? No set favorites, really...when I go to the mall I tend to check all over. Express, Macy's, Victoria's Secret, Guess, and Nordstrom's are a few, though.

Who are your favorite Hype mods whose names start with I and D? Haha, why, none other than Immortalfire and DBella, of course!
You should change your hype name to "AndReallyExcellentApricots"
I feel you are a mysterious Witch who hides her spells, why do I think this?

Do you bite your nails?

What's a perfect breakfast to you?

All time favourtie movie?

Have you ever been mugged?

Name 3 things you love about yourself.
Name 3 things you love about me. (;))

Name one of your greatest weakness.
Name one thing about me that you dislike.

Who is the biggest influence in your life?

If your live is a movie, what genre will it be? Who will direct it? What will it be about? Name 5 Hypesters who'll be in the movie, one of which will be you.

If you can teleport yourself into a magical/fictional world, where would it be?

Why do I love you?

If you're given an opportunity to have a part in a tv series, what tv series would that be and whose role would you steal?
Uncle Dark-Knight Asks-

Favorite Blonde? Myself.

How old are you? 22

Favorite smell? honeysuckle

Ever stopped when it was hammer time? Probably :o

Whats type of condon is your favorite? Trojan, but I don't like condoms.

Ever ate a raw mushroom? yup

Favorite chocolate bar? Godiva

Some say Chocolate is better than sex do you agree or think they were a bit mad? As much as I love chocolate, sex is still better.

Least favorite smell? Tie between gasoline and cigarettes.

Show us a recent picture of yourself? No

What were you thinking as you took the picture? n/a

When did you last look in the mirror and think 'Damn i look good today' (or words to that effect? Not recently, simply because I've been sick :csad:

Ever walked on someone Having the sex? yes

If so who was it? my fat roommate freshman year of college *sadness*

Did you ever see some dogs having sex and ask your mum or dad what they were doing, what did they tell you? I never asked my parents about anything sexual.

Current celebrity crush? I don't really have celebrity "crushes" anymore, just admire some of the attractive ones.

If you were a animal what kind of animal would you be? Leopard

Sex with a ugly stinking stranger for one million pounds/dollars? A million dollars WITHOUT getting taxed?

Sex with a person of the same sex for five hundred thousand pounds/pollars? Again, tax? :o

Ever shopped at a pound shop/99 cent store or the like, if so what was the last thing you bought? I have, but it's been years.

Who do you love more than anything? Spoons

What word do you use too often? Online- lol. In real life- aww.

Dont, dont you want me? baby? Don't you want me, ooo-ooooh.

Have you ever stopped, collaborated and listened when Ice was back with his brand new invention? What white girl didn't like Vanilla Ice?

Favorite part of a duck? The tail

Least favorite part of a duck? Legs. Although oddly, I like the feet.

How old were you when you lost your virginity? 17

where did you lose it? in college, in the bed of the guy I was dating at the time.

Tell me your favorite joke? Don't have one, sorry.

Tell us something about yourself we never knew? I was going to be a vocal major before I realized that it wasn't very smart in terms of solid careers aside from teaching.

Favorite film ever? Already asked.

Most overated film ever? The Dark Knight

Favorite film of 1989? Aside from The Little Mermaid, Indiana Jones and the Last Crusade

Secks with a animal followed by a celeb of your choice or no secks? No secks. They're just celebrities.

Tom-ay-toe or Tom-ah-toe? Tom-ay-toe

If you were a duck billed platypuss what would be your name? Moira

If They made a movie of your life who would play you? Denise Richards? I dunno.

If you had to had the sex with someone off the hype who would the sex be with? Spoons.

What was willis 'talkin bout'? :huh:

Who was the last person in real life to see you naked? Spoons

Who was the last real person you saw naked? Spoons

If you were a cat, what kind of monkey would henry be? A spider monkey

Tina turner has started touring again after her retirement how does that make you feel? Ambivalent

Do you agree that some might say Tina turner is simply the best, better than all the rest? No

When did you last have you some sex? Sunday

If you saw Tom Jones live would you feel the urge to throw your knickers or undercrackers at him? No

If not why not, do you not feel he is worthy of your underwear? Yup

Ever fancied some man on man action(not with me)? No, I'm not into watching gay sex

Ever fancied some man on man on man action? No

Ever fancied some man on man on donkey action? Hell no

Your invisible for a day, what do you do during the day, give me a timetable. Good grief, some of us worked all day here lol. Um...to sum up, I wouldn't just be a perv all day.

Your wife/husband cheats on you with a person of the opposite sex, would you leave them? Yes.

Your wife/husband cheats on you with a person the same sexas them, would you leave them? Yes. Cheating is cheating.

Ever wore a leotard? Yes

If so why? I danced for many years

If not why not?

Who's your daddy? My dad.

Have you ever shaked your little tush on the catwalk, yeah the catwalk, on the catwalk yeah, have you shaked your little tush on the catwalk? Yes I have!

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who did u vote for in the election?

whats ur football team (NFL)?

what footbal team do u hate (NFL)?

what is ur baseball team (MLB)?

what is ur favorite sport?

What is ur least favorite sport?

who is ur fav. comic book writer?

who is ur fav. comic book artist?

who is ur least fav comic book writer?

who is ur least fav. comic book artist?

Do you like Mugglecast?

how would U toture baby p's killer?
This is a awful 15 minutes for the reason The Dark Knight is not overrated. Its out on DVD soon, please rewatch and then re watch again.

Ta :)
she's been hanging out with Spoons too much.
Do you currently have a tattoo, or have you ever contemplated getting one? If so what would have been of?

What is your biggest fear?

When was the last time you went to church?

What would you say is the most annoyingly overused word or phrase on SHH?

Can I hear you sing?
Have you ever punched Spoons in the face?

If so... post a pic?

When is the little pickly spoon baby going to come into existence?

If you could pick one Hypester to beat the everloving **** out of them... who would it be? Don't answer why.

Which male mod do you think stares at your pictures in an unlovingly loving way?

Can you dance?


Can Spoons dance?


Who do you relate to the most on the Hype? At LSP? Why?

Who's the hawter woman... you or Erzengel?
hey knowsbleed, methinks erzengel is a guy.
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no, Erz is definitely a chick. She just likes to pretend to be a guy sometimes to mess with people.
There's a zombie invasion, what are the two things you grab and two people you call? Food and a gun, and Spoons and the government.

Given the opportunity, would you either:

a) Meet Steve Buscemi
b) Meet Chris Tucker
c) Meet Fran

Sorry Fran, but I've always wanted to meet Chris Tucker

Would you direct a music video for Hilary Duff? Sure, at least I'd be directing a music video.

Blue Man Group? Yes or no? They were fun while the fad lasted.

Do you sneeze often? No, but when I do it's almost always twice in a row.

You're having a party, name three Hype Girls and three Hype Guys you'd invite.
Logan's Runt

Hunter Rider

Do you believe in life outside this planet?

I'd like to think that there's more than just life on Earth, considering how large the universe is.

Are you more a Bill or a Ted? Both? Haha, I guess more of a Ted, 'cause he's more fun.

Eiffel tower, who'd be there with you? Come on, Spoons. And not even just because he's my boyfriend...the man has wanted to go to France FOREVER.

Seafood fan? Very much so, except for shellfish.

Gold or Silver? White gold

Juggler? Myself? No.

Are you and I destined to do this forever, or will I be in a padded cell forever? I can't remember the reply in the movie, sorry :csad:

Post your perfect date, ... GO! I don't have a perfect one, but I'll make up one that sounds fun on the spot! A day at an amusement park followed by a bonfire on the beach, and ending up in a hot tub at a private beach house.

When can we expect babies? Never

Wanna hook up? Nope

Have you or do you own a slinky? I used to own several

Who is the hottest girl ever? Guy? Neither exist

Would you ever wear a fedora? Of course!

How is your head? Kinda hurts right now.

Last time you put on a bandaid? Explain the injury. Haha, what an embarrassing time to have to answer this, but: on Friday I woke up at like 3 a.m. because I felt a sharp pain on my right butt cheek. I was out of it, so I fell back asleep. When I woke up there was a painful raised red circle area, so I think I got bit by a spider. I swabbed it with alcohol and put on a bandaid, and the swelling was gone by the next day.

Do you want a foot massage? That would be wonderful

Are you either:
a) Space Cowboy
b) Gangster of Love
c) Maurice

I like the song Gangster of Love, so I'll go with that one.

Marijuana, thoughts? It's a lovely and fun recreational drug that I wish I could smoke more often.

If Charlie Sheen were a dinosaur, which one would he be? You have to post a picture.


Who from SHH does this smiley remind you of? :o

Are you hustlin', hustlin', hustlin' everyday? Yes, I work my butt off at my new job.

Snoop Dogg or Biggie? Snoop

In your own words, describe a woman. A human being with a vagina and ovaries.

Who is your favourite horror idol? What do you mean? Director or actor?

If you were seconds away from being frozen in carbonite, what pose would you do to be remembered by? Lying on my stomach, with my toes stretched over my back to my head. It'd be unique, lol.

Red or Blue? Neither? Blue

Mod powers have been granted to you accidently, but you only have five minutes to torment the forum, what do you do? I wouldn't tormet the forum, I'd just read the mod forum, duh.

Cocaine or Acid? Neither

Hippie shirts, what are your thoughts on them? Like anything, they get old when overly popular.

Can you fit your whole fist in your mouth? Probably, but I tried just now and my lips cracked really badly because of being sick :csad:

Pickels, what the hell do you look like?

5'9", white, dark blonde hair, and big blue eyes.

I feel you are a mysterious Witch who hides her spells, why do I think this? I don't know...I'm sorry you think I'm a witch :csad:

Do you bite your nails? Yuck, no.

What's a perfect breakfast to you? A veggie omelette (perhaps involving mushrooms, spinach, cheese, and artichoke hearts) and lots of bacon on the side with hash browns.

All time favourtie movie? Answered!

Have you ever been mugged? Nope, thankfully.

Name 3 things you love about yourself. My eyes, my romantic skillz, and my intelligence
Name 3 things you love about me. (;))
Your "accented" voice, haha, your kindness, and your sense of humor

Name one of your greatest weakness. I have a hard time recognizing when I'm repeatedly doing something wrong.
Name one thing about me that you dislike.
I can't think of anything, honestly. You've always been a great lady, from what I've seen.

Who is the biggest influence in your life? Currently? I'm sure it's getting cliche, but gotta say the boyfriend. He's helped me learn the type of woman I want to be, and also has the ability to influence my mood even after a crappy day.

If your live is a movie, what genre will it be? Who will direct it? What will it be about? Name 5 Hypesters who'll be in the movie, one of which will be you.

Drama. Guillermo del Toro can direct it and add some fantasy. I'd like it to follow my life and mix fantasy with reality the way that Pan's Labyrinth did.
Anita18- my mother
Lobo- my dad
DBella- best friend growin up
LR- the wild best friend in high school
Sensi- I have no clue what she looks like, but she's gonna be me! haha

If you can teleport yourself into a magical/fictional world, where would it be? Middle Earth or Hogwarts *supernerd*

Why do I love you? 'Cause I like LOTR? :oldrazz:

If you're given an opportunity to have a part in a tv series, what tv series would that be and whose role would you steal?
Marissa in the OC, if I could be allowed to change her destiny in the series.

When are you coming here so we can have a girly day?
Whenever I get the moneys, my dear! I'd love to come visit.
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