Action Scenes


Aug 29, 2004
Reaction score
As we all know the action scenes are one of the best parts of the James Bond movies but does anybody know what the action will be like? I hope it's more in the tone of GoldenEye instead of Die another Day:o
From the clips we've seen, it will be like the Jason Bourne films. They are even using the same style of shaky camerawork.
They will probably resemble Goldeneye. There is a huge action scene at Miami International Airport that, I think, will resemble the tank sequence and then there is also the Madagascar chase sequence which will involve parkour, cranes and all kinds of fun stuff.

It's definatly Bond action.
AndrewBerger said:
They will probably resemble Goldeneye. There is a huge action scene at Miami International Airport that, I think, will resemble the tank sequence and then there is also the Madagascar chase sequence which will involve parkour, cranes and all kinds of fun stuff.

It's definatly Bond action.

Sweet.:up: :)
PunisherPoster said:
From the clips we've seen, it will be like the Jason Bourne films. They are even using the same style of shaky camerawork.

i didnt like da shaky camerawork...gave me a
It's just got to be real stunts, that is all I ask. The Bond series is legendary for having amazing, spectacular stunts. CGI is a waste of time in the Bond series. TWINE had a fantastic boat chase, DAD had a CGI surfing sequence. No question which was superior.
D'Artagnan said:
It's just got to be real stunts, that is all I ask. The Bond series is legendary for having amazing, spectacular stunts. CGI is a waste of time in the Bond series. TWINE had a fantastic boat chase, DAD had a CGI surfing sequence. No question which was superior.

No need to worry about that. Hopefully DAD will be the first and last time we see a fully CGI Stuntman Bond is used. CR is returning to doing things practically. Have you seen the raw footage from the crane fight yet?
After viewing the trailer the action looks awesome and just how I wanted it. Kick ass.:up:
It is awesome - and it's great knowing that it's 100% genuine stuntwork. This stuff is really going down, and it's awe-inspiring to see. I think CASINO ROYALE is definitely going to have the best action sequences of 2006, and maybe the best action sequences we've seen in a while.
Agentsands77 said:
It is awesome - and it's great knowing that it's 100% genuine stuntwork. This stuff is really going down, and it's awe-inspiring to see. I think CASINO ROYALE is definitely going to have the best action sequences of 2006, and maybe the best action sequences we've seen in a while.

you work for MGM or something?:woot:
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
you work for MGM or something?:woot:
Nah... but I'm so enthusiastic about this film, I guess I might as well. :cwink:

But seriously, what film in 2006 looks like it could beat CASINO ROYALE action-wise?
Martin Campbell is actually a GREAT action director.
I think we're going to be more than satisfied.
Agentsands77 said:
Nah... but I'm so enthusiastic about this film, I guess I might as well. :cwink:

But seriously, what film in 2006 looks like it could beat CASINO ROYALE action-wise?

the protector.. with tony jaa..

sorry dude.

ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
the protector.. with tony jaa..

sorry dude.

Okay... point taken. To revise: What BLOCKBUSTER film of 2006 could beat CASINO ROYALE in action sequences?
Agentsands77 said:
Okay... point taken. To revise: What BLOCKBUSTER film of 2006 could beat CASINO ROYALE in action sequences?

Superman Returns ;)
Gold Samurai said:
Superman Returns ;)
Not even close. The action sequences in RETURNS were fairly dull, to say the least (the plane rescue was mildly exciting, but any other action moment was dullsville).
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
Mission impossible 3
Nah. M:I:III's action was okay at best, as well. Nothing particularly exciting in any of the action scenes in that film. I don't think CASINO ROYALE will have any problems running circles around that film in the action department.
i would think your a byist havn't seen the action yet...

MI3 action was top notch.
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
i would think your a byist havn't seen the action yet...
Nah, but I have read the shot-by-shot description in the screenplay. Judging from that and what footage we've seen, I think we're in for a hell of a ride as far as action is concerned, and I'll be shocked if it was otherwise.

MI3 action was top notch.
Nah. It was choppy and rather generic. Nothing particularly impressive about any one of its sequences, really. The best sequences in that movie were the non-action ones, like the interrogation of Davian, or the Vatican assault. The action scenes themselves were just okay.
You used the word generic, from what we have seen in the is Casino royales action.. usual Bond stuff mate, which in it self is generic..
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
You used the word generic, from what we have seen in the is Casino royales action.. usual Bond stuff mate, which in it self is generic..
I mean generic in execution, not generic in concept. And even so, what we're getting in CASINO ROYALE is hardly just the "usual" Bond stuff - this seems like the freshest and most interesting Bond action we've had in ages. The chase in Madagascar seems to be very fresh and unique indeed. This is a much more physical Bond than we've ever seen before, and the stunt work is very impressive indeed.

What sets an action sequence aside these days isn't really the concepts - it's the execution (most concepts have been done in cinema before, regardless of what you're attempting). It's the stunts, the impressive shots, and jaw-dropping moments. If you could, tell me what was so exciting about the scenes in M:I:III? From what I can recall, we had an okay shoot-out rescue, a murky helicopter chase, a nice sequence on a bridge (the best sequence in the film, IMO), a rather standard car sequence, a rather dull scene with a parachute, a running sequence, and a fistfight that was rather anticlimactic. There just weren't a lot of jaw-dropping stunts in M:I:III - aside from the terrific money shot of the explosion throwing Hunt into the car, where were the rest of the really epic stuntwork that was so instantly memorable?

CASINO ROYALE's action, on the other hand, just looks very exciting indeed. The Madagascar scene has an incredible epic sense to it - lots of jaw-dropping stunts and fightwork the whole way through. The Miami tarmac sequence, while a little more standard, does seem to be flawlessly executed as far as jaw-dropping stuntwork is concerned. Just compare the trailers for CASINO ROYALE and M:I:III - which had the more impressive action shots? IMHO, it's CASINO ROYALE.
but which is more exciting..that would belong to Mi:3.

i don't think disscussing this with is going to go anywhere..your not willing to listen.

i already beat which has better action. :)
ROBOCOP CPU001 said:
but which is more exciting..that would belong to Mi:3.
Why, though?

In all fairness, when push comes to shove M:I:III's action may prove to be more exciting than CASINO ROYALE's, but I don't have any reason to think it will be at this point. The action sequences in CASINO ROYALE seem terribly exciting and wowing indeed, more than any Bond film in a very, very long time.

What did M:I:III's sequences have that CASINO ROYALE's don't?

i don't think disscussing this with is going to go anywhere..your not willing to listen.
Well, you haven't really debated my points or really explained your own view, thus there hasn't been much of a discussion. I'm entirely open to debate and willing to listen, but you haven't really said a whole lot, even when I've asked you questions.
I haven't seen anything remotely "spectactular" regarding action sequences this year at the movies. If anything, CASINO ROYALE is assured to have them.

Besides, the stellar action scenes are a part of the reason why audiences go to a James Bond film: they never disappoint.

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