FadingCB said:
That's partially what turns me off to Xbox. What's the point of paying $400 for it, $200 for the HD add-on, $60+ howmany ever years for live, and whatever else addons you buy, if you're going to replace it in 4-5 years. With the PS3 I know that while $600 it'll last me almost 10 years, and that I really don't have to buy any additional items to enjoy it past new games, and the online is free also.
Edit - BTW none of this is really a knock on Xbox. If you like having a new more powerful console in short time again and again that's a positive. I upgrade my computer constantly, just personally with consoles I like them to last a long time so I don't have to worry about them.
Basically man its like this-
The reason Xbox only had a life of 4 years was because it came out 2 years after PS2.
MS' strategy this time round was to be first off the mark so they can have an installed user base by the time PS3 debuts.
Which has been done.
Ideally Xbox V 0.1 would have had a life of around 5 years.
5 years is the standard life cycle of a console, and period of time that any generation of console hardware is relevent.
No hardware cycle/reign exists for 10 years where any given machine ban be the home of cutting edge software. PS1 lived for 10 years but no AAA exclusive titles were released for PS1 from 2001 onwards.
Sure a market existed and they still ported games over, but once the PS2 was out no real gamers cared about the machine anymore.
So the fact that PS1 was around for 10 years, not only was that an exceptional success story, likely to be emulated by PS2, but most importantly the second 5 years after the PS2 came out were inconsequential.
Similarly once the PS3 is out in europe, the PS2 is obsolete.
All the big games will not be possible to run on a previous generations hardware.
So basically, I fail to see the relevance of you bringing up PS1’s shelf life.
Microsoft were learning a lot first time round, this time- 360, they are in it for the long haul.
The fact that MS launched before Sony means this will be a long generation probably well over 5 years until the next gen arrives because MS will not feel the need to get Xbox3 out first because the 360 was carefully designed to take PS3 on from the beginning.
Plus a BIG factor in PS2’s dominance last gen was it’s key exclusives, which right now in case you have not noticed are dropping like flys.
MS also has way more money than either Sony or Nintindo, I think this gen console war will be very much closer between MS and Sony. What will be interesting to see is how Wii is performing comparatively this time next year in sales.