The Dark Knight Animated Batman Series


Apr 19, 2006
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I just want to present this idea but what if someone were to make a Batman animated series not like the ones in the past but something like the Spawn cartoon I don't mean as in gory but just for a older audience more dark and mature like the comics. what are your thoughts? What could they Show?
Spawn series was very superior to any Batman animated series. I'm all for it.
but can you imagine something that good it hasn't been done before and it would fix the damage that "The Batman" has done.
JoeBoxer said:
but can you imagine something that good it hasn't been done before and it would fix the damage that "The Batman" has done.

Yeah, that show sucks.

-Artwork sucks.

- Voiceacting is subpar.

- Too campy, not dark.
NinjaTurtleFan said:
Yeah, that show sucks.

-Artwork sucks.

- Voiceacting is subpar.

- Too campy, not dark.

1.the re-designs are fun.

2.Clancy Brown is great as Freeze and Romano is tolerable as Batman.

3.there going for a Gotham Knigts feel in season four.
oh,and i agree i would also get George Newbern to voice Batman,watch Advent chidlren and listen to him as Sephiroth.
I would absolutley love an darker HBO Batman animated series, it would probably be my favorite cartoon of all time if it was awesome!
Kevin Conroy should voice Batman until he dies.
JoeBoxer said:
I just want to present this idea but what if someone were to make a Batman animated series not like the ones in the past but something like the Spawn cartoon I don't mean as in gory but just for a older audience more dark and mature like the comics. what are your thoughts? What could they Show?

Batman has already received the best treatment in the DCAU, so why bother with yet another series? But I'm open to the idea of Gordon having a series, or maybe another supporting character.
They should make a series like that specially made to fill the gaps between sequals, like clone wars.
Ronny Shade said:
Kevin Conroy should voice Batman until he dies.

goddam right!:up: :up: :up:

What the fuack else is he going to do?
DV8 said:
goddam right!:up: :up: :up:

What the fuack else is he going to do?

(i was gonna edit it once i realized he didnt ask who else is gonna do the voice, but what ever it made me chuckle)
I'm gonna say maybe. As far as I'm concerned TAS is pretty definitive already, but if Timm and company were going to return and do something grittier and more adult for like HBO then I'd very excited.
This thread is in the wrong forum. Somebody close it.
thedarks0ldier said:
They should make a series like that specially made to fill the gaps between sequals, like clone wars.

It should be a comic instead. Sorta like the Superman Returns comic tie-in. It'd be a chance to see Nolan's Batman face off against some lower tier villains that wont be seen on film, and to fill in gaps and such.
JoeBoxer said:
I just want to present this idea but what if someone were to make a Batman animated series not like the ones in the past but something like the Spawn cartoon I don't mean as in gory but just for a older audience more dark and mature like the comics. what are your thoughts? What could they Show?

I know you are new and all - but look at the top of the screen, right next to where it says The Superhero Hype! Boards it says Batman. Click that. Then you will see some text saying Bat-World. That is where you need to make this post - not here, as it has nothing to do with the 2008 Sequel.

the cartoons are kewl. I wish they would put some of the villians in the movies.

they do have a wide variety
Ronny Shade said:
Kevin Conroy should voice Batman until he dies.

AMEN !!!

Keyser Sushi said:
This thread is in the wrong forum. Somebody close it.
What if the topic changed and we were dicussing what if...

thedarks0ldier said:
a series like that specially made to fill the gaps between sequals, like clone wars.
thedarks0ldier said:
What if the topic changed and we were dicussing what if...

You know what, that is a damn good question. That would be acceptable in Paul Bettany's eyes - so it is acceptable for me.
I gotta watch Advent Chilluns. I''ll probably pick it up at the Comic Con tomorrow.

Do you have to have played FF7 to get it?
Ronny Shade said:
I gotta watch Advent Chilluns. I''ll probably pick it up at the Comic Con tomorrow.

Do you have to have played FF7 to get it?

yes,yes you do do some research on en.wilkepedia for game info or else it will seem it has no plot and the only goood none confuseing thing woudl be the graphics and the fight go to wilkepedia and look it up,thats the best source i can think of.

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