I've got 1 infraction here, for instance, that I didn't feel I deserved at all... I posted a YouTube video that was being passed around in my workplace.. from some managers! Now, if it's work safe... then surely it's safe here. That was my point. I think, however, that what is safe for the workplace here must be different than in (for example) America. But I'm not holding any malice towards the mods for that, they're doing their jobs. As long as they knew I wasn't purposely trying to bend or break the rules here, then I could abide by the call they made to give me an infraction. In the end, there's gotta be rules otherwise this place just ends up being Thunderdome. That said, I feel banning should be handled on a case by case basis. I've banned someone on the board I run but only after I conferred with another mod to make sure I was being fair and "doing the right thing."