Now THERE was a relationship I enjoyed reading! Maybe it's because I'm getting older, but it irks me when people dismiss older people (or characters) simply because of their age. I'm 52, graduated at 50 with my degree in interior design, and am now pursuing my ACE personal fitness trainer certification, and I fully intend to be training jocks and jockettes until I'm 90! (I guess I'm a female version of Mickey Goldmill to potential Rockys!). So judging someone by their age irks the heck out of me.
I was really happy to see how nicely JMS treated Aunt May, and when he gave her and Jarvis a relationship I laughed out loud with delight. He also gave us a few glimpses of May as a younger woman, which was a very nice touch.
I was really happy to see how nicely JMS treated Aunt May, and when he gave her and Jarvis a relationship I laughed out loud with delight. He also gave us a few glimpses of May as a younger woman, which was a very nice touch.