Assassin's Creed or COD4?


Br Ba
Jul 13, 2005
Reaction score
I got a PS3 for Christmas and the only game I have right now is Madden 08. I'm going to Wal Mart tomorrow and pick up some games but I can't decide if I should buy Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty 4. Any advice would help
CoD4 by a mile. Assassin's Creed is repetitive as brushing your teeth and has no replay value. COD4 has an amazing single player campaign, PLUS one of the best online multiplayer modes available. Rent Assassin's Creed and buy CoD4.
CoD4 by a mile. Assassin's Creed is repetitive as brushing your teeth and has no replay value. COD4 has an amazing single player campaign, PLUS one of the best online multiplayer modes available. Rent Assassin's Creed and buy CoD4.

Pretty much what he said.
CoD4 by a mile. Assassin's Creed is repetitive as brushing your teeth and has no replay value. COD4 has an amazing single player campaign, PLUS one of the best online multiplayer modes available. Rent Assassin's Creed and buy CoD4.
I just sold my copy of AC for $48.50 on Ebay. Considering I paid about $51 for it, I did good. After completing it, I cant see myself going back to it. There really isnt any incentive too.
I got a PS3 for Christmas and the only game I have right now is Madden 08. I'm going to Wal Mart tomorrow and pick up some games but I can't decide if I should buy Assassin's Creed or Call of Duty 4. Any advice would help

Depends on what you like.

Call of Duty 4 is really fun though. Awesome game.

Assassin's Creed, good game, but kind of repetetive.
assassins creed is awesome so is COD4. but over all go with COD4 to get your moneys worth.

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