ASM #600! 104 Pages! No reprints! No ads! Now... with CAKE!

Well, trust me, the dedication clearly is present in ASM 600, Dan. I think that some fans just have no respect for how much time and effort have been and still are being put in these books. The same can go for a movie, to. Also, I stayed up all night just to make sure I got 600 right away. This truly was a very fun issue, and the Spider-Mobile, Family Guy reference, etc, were all great additions. Just great job with it all, Dan. It was a long wait until July, but it was well worth it. :yay:

Also, Dan, what made you guys want to make Ock look the way he does now? I mean, hel ooks creepy/awesome as hell, but I'm just curious as to why you guys wanted to do that?

Doc Ock's new look reminded me of the scene in the Star Wars movie, when we first get to see Darth Vader's face very briefly.

I can't believe that people would complain about the length of the first story!!! My God, it was standard issue back in the day that an anniversary issue was have either one gigantic tale....or, a double size conclusion to some ongoing storyline.

BTW, loved the cheap plug in the middle of Dan's reply: "The main thing that practically all the reviewers are united on is the VALUE-- and at $4.99 for 104 pages of all-new material-- with no ads-- it's hard to argue with that. "

Ok, if you have the time, I thought I'd ask just a few more questions:

1) What's your comic collection like? And, what's your most prized one? (Mine is Amazing Fantasy's not in the best condition; but, in the mid-80's I bought it for $100.00, and it was the only comic in my first collection I refused to sell. Sadly, the person who owned it before me put tape on the outside bindings.)

2) Whatcha reading right now that you really enjoy? Do you even find you have time to read very many comics...or, do you stay pretty much focused on your own stuff?

3) What's your favorite movie of the summer so far?

4) Just as I'll buy anything by you, Brubaker, or various writers, who do you make sure you pick up, regardless of what the title is?

5) Speaking of reviews, is there a comic you put out that just got trounced?

6) Last question, besides comics, what is your other hobbies or passions?

7) Ok, last, last question....when writing, do you have to have complete silence? Or, does music inspire you? What's the famed writing room like, or can you write just about anywhere????
If John were at the wedding he wouldn't have had that much screen time-- and it would've blown a chance to show his first meeting with Jay down the line. Their first meeting is rife with story potential. Why throw that away?

It was brought up. You KNOW I'm a John Jameson fan. So rest assured, when he shows up in ASM, it'll be something special.

Cool. How 'bout some Man-Wolf?
1) What's your comic collection like? And, what's your most prized one? (Mine is Amazing Fantasy's not in the best condition; but, in the mid-80's I bought it for $100.00, and it was the only comic in my first collection I refused to sell. Sadly, the person who owned it before me put tape on the outside bindings.)

Man... that's the only Spidey comic I'm missing... I had a chance to buy one in 1990 in VF for about $400, but my comic shop guy didn't have my correct phone number, and he sold to to someone else by the time I got to the store...


But I can happily say that I have 600 consecutive issues of ASM...

1) What's your comic collection like? And, what's your most prized one? (Mine is Amazing Fantasy's not in the best condition; but, in the mid-80's I bought it for $100.00, and it was the only comic in my first collection I refused to sell. Sadly, the person who owned it before me put tape on the outside bindings.)

My comics are in TERRIBLE condition because I take 'em out and re-read 'em all the time. Though I think I have a MARVEL TEAM-UP #1 somewhere-- as one of the few comics I have bagged and boarded-- just because that was my favorite series when I started reading comics.

2) Whatcha reading right now that you really enjoy?


Do you even find you have time to read very many comics...or, do you stay pretty much focused on your own stuff?

Nah. I love comics. And I also want to see what everyone else is up to.

3) What's your favorite movie of the summer so far?

The new STAR TREK. First movie I've seen twice in the theaters for the LONGEST time. Loved, loved, loved it.

4) Just as I'll buy anything by you, Brubaker, or various writers, who do you make sure you pick up, regardless of what the title is?

Brubaker is pretty much tops on my list. Fraction. Johns. Simone. Gage. Hickman now too.

One of my favorite writers-- and I know this is going to sound odd, because most people think of him as an artist first-- is Alan Davis. He's really, really good! And people don't give him enough credit for his writing.

5) Speaking of reviews, is there a comic you put out that just got trounced?

Recently, MIGHTY AVENGERS #22 took some big hits. INITIATIVE #2 was smacked around a lot too. And there were a fair amount of detractors for the first run of SHE-HULK, because some reviewers thought it was too silly.

The most I EVER got "trounced" in print was back in 1991 when I was assistant editor on the Fantastic Four. Either AMAZING HEROES (or COMIC BUYERS GUIDE?) called my cover copy for FANTASTIC FOUR #350 "The worst cover copy in the history of comics." :yay:

For a number of issues, Ben Grimm had turned human again. Whenever the FF needed him to help out, he'd don a big mechanical Thing-Suit. But in this issue, he was going to become The Thing again "for real." It was a hard idea to get across in cover copy-- because we'd seen him AS The Thing (in the suit) for a number of issues. My solution: Have Ben say, in a big ol' word balloon, "Ain't nothing like the REAL THING!"

Yeah. Ouch. They were right. :yay:

6) Last question, besides comics, what is your other hobbies or passions?

I love me the video games. A little bit of Sudoku and Scrabble. And, whenever I can, I try to sneak in a book or too. Not much time for any of 'em though.

7) Ok, last, last question....when writing, do you have to have complete silence? Or, does music inspire you?

Only music that I've heard a zillion times. Nothing too new-- or I start listening to the lyrics. Movie scores, jazz, and other instrumental music is helpful sometimes. But more often than not-- silence is what gets the job done.

What's the famed writing room like, or can you write just about anywhere????

The living room. It's usually a mess. And, no, I can't write anywhere. I need to be around my crap. That said-- some of the best stuff I've written has been in the strangest conditions: scribbling on a yellow legal pad on the head rest of the empty seat in front of me on a 6 hour bus trip-- twice in a diner w/o any paper, and scribbling everything down long hand on napkins-- that said, I think one of my weakest scripts in the past four years (I'm not gonna tell you which one) was written a third here, a third in a hotel room in Ireland, and a third in my parent's house over a noisy Thanksgiving. Sometimes you don't get to choose.

Hope that answered your questions. :yay:
Dan, I have 2 questions.

1. What's your favorite movie of all time?

2. Who's your favorite artist?
One of my favorite writers-- and I know this is going to sound odd, because most people think of him as an artist first-- is Alan Davis. He's really, really good! And people don't give him enough credit for his writing.
What's some of the most substantial stuff he's written? I liked his Egyptian Thor one-shot a little while ago, but I've mostly just seen his art. Did he mostly write for Marvel UK? I never had much access to that stuff, unfortunately.
Dan, I have 2 questions.

1. What's your favorite movie of all time?

Raiders of the Lost Ark

2. Who's your favorite artist?

You're gonna get me in trouble. Um...

John Romita Sr., Gil Kane, and Ross Andru were the artists on Spider-Man when I started reading it, so they were always my favorites.

Over the years I've had some great, long, wonderful collaborations with Ty Templeton, James Fry, Ryan Sook, Mike Kazaleh, Rick Burchett, and Paul Pelletier-- where the chemistry of working with them was incredibly fun. And I eagerly await every chance I can to work with them again!

Working with guys like John Romita Jr. and Marcos Martin and ALL the best-of-the-best since coming back to Marvel in '04 has really been a dream-come-true kinda scenario. It's hard to pick any ONE guy!

Down the line? It's always been a dream to work with some of my favorites: John Byrne, George Perez, Alan Davis... The list goes on! :)
You're gonna get me in trouble. Um...

John Romita Sr., Gil Kane, and Ross Andru were the artists on Spider-Man when I started reading it, so they were always my favorites.

Over the years I've had some great, long, wonderful collaborations with Ty Templeton, James Fry, Ryan Sook, Mike Kazaleh, Rick Burchett, and Paul Pelletier-- where the chemistry of working with them was incredibly fun. And I eagerly await every chance I can to work with them again!

Working with guys like John Romita Jr. and Marcos Martin and ALL the best-of-the-best since coming back to Marvel in '04 has really been a dream-come-true kinda scenario. It's hard to pick any ONE guy!

Down the line? It's always been a dream to work with some of my favorites: John Byrne, George Perez, Alan Davis... The list goes on! :)
Lol, Wow, great list! MY 2 personal favorites are Steve Ditko and John Romita Sr. Ross Andru is also a great atist. Always thought the way he drew the characters made them feel realistic, like Ditko and ROmita Sr. did. JRJR. is anpersonal favorite of mine, and a DEFENITE upcoming legend is Marcos Martin. His work reminds me of Ditko's, but also his own style mixed in. There are SOOO many other artists I love. Loved Dave Cockrums' work on X-Men, George Perezs' work on Avengers was incredible, etc. Can't wait to see more stuff from him in the future. Do you have any plans to work with him again?:yay::up:
Last edited:

I read all those, except Atomic Robo and Invincible. Don't ask me why I don't get Invincible...I think I missed the boat on that, and I'm hoping to find some great deal some day that will be me in on it.

Did you like the recent direction of Walking Dead? I found the past few issues really disturbing, especially with the freaky death of the twins and how easily the main character's son killed one of them. I know it left a bad taste in my mouth. This current storyline looks like things will pick up again.

The new STAR TREK. First movie I've seen twice in the theaters for the LONGEST time. Loved, loved, loved it.

I totally agree...with the latest Harry movie being a close second. I was disappointed with Transformers...felt it was waaay too long.

Brubaker is pretty much tops on my list. Fraction. Johns. Simone. Gage. Hickman now too.

Glad to see you have Simone on your list. I love her work, and it's always great to get to talk to her at the conventions. I'm really surprised she doesn't have a much larger line, as she's done some awesome work for both companies. I really can't wait for the next Welcome To Tranquility.

One of my favorite writers-- and I know this is going to sound odd, because most people think of him as an artist first-- is Alan Davis. He's really, really good! And people don't give him enough credit for his writing.

Amen to that! When I think Alan Davis, I always think Excalibur and Clandestine. His last Clandestine mini was pretty damn good.

For a number of issues, Ben Grimm had turned human again. Whenever the FF needed him to help out, he'd don a big mechanical Thing-Suit. But in this issue, he was going to become The Thing again "for real." It was a hard idea to get across in cover copy-- because we'd seen him AS The Thing (in the suit) for a number of issues. My solution: Have Ben say, in a big ol' word balloon, "Ain't nothing like the REAL THING!"

Yeah. Ouch. They were right. :yay:

If I ever meet you at a convention, I'm now bringing that issue to be signed!

I love me the video games. A little bit of Sudoku and Scrabble. And, whenever I can, I try to sneak in a book or too. Not much time for any of 'em though.

The new Wii Sports Resort is excellent! My son and I have been playing it all week. Best of all, it fits into my gaming attention span of under an hour.

Hope that answered your questions. :yay:

I really appreciate it. When I'm at the conventions, I feel too awkward asking questions to the writers and artists. If I don't know someone, I really get very silent. The extent of my talking is "I really love your work" or "Thank You."
I really appreciate it. When I'm at the conventions, I feel too awkward asking questions to the writers and artists. If I don't know someone, I really get very silent. The extent of my talking is "I really love your work" or "Thank You."

Heh... I was like that with Kirk Cameron (Mike from Growing Pains). He was preaching at a local church so I went and listened. Then I went and got an autograph thinking I'd start conversation and really get to know the guy. I got up to him and he signed my bible (it's all I had on me) and I was dumbstruck. I stood there for a few seconds in silence looking at the autograph and finally I just said "You inspire me" (in a bit of a creepy way really). He just laughed and thanked me and I turned and walked away shaking my head. When I got to my wife and friends I told them we had a good conversation and that he was cool as can be. Just couldn't bare to tell them I got star struck. I wouldn't have heard the end of it.
Heh... I was like that with Kirk Cameron (Mike from Growing Pains). He was preaching at a local church so I went and listened. Then I went and got an autograph thinking I'd start conversation and really get to know the guy. I got up to him and he signed my bible (it's all I had on me) and I was dumbstruck. I stood there for a few seconds in silence looking at the autograph and finally I just said "You inspire me" (in a bit of a creepy way really). He just laughed and thanked me and I turned and walked away shaking my head. When I got to my wife and friends I told them we had a good conversation and that he was cool as can be. Just couldn't bare to tell them I got star struck. I wouldn't have heard the end of it.

lol that's hilarious.
Even just the part about him signing your Bible is hilarious, if I were him I don't think i'd have been able to get myself to do it.

I got to meet william shatner briefly but i was in the tail end of a long line so he was mostly just grumpy and seemed like a jerk. I'd like to think it was just cuz he'd already had to deal with so many fans.
lol that's hilarious.
Even just the part about him signing your Bible is hilarious, if I were him I don't think i'd have been able to get myself to do it.

I got to meet william shatner briefly but i was in the tail end of a long line so he was mostly just grumpy and seemed like a jerk. I'd like to think it was just cuz he'd already had to deal with so many fans.

Was that for the TJ Hooker convention?

That would be neat to meet Shatner, even though from what I heard he can be quite a jerk. I know from the stories I've heard George Takei tell, he doesn't sound like that nice of a guy. If I did meet him, I'd have him sign my Marvel Tekworld comic.
Was that for the TJ Hooker convention?

That would be neat to meet Shatner, even though from what I heard he can be quite a jerk. I know from the stories I've heard George Takei tell, he doesn't sound like that nice of a guy. If I did meet him, I'd have him sign my Marvel Tekworld comic.

George Takei is a jealous prick.

I'm meeting Leonard Nimoy this September at Dragon Con. :word:

Can't wait!
George Takei is a jealous prick.

I'm meeting Leonard Nimoy this September at Dragon Con. :word:

Can't wait!

There's a small chance that I'll be interviewing Nimoy at a Toronto convention at the end of this month :)

I've got my press pass secured and my interview requests submitted and am waiting to hear back. Also on my list of requests: Joe Quesada, Dan Didio, Bruce Campbell, J M Straczynski, Matt Fraction, Steve McNiven, and a host of others. We'll see who I'm lucky enough to get to interview, cuz any of them would be awesome.

I'd have put you on my request list Dan but I guess you're too good to come to Toronto *shakes fist at you* :cwink:
Bruce Campbell seems like a nice guy to talk to in all his interviews. He's very amiable about being a geek god, even though he's not really a geek himself.
I really appreciate it. When I'm at the conventions, I feel too awkward asking questions to the writers and artists. If I don't know someone, I really get very silent. The extent of my talking is "I really love your work" or "Thank You."

I asked Peter David to write me a short story in my sketch pad (he used to joke about artist always being asked to draw stuff for people but they never talked to writers)... he wrote literally "A short story" in my sketch pad. <Sigh> that pad got stolen, I lost an Art Adams Sketch and Martin Nodel's signature.
lol that's hilarious.
Even just the part about him signing your Bible is hilarious, if I were him I don't think i'd have been able to get myself to do it.

I got to meet william shatner briefly but i was in the tail end of a long line so he was mostly just grumpy and seemed like a jerk. I'd like to think it was just cuz he'd already had to deal with so many fans.

I met Walter Keoning once... he snuck in before the con. A friend of mine and I saw him and talked to him a bit. I asked him about Grinnell because I was looking at the college.

George Takai was really cool and actually wrote my friend Rod letters in Japanese.
At least the self-promoting, Spider-Man #600 thread survived being deleted or moved!!!

BTW, Dan, I got those issues in the mail, and am probably most happy owning your first piece of work, Mighty Mouse #10. How does that work exactly? When you got your first writing gig, did you know it was going to be a final issue? And, do you get a call from Marvel, saying, "We'd like you to work for us"...and, you're thinking, "Great, what is it? X-Men, Spider-Man, Hulk???" ....and, they say, "No, Mighty Mouse!"
There's a small chance that I'll be interviewing Nimoy at a Toronto convention at the end of this month :)

I've got my press pass secured and my interview requests submitted and am waiting to hear back. Also on my list of requests: Joe Quesada, Dan Didio, Bruce Campbell, J M Straczynski, Matt Fraction, Steve McNiven, and a host of others. We'll see who I'm lucky enough to get to interview, cuz any of them would be awesome.

I'd have put you on my request list Dan but I guess you're too good to come to Toronto *shakes fist at you* :cwink:

Sound cool, man. I can't wait to read your interview with Joe. You better ask him the tough questions, dude.
George Takei is a jealous prick.

Really? I love when George is announcing on Howard Stern. He sounds like a nice guy. The way he tells it, Shatner is the prick. Treating him as second rate extra and totally brushing him off as a nobody. He's only known George for 40 years and he still won't pronounce his name correctly? Prick.
Really? I love when George is announcing on Howard Stern. He sounds like a nice guy. The way he tells it, Shatner is the prick. Treating him as second rate extra and totally brushing him off as a nobody. He's only known George for 40 years and he still won't pronounce his name correctly? Prick.

I love when Takei is on Howard too. I wish he would just make him a permanent fixture of the show he fits in so well. :woot:
Wait a minute, I just suddenly realized that there was no cake! I've been duped :(
Wait a minute, I just suddenly realized that there was no cake! I've been duped :(

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