Corpy? You like that Hourman on that cover? You do dontchya you android lovin sonofa*****.
Yeah, I like it. It would've been nice if Rex actually finished rebuilding him and he were a viable character again, though. Lord knows Rick isn't doing anything worth a damn besides canoodling with Jesse.
Earth-2 Superman as a Black Lantern...I'm entirely nonplussed.
Well, we knew that a bunch of characters would come back as Black Lanterns. I was never really sure why anyone was excited about that in the first place, personally. As much as I'd like some dead characters to come back, I sure as hell don't want them back as zombie Lanterns in service to some evil uberpower.
Anyway, Tim's looking taller and more buff on every subsequent cover, it seems. I wonder if that's a sign...
I wish Mon-El could get a better costume. His classic costume is so incredibly boring. Good character, just, seriously, find something with a little more pizzazz.
Is anyone getting kind of bored of practically every fifth or sixth issue of Booster Gold involving some a lecture from Rip to Booster about how he's f***ed up all of time again? It's been the denouement or aftermath for pretty much every single arc so far, and it looks like it'll be done for this current arc as well, if the solicitation is any indication.
I bet Hal
does get a blue ring. The Blue Lanterns already seem to have the hots for him, and I'm sure Johns considers Hal a beacon of hope to everyone in every universe ever.
Okay, that chick on REBELS has tubes coming out of her boobs... but the solicitation makes me think REBELS is going to be my new favorite series that will inevitably be canceled within 30 issues. What is it about the Brainiacs that makes me love them so?