Attention Marvel Fans

Chris Wallace

Jul 13, 2001
Reaction score
Be honest. I wanna see how much you enjoy Marvel movies.
I gotta be honest. I've been lying to myself for the past couple of months. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Daredevil sucked monkey balls. I can't complain because I didn't pay to see it, but it was just terrible. I know it's a little late but i just had to get that off of my chest.
Captain America - Saw it on TV years ago. I don't really remember enough to hold an opinion on it.

The Punisher - I've only seen very few bits and pieces of it. Not enough to hold an opinion on it.

The Hulk - I'll be honest, I really have no urge to see this. I'll check it out when it comes out on DVD but other than that, I'm in no hurry.

And I loved the rest.
The only real thing Punisher had to do with the character was the beggining :o
I enjoyed X-men, Spider-Man, Daredevil, and X2. Hulk really didn't sink in as much as the other ones did with me.:daredevil :wolverine :cyclops: :D :D :D
by captain america i encluded the two tv pilot films i havent seen dd or the hulk yet as for the punisher lets just say his guns were empty filmwise:ninja: :spidey:
Not seen Punisher, not seen Cap, not seen Hulk, love the rest :D
Spiderman and the X-men films...reflects feelings of who I was growing up...

Daredevil reflects a lot of my adulthood feeling...

Blade and Hulk are things I WISH I could do...
I like the Hulk more than all of those movies except X2 and Daredevil. I haven't seen those two:o..........
<----hated the punisher only good part was when the thug was on the side of the school bus and he feel off,then being ran over by cars,,lol, that part was great..blade 1&2 were excellent,along with X1&2,spiderman was a lil too kiddie for me but i still liked it, DD was good, cap'n america sucked a mean one,and hulk was very very good in my opion....
I truly enjoyed:

- Spider-Man
- X2
- X-Men

Haven't seen the Hulk yet.
Blade, Hulk, and The X-men movies fall into marvels masterpieces.

Spiderman, BladeII, and DareDevil fall into marvels classics.

The rest are crap.
In my opinion, X2, Hulk, and Spider-Man are the true classic Marvel movies.
Originally posted by 3dman27
by captain america i encluded the two tv pilot films i havent seen dd or the hulk yet as for the punisher lets just say his guns were empty filmwise:ironfist: :spidey:
No. The "Captain America" I refer to fought the Red SKull & had rubber ears & a cool shield.
Originally posted by BrodieBruce
Wh isn't FF up there?
Mainly because it was never actually released. It's available only in bootleg form & hence, I haven't seen it. Since I haven't seen it myself, I can't vote on it & can't rightly ask anyone else to. Besides, from what little I HAVE seen & heard, it sucked sour frog @$$. Cap & Punisher's movies may have also sucked, but at least you can get them @ a legitimate video retailer.

BTW-I'm talking about the Dolph Lundgren "Punisher"; no predictions on the Thomas Jane version.
Originally posted by Chris Wallace
No. The "Captain America" I refer to fought the Red SKull & had rubber ears & a cool shield.
i own a copy of that one too .i considerit very good actually
Hulk and Spider-Man and X2...Never saw DD, didn't have to all my friends told me every single detail!!!!
I enjoyed every one of those films eccept Captain America. Captain America just left m feeling empty and nothing more. Not bad, not good, just..."meh. I'm gonna make a sandwhich".
i enjoyed blade and x2. howard the duck is a guilty pleasure.

the rest could've been better IMO.

haven't seen the hulk though...
In my mind Blade And Hulk are duking it out.

I gotta be honest. I've been lying to myself for the past couple of months. I just didn't want to admit it to myself. Daredevil sucked monkey balls. I can't complain because I didn't pay to see it, but it was just terrible. I know it's a little late but i just had to get that off of my chest.

OMG You mean Im not alone with this opinion!!!??????
Originally posted by cg124
Wheres howard the duck?:(
I saw no reason to list it. That movie was a blight on comic books & on Hollywood as a whole. I am shocked that "Captain America" got any votes at all. That movie was utter crap.

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