APP. "Gotta Catch 'em All." The Pokemon RPG.


Jul 5, 2007
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RPG Application

Screen name of the proposed RPG’s Game Master: JinnSato and if you're interested Mr. Marko and Super Ferret y'all are welcome to join.

Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: No, But I do have Myspace IM. Whatever that counts for.

Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Like I said Mr. Marko or Supper Ferret if they're interested.

How will the overall lay out of the RPG be?: At the least one other GM and an assistant. It will be character driven RPG. It will be ongoing. With short breaks in between seasons.

Premise of RPG: We'd have our own region of the world using already existing pokémon. Players would be able to be Gym Leaders, criminal Team Members, Professors. just regular trainers or anyone from the show or comics or games. The max of six pokémon would still be enforced as would the moves the pokémon would use. Also each player could start with any six pokémon (aside from legendaries or other unique species, who would be permanent NPCs) but if they want more they need to go out and catch them in game.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums: Well this is an RP that I have never seen on this board and I don't think any RPG is anything like this. And a mature look at an other wise childish series.

Title of the RPG you would like to propose: "Gotta Catch 'em All." The Pokemon RPG.

Example of Characters Application:

Name of Character(are they from the comics, show, or games??):

Character's Personality:

Font (be specific.):

Occupation (trainer, Gym leader, ect):

Where is your characters location at the moment?:

Starter Pokemon(chose three):




If you have more in storage what are they:

Why have you chosen this character?:

Please provide a sample post.

Count me in. I always wanted a more mature Pokemon universe.
Thats the point. =]]
Probably need to add that to the app..
Roleplaying Giovanni (Team Rocket Leader, and Viridian City Gym Leader) in a more mature Pokemon environment ...

AWFULLY tempting :wow:
Well if we could get a few more people in this....
So is Season 1 just in Kanto?

Honestly, my knowledge and love of Pokemon only really goes up to the original Red/Blue/Yellow. I did play some of Gold, but it never really caught my interest like the old games used to when I was young.

And yes, I even watch the dubbed 4kids anime ... No laughing! :o

I have a feeling most people might be in the same shoes I'm in. I think this RPG would be better off sticking with only 151 Pokemon canonically.

I would also hope that the games take the most precedent lore-wise as opposed to the anime or anything else. It gives us players more creative leeway if we'll be RPing already established characters.

Just my 2 cents :cwink:
So is Season 1 just in Kanto?

Honestly, my knowledge and love of Pokemon only really goes up to the original Red/Blue/Yellow. I did play some of Gold, but it never really caught my interest like the old games used to when I was young.

And yes, I even watch the dubbed 4kids anime ... No laughing! :o

I have a feeling most people might be in the same shoes I'm in. I think this RPG would be better off sticking with only 151 Pokemon canonically.

I would also hope that the games take the most precedent lore-wise as opposed to the anime or anything else. It gives us players more creative leeway if we'll be RPing already established characters.

Just my 2 cents :cwink:

Yes. Yes and more yes.
I'm thinking each season will end with a tournament. Yada yada... But I think the original 151 pokemon. But I don't see a problem with people using others.
I'm thinking each season will end with a tournament. Yada yada... But I think the original 151 pokemon. But I don't see a problem with people using others.
What kinda tournament? I think something like a Trainer that ever beats the Elite Four and becomes a Pokemon Master would be a better season ender. Or maybe Mewtwo comes out of hiding and starts going on a rampage, trying to get revenge at mankind. You know, something EPIC to end the season, not just a tournament.

Oh btw, I would like to have Giovanni reserved, if in case this RPG does get started up. I have some really cool ideas for Team Rocket! :woot:
RPG Application

Screen name of the proposed RPG’s Game Master: JinnSato and if you're interested Mr. Marko and Super Ferret y'all are welcome to join.

Do You Have An Instant Messenger that we can reach you on for better conversation? (i.e MSN, Yahoo, AIM, ect.) And if so, what is your screenname?: No, But I do have Myspace IM. Whatever that counts for.

Gamemasters/Assistant Gamemasters already chosen: Like I said Mr. Marko or Supper Ferret if they're interested.

How will the overall lay out of the RPG be?: At the least one other GM and an assistant. It will be character driven RPG. It will be ongoing. With short breaks in between seasons.

Premise of RPG: We'd have our own region of the world using already existing pokémon. Players would be able to be Gym Leaders, criminal Team Members, Professors. just regular trainers or anyone from the show or comics or games. The max of six pokémon would still be enforced as would the moves the pokémon would use. Also each player could start with any six pokémon (aside from legendaries or other unique species, who would be permanent NPCs) but if they want more they need to go out and catch them in game.

What will this RPG bring to the RPG forums: Well this is an RP that I have never seen on this board and I don't think any RPG is anything like this. And a mature look at an other wise childish series.

Title of the RPG you would like to propose: "Gotta Catch 'em All." The Pokemon RPG.

Example of Characters Application: I will include this when the time comes.

I want in. And I want a GM position, namely because I'm the one who wrote the bolded portion. :p You theiving bastiche. :p

Anyway, I'd like it to be all of the "common" species (non-legendaries) from all of the games. AND we'd be in a new region (I suggest the name "Hyporia") with new towns and gyms and characters. Though I'd love it if Team Rocket was around.

I want in. And I want a GM position, namely because I'm the one who wrote the bolded portion. :p You theiving bastiche. :p

Anyway, I'd like it to be all of the "common" species (non-legendaries) from all of the games.
Just the common species ... does that disclude Pokemon like Snorlax (who are EXTREMELY rare) or not? (on the other hand, there are TWO of them in the game, and probably more lore-wise).

I do know you're including Mew, Mewtwo, and the Legendary Birds in that description. However, I think it'd be neat if they showed up (maybe not catchable, but at least maybe some trainer in the RPG gets a glance at one).

AND we'd be in a new region (I suggest the name "Hyporia") with new towns and gyms and characters. Though I'd love it if Team Rocket was around.

New region, new towns, and new gyms!? But I like Kanto :csad:

What about if Season 1 starts in Kanto, and then Season 2 could go into a new region that we make up?
Just the common species ... does that disclude Pokemon like Snorlax (who are EXTREMELY rare) or not? (on the other hand, there are TWO of them in the game, and probably more lore-wise).

I do know you're including Mew, Mewtwo, and the Legendary Birds in that description. However, I think it'd be neat if they showed up (maybe not catchable, but at least maybe some trainer in the RPG gets a glance at one).

New region, new towns, and new gyms!? But I like Kanto :csad:

What about if Season 1 starts in Kanto, and then Season 2 could go into a new region that we make up?

What I consider "Legendaries" are: Mew, Mewtwo, the Birds (Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos) the Dogs (Suicune, Entei, Raikou), Celebii, Lugia, Ho-oh, the Regis (Registeel, Regirock, Regiice, Regigigas), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, the Lake Trio (Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf), Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus.

Snorlax are fine, as are the Starters. And I don't mind if they show up, just don't kill/catch them.

And I don't mind starting in Kanto, but I'd like for created characters to be possible. Maybe set it ten years after the events in Red and Blue?
What I consider "Legendaries" are: Mew, Mewtwo, the Birds (Articuno, Moltres, Zapdos) the Dogs (Suicune, Entei, Raikou), Celebii, Lugia, Ho-oh, the Regis (Registeel, Regirock, Regiice, Regigigas), Kyogre, Groudon, Rayquaza, Jirachi, Deoxys, the Lake Trio (Mesprit, Uxie, Azelf), Dialga, Palkia, Heatran, Giratina, Cresselia, Phione, Manaphy, Darkrai, Shaymin and Arceus.

Snorlax are fine, as are the Starters. And I don't mind if they show up, just don't kill/catch them.
Ah I see, you meant Legendaries. Still think Mewtwo deserves a cameo if this RPG gets set up ...

And I don't mind starting in Kanto, but I'd like for created characters to be possible. Maybe set it ten years after the events in Red and Blue?
Original characters could just come into Kanto :oldrazz:

Ten years after Red/Blue? I was hoping we'd start the day Red picks up his first Pokemon. I wanna RP Team Rocket at its peak! :o

Ah I see, you meant Legendaries. Still think Mewtwo deserves a cameo if this RPG gets set up ...

Original characters could just come into Kanto :oldrazz:

Ten years after Red/Blue? I was hoping we'd start the day Red picks up his first Pokemon. I wanna RP Team Rocket at its peak! :o


Why not play a Giovanni that's learned from those past mistakes, and formed a better, stronger Team Rocket?
What's the stats here?

How many are interested?

Get on an IM service!

At my count, six are interested. Although two have only posted once here, but I do believe that I could convince my brother to join for this one.
'Bout 4 or 5 I think. I'm surprised Marko hasn't wandered his way in here yet, although he does play Red over in GV so maybe he isn't interested in playing another Pokemon character.
...I'm on MSN now..o_O

But I have to leave in a little bit.
well this is going better than I thought. I'll have a sample of the app before the weekend is over.
'Sup boys! I'm totally in! I'll take that GM position too. :) I think we need some serious rules to make sure this doesn't turn gay. I plan to rule with an iron fist!!!

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